Assassin's Creed Valhalla GuidesGame Guides

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Ship Cosmetic Schemes Unlock Guide

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Ship Cosmetics Unlock Guide
Want to decorate and customize your longship? This Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Ship Cosmetic Schemes Unlock Guide tells you the location of each ship customization part we’ve discovered so far so you can change the appearance of your Hull, Sail, Shields, Figurehead, and Tailpiece of your longship.

Before you are able to customize your longship you must first construct the Shipyard. This is done by upgrading your settlement and then building a Shipyard when the option becomes available in Raventhorpe. Once it has been built you can speak with the workers there to edit and customize your ship with different pieces that you have found.

Ones bought in stores can likely be found in many, if not all trading spots, we just listed the first place they were discovered.

Ship Cosmetics – Hulls

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Reindeer Clan (Hull)
Purchased from the store at Elmenham in East Anglia

Jotunheim Scheme (Hull)
Purchased from the store at Elmenham in East Anglia

Snakebite Scheme (Hull)
You obtain this one by completing the Grantebridgescire hoard map.

Asgard Scheme (Hull)
Complete the storyline at the Seers Hut to unlock this at your shipyard

Ship Cosmetics – Sails

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Reindeer Clan (Sails)
Purchased from the store at Elmenham in East Anglia

Jotunheim Scheme (Sails)
Purchased from the store at Elmenham in East Anglia

Asgard Scheme (Sails)
Complete the storyline at the Seers Hut to unlock this at your shipyard

Ship Cosmetics – Figureheads

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Reindeer Clan (Figurehead)
Purchased from the store at Elmenham in East Anglia

Jotunheim Scheme (Figurehead)
Purchased from the store at Elmenham in East Anglia

Asgard Scheme (Figurehead)
Complete the storyline at the Seers Hut to unlock this at your shipyard

Snakebite Figurehead
Complete and solve the Oxenefordscire Treasure Hoard Map

Ship Cosmetics – Tailpieces

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Snakebite Scheme (Tailpiece)
Complete the East Anglia treasure map to unlock

Reindeer Clan (Tailpiece)
Purchased from the store at Elmenham in East Anglia

Jotunheim Scheme (Tailpiece)
Purchased from the store at Elmenham in East Anglia

Seer Scheme Tailpiece
Complete the Snotinghamscire Treasure Hoard Map

Asgard Scheme (Tailpiece)
Complete the storyline at the Seers Hut to unlock this at your shipyard

Ship Cosmetics – Shields

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Snakebite Scheme (Shields)
Complete the Ledecestrescire Treasure Hoard Map to unlock

Reindeer Clan (Shields)
Purchased from the store at Elmenham in East Anglia

Jotunheim Scheme (Shields)
Purchased from the store at Elmenham in East Anglia

Asgard Scheme (Shields)
Complete the storyline at the Seers Hut to unlock this at your shipyard

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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