Dragon's Dogma 2 GuidesGame Guides

Sphinx Riddles Guide For Dragon’s Dogma 2

The Sphinx Will Ask A Series Of Riddles And You Must Get Them All Right

The legendary Sphinx takes its rightful place atop the Mountain Shrine in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and comes with a variety of riddles, promising brave explorers a bountiful adventure should they answer the riddles correctly.

Sphinx Riddle #1: Riddle Of Eyes


Our eyes are our allies, yet oft do they betray, for eyes tell lies, so I advise, and thence do lead astray.


Enter the door and return with what holds the most value


Head into the room and loot chest directly above the door after you enter, there’s a Sealing Phial in a box. Then, follow the dungeon through to the end and loot the other black chest for a rotten apple.

Return to the Sphinx and give her the Sealing Phial, saying it holds the most value.

Sphinx Riddle #2: Riddle Of Madness


Love is as twin to madness, they say. They are bound fast, as night is to day. So bring forth your most beloved to me, that I might gauge the depth of your insanity.


Bring the most beloved to the Sphinx


You need to bring someone with which you have a high relationship. When you do quests for characters they earn friendship points. Eventually, when you spend enough time with them, they will ask you to go on a mission.

They usually meet you at your house, so be sure to check outside when you return home. Take them on the Escort mission and this guarantees they have high enough friendship.

Then take them to the Sphinx.

Sphinx Riddle #3: Riddle Of Wisdom


The parent knows the child, yet the reverse is far from true. The child knows not the parent: such is the parent’s due. I am a lost child; for kinship do I yearn. So bring to me my “Parent”, that I might better learn.


You need to find a SphinxParent, SphinxMother, or SphinxFather. Firstly, you need to make sure you have the Rift of Fellowship unlocked, which you can find here. Once you have unlocked that, return to any Grand Riftstone, such as the Grand Riftstone of Vermund.

Interact with the Grand Riftstone and select “View Linked Riftstones”, then select the “Fellowship Riftstone”. This will conjure Pawn’s with unique Monikors.

One of the characters will be either SphinxParent, SphinxMother, or SphinxFather. Recruit them and then head back to the Sphinx. Pick them up and place them on the pedestal and then talk with the Sphinx.


Sphinx Riddle #4: Riddle Of Conviction


Life is an enigma–a lender of mortal debt. Yet lighter pack makes fleeter foot and challenge nimbly met. So grant to me what you most prize, and thence elude your ponderous demise.


Bring to her your most valued possession


Grab any item you want and give it to her. When you open the chest, you will get an identical version of the item back.

Sphinx Riddle #5: Riddle Of Rumination


It’s ever the first we keep fond in our breast, and ever the first that eclipses the rest. You know of the Seeker’s Tokens, I trust? Those keepsakes of a fondly remembered journey? Yet where was it that you found your first? Retrace your steps if you can-you might make a new discovery.


You need to return to the first location where you find a Seeker’s Token


Head to the location where you found your first Seeker Token and there will now be a Finder’s Token. Pick that up and return it to the Sphinx.

For more tips, tricks, and hidden secrets, be sure to check out our Dragon’s Dogma 2 Walkthrough Guide collection.

We hope you are enjoying the game, be sure to check out our Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review and find out why we called it “The First Proper RPG In Years”

Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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