Assassin's Creed: Unity GuidesGame Guides

Assassin’s Creed Unity Murder Mystery Guide

Assassin's Creed Unity Murder Mystery Guide
This Assassin’s Creed Unity Murder Mystery Guide lists all of the Murder Mystery quests along with some tips and tricks to come to the justified conclusion and convict the right person. Please feel free to leave any alternative methods in the comments below.

While you’re on a Murder Mystery quest all of the evidence and information you discover is placed into a case file. You can view this case file at any time to check the evidence and statements provided by the witnesses.

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You do not have to find all the clues or speak to all those involved. Once you’ve begun the quest and the culprit is available to accuse, you can do so. I have hidden the name of the perpetrator inside a spoiler dropdox. The missions are great fun and even if you don’t accuse anyone, analyze the clues and come up with a suspect and then see if you were right.

[accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Murder Foretold’]

Murder Mystery: Murder Foretold

Discovering The Clues


  • Body
  • Crumpled paper
  • Body of Friar Stanislaus
  • Body of Friar Bernard
  • Body of Friar Benoit
  • A page of paper
  • Partially burnt diary
  • Large book
  • Statement of Friar Honoré
  • Statement of the Abbot
  • Statement of Friar Benedict
  • Statement of Friar Joseph
  • Statement of the Vineyard Worker

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In Murder Foretold: Friar Honoré
[/infobox] [/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Body in the Brothel’]

Murder Mystery: The Body in the Brothel

Discovering The Clues


  • Woman’s body
  • Diary
  • Ropes and gag
  • Spikes and hooks
  • Whip
  • Statement of Micheline
  • Statement of Anna

De Sade Villa

  • Statement of the Marquis de Sade
  • Statement of the Valet
  • Letter to valet

Leather Shop

  • Statement of the Leather Worker
  • Delivery book

Student’s Hovel

  • Book: 120 Days of Sodom by Donatien A.-F., Marquis de Sade
  • Statement of the Student

Meeting Place

  • Statement of the Vagabond


  • Scrapbook
  • Mysterious letter

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Body in the Brothel: The Valet[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Body Politic’]

Murder Mystery: The Body Politic

Discovering The Clues

Dining Room

  • Man’s body
  • Necklace
  • Victim’s wine glass
  • Statement of Antoine Gerard
  • Statement of Madeleine Gerard
  • Statement of Olivier Gedet
  • Statement of Mme Hennebert


  • Window pane
  • Note to Alicia
  • Statement of Alicia
  • Statement of Armand


  • Note from Gedet
  • Feuillant letter

Black Office

  • Note to agent
  • Note from chemist
  • Report
  • Agent list

André’s House

  • Bottle
  • Note for André
  • Statement of the Old Woman


  • List of accounts
  • Glass bead
  • Statement of the Glassmaker


  • Statement of André

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Body Politic: Gerard[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Red Ghost of the Tuileries’]

Murder Mystery: The Red Ghost of the Tuileries

Discovering The Clues


  • Body of Director Beaudoin
  • Love Letter
  • Invitation
  • Bank registry
  • Newspaper
  • Vent trap
  • Oil painting
  • Marks on wall
  • Vials
  • Personal letter
  • Statement of Counselor LeGall
  • Statement of First Valet
  • Statement of Second Valet
  • Statement of Third Valet

Von Glück Mansion

  • Empty bottles
  • Report
  • Statement of Herr Friedrich von Glück
  • Statement of Brigitta von Glück

Gambling Den

  • Ledger
  • Set of dueling pistols
  • Statement of card-player
  • Statement of Creditor

Victim’s House

  • Historical books and papers
  • Letter from Counselor LeGall
  • Suicide note
  • Religious objects
  • Glass vials
  • Letter from creditor

Counselor’s House

  • Letter from Beaudoin
  • Official-looking letter
  • A genealogical tree

Apothecary Shop

  • Statement of the Apothecary

Secret Room

  • Pot and brush
  • Mouthpiece
  • Levers
  • Red garment
  • Instruments

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Red Ghost of the Tuileries: LeGall [/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Barber of Seville’]

Murder Mystery: Barber of Seville

Discovering The Clues


  • Body
  • Handbill

Café / Love Nest

  • Razor
  • Body
  • Crumpled note
  • Theatre poster
  • Statement of Café Owner

Outdoor Theatre

  • Prop table
  • Fire site
  • Rendezvous note
  • Anonymous note
  • Costume rack
  • Statement of Rose
  • Statement of Pascal
  • Statement of Ficarron

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In Barber of Seville: Ficarron[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Hot Chocolate to Die for’]

Murder Mystery: Hot Chocolate to Die for

Discovering The Clues


  • Statement of Amèlie Monvoisin
  • Women’s body
  • Overturned cup
  • Flower garden
  • Ring

Dining Room

  • Statement of Pierre Duclos
  • Statement of Georges Villiers-Segonac
  • Silver pot
  • Snuffbox
  • Letter to Pierre


  • Statement of the Maid
  • Kitchen supplies
  • Mortar and pestle


  • Crumpled letter
  • Documents
  • Book: Paris Society
  • Commonplace book


  • Statement of Lucille Tuchet

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In Hot Chocolate to Die for: Amèlie Monvoisin[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Bones of Contention’]

Murder Mystery: Bones of Contention

Reward:500, L’etoile Polaire
Discovering The Clues


  • Dirty sackcloth bag
  • Statement of the boatman
  • Statement of National Guardsman

Bella’s House

  • Letter from Jamie
  • Statement of Bella
  • Statement of Jamie MacArthur
  • Statement of old woman


  • Statement of the shopkeeper
  • List of Errands

Jamie’s House

  • Letters from Bella
  • Crumpled letter

Butcher Shop

  • Bloody bucket
  • Large sackcloth bag
  • Small bag
  • Butcher’s block
  • Statement of the butcher

Taverne du chien qui boite

  • Statement of barkeep

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In Bones of Contention: Jamie MacArthur[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Ancestral Vengeance’]

Murder Mystery: Ancestral Vengeance

Discovering The Clues

Teragon’s House

  • Pool of blood
  • Dead body
  • Partially burned letter
  • A book: History of France, volume 4
  • A book: Almanac: Île de la Cité – XII
  • Newspaper
  • Bloody symbol
  • Torture devices
  • Statement of Madame Teragon

Grimany’s House

  • Dead body
  • Bloody symbol
  • Letter from Teragon
  • Torture devices
  • De Prasi’s House
  • Murderer’s blood trail
  • Blood trail out of house
  • Statement of Victor de Prasi
  • Torture devices


  • Trail of blood

Locked House

  • Statement of Anne de Molay

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In Ancestral Vengeance: Anne de Molay[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: A Dash of Poison’]

Murder Mystery: A Dash of Poison

Discovering The Clues


  • Man’s body
  • Woman’s body
  • Empty coin purse
  • Bloody vomit
  • Drops of black liquid
  • Small glass vial

Apothecary Stand

  • Pestle and mortar
  • Medicinal tonics
  • Chemistry books and journals
  • Supplies
  • Statement of the apothecary

Merchant Stall

  • Tonics and medicine
  • Tonic bottle
  • Purses
  • Statement of the merchant


  • Notebook
  • Supplies
  • Pestle and mortar
  • Medicine bottles
  • Statement of the chemist
  • Letter from Samuel Maran

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In A Dash of Poison: Samuel Maran[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Death of Philibert Aspairt’]

Murder Mystery: The Death of Philibert Aspairt

Discovering The Clues


  • Worn shovel
  • Set of keys
  • Old satchel
  • Bible
  • Crate of Chartreuse
  • Loose beads

Apothecary Stand

  • Statement of the apothecary

Merchant Stall

  • Statement of the merchant
  • New shovels
  • Supplies


  • Statement of the barkeep
  • Statement of Antoine Danis
  • Statement of Navarre Cavery
  • Statement of Catherine Doyère
  • Bottles of Chartreuse
  • Bottles of wine and liquor


  • Statement of the nun
  • The blood of Christ
  • Bottles of Chartreuse
  • Stack of Bibles


  • Statement of the gravedigger
  • Shovel
  • Half buried coffin
  • Worn Bible
  • Small wooden cross

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Death of Philibert Aspairt: The Nun (Many thanks to Norra for the contribution). [/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Decapitated Warden’]

Murder Mystery: The Decapitated Warden

Discovering The Clues


  • Dissolving corpse
  • Short sword
  • Statement of Mathieu Rochon
  • Statement of tannery owner

Jewelry Shop

  • Statement of the jewelry shop owner

Warden’s House

  • Letter
  • Statement of the Mme. Camille
  • Statement of Julien Lamond
  • Statement of Genevieve Cerne
  • Statement of MInette Rosier
  • Letter from Warden Leroux


  • Statement of the barkeep
  • Statement of Danton Marotte


  • Head on a pike
  • Statement of the Deputy Warden

Blacksmith Shop

  • Statement of the blacksmith

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Decapitated Warden: Deputy Hugo Souliere[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion]

[accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Cut the Middle Man’]

Murder Mystery: Cut the Middle Man

Discovering The Clues


  • Dead body
  • Footprints
  • Seaweed
  • Satchel


  • Torn medical journal
  • Fishing hook
  • Mattress
  • A book: Guide to Fish Species
  • Statement of asylum inmate


  • Statement of the surgeon
  • Statement of surgeon’s assistant


  • Trail of blood
  • Signs of struggle
  • Raw meat
  • Statement of Leon Doiron

Butcher Shop

  • Butcher’s knives
  • Statement of the butcher
  • Statement of the butcher’s assistant


  • Human limb
  • Statement of the fisherman


  • Pile of corpses
  • Cleaver
  • Torn journal
  • Leather straps


  • Statement of asylum director

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In Cut the Middle Man: Simon Larue[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Hand of Science’]

Murder Mystery: The Hand of Science

Discovering The Clues


  • Corpse
  • Bloody Bible
  • Exam of Pierre Simeoni
  • Exam of Lionel Viala
  • Trail of blood
  • Statement of Pierre Simeoni
  • Statement of Lionel Viala
  • Statement of Professor Frison


  • Statement of the priest
  • Statement of the church deacon


  • List of chemicals
  • Manifesto
  • Scrap of paper


  • Lesson plan
  • Chemical vials
  • Smashed bottles
  • Statement of the school caretaker


  • L’avantcourer Journal
  • Key

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Hand of Science: Frison[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Killed by Science’]

Murder Mystery: Killed by Science

Discovering The Clues
Huge thanks to Marc Lafaber for providing all the details for this Murder Mystery mission


  • Man’s body
  • Bouquet
  • Personal letter
  • Statement of Arianne
  • Statement of La Grouille
  • Statement of Olympe
  • The Solar Cannon
  • Statement of Gilbert Duchamps


  • Statement of Robert Rousseau

Cafe Fevrier

  • Statement of cafe server
  • Statement of cafe customer
  • Statement of Sergeant Saint-Bris
  • Box of cartridges

Victim’s house

  • Competition handbill
  • Letter from victim’s father
  • Letter from victim’s friend
  • Statement of Honorine Sagna
  • Threatening letter


  • Statement of Citizen-Prefevt Jugnot
  • Statement of Colonel Ludre de Frolois
  • Statement of Frolois’s Secretary
[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who is Guilty in Killed by Science: Colonel Ludre de Frolois[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat’]

Murder Mystery: The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat

Rewards: 1500, Meser
Discovering The Clues

Marat’s House

  • Jean-Paul Marat’s body
  • Empty Bottle of tonic
  • Bloody knife
  • The Friend of the People
  • Statement of Jacques-Louis David
  • List of Girondin traitors
  • Letter from Charlotte Corday


  • Statement of Albertine Marat
  • Statement of Jasper Lasalle
  • Statement of Simmone Evrard
  • Statement of Charlotte Corday
  • Statement of Theron Brignac


  • Letter from Charlotte Corday
  • Plutarch’s Parallel Lives


  • Letter from Simmone Evrard
  • Corpse


  • Statement of Dominique Bûches


  • Statement of Jacqueline Perel
  • Statement of Madeline Leclair
  • Statement of Chantelle Naves

Merchant Stall

  • Statement of the merchant
  • Providence Hotel Handbill

Apothecary Stall

  • Statement of the apothecary

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat: Charlotte Corday[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion]

Assassin’s Creed Unity DLC: Dead Kings For You Murder Mystery DLC Guides

[accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Equal Justice’]

Murder Mystery: Equal Justice

Rewards: N/A
Discovering The Clues


  • An enrollment leaflet
  • Statement of the sad soldier
  • The body of the victim
  • The lyrics of a song

Destroyed house

  • The body of the second victim
  • The murder weapon


  • A pamphlet on women
  • Declaration of the right of women
  • Statement of the young musician


  • The lyrics of a song
  • Statement of the old officer

Who Is Guilty In Equal justice: The young musician

[/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Blind Justice’]

Murder Mystery: Blind Justice

Rewards: N/A
Discovering The Clues


  • Broken glass
  • the body of the victim
  • The statement of the witness


  • A crumple paper
  • Statement of the street artist


  • Statement of the baker

Who Is Guilty In Blind Justice: The Street artist.

If you have any additional information to provide, please feel free to post a comment below and we’ll update the guide and credit your name.

[blogger ids=” cat=’assassins-creed-unity-guides’ orderby=’random’ order=’desc’ count=’5′ descr=’200′ readmore=’1′ rating=’0′ style=’image_medium’ border=’0′ dir=’vertical’]

Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter


    1. If you go left from the “house” till you hit the main road, then go down a little you should have a mark on your map called “landmark” it’s in that building. Why it doesn’t ping on the map is beyond me.

  1. As this is quite a lengthy and popular guide, I thought I’d pitch you guys a question 😀

    For long articles such as this, do you prefer the single page layout or would it be better split into different pages? Feedback is appreciated 😀

    1. Could you make each case collapsible, or at lease each area in said case collapsible? That way its not just one big wall of text. Also one could avoid the investigation sites of other cases while scrolling if it were collapsed

  2. I have done all of the murder case icons on my map, so when can new cases be accessed? Are they accessible as you progress through the story or as you get near the initial scene do they pop up? I read somewhere to speak to the guy in the cell (Vidocq), but he repeats a couple of different dialogue and no new cases pop up.

  3. Alright, I’ve got a bigger issue.. The Body in the Brothel case is like Greyed out. It’s not available. I’m at the Starting location even, staring at the bed she/he/it was murdered in.. but I get nothing.. Is there anything I could do?

    1. Same issue. Apparently it’s a bug that a bunch of people have, but not everyone. I constantly keep track of forums for different solutions, no luck so far. Guess we’ll have to wait for a Ubisoft fix.

  4. I have completed the dlc murder mystery, “Killed by Science,” and would like to post the location, clues, and the murder culprit here.

  5. For the Killed by Science case, there is a 6th clue location, directly over the location of the clock maker, near the murder scene. There are 6 clues here, and they help explain the true motive of the killer.


    When you’re playing the mission, it says 6 locations. The last location is the Laboratory is just above Robert Rousseau and is entered from the window. There are six clues there.

    LABORATORY – Scientific apparatus
    LABORATORY – Competition handbill
    LABORATORY – Vials (Found in front of the barrels)
    LABORATORY – Barrels
    LABORATORY – Laboratory notes
    LABORATORY – Cracked window


    When you’re playing the mission, it says 6 locations. The last location is the Laboratory is just above Robert Rousseau and is entered from the window. There are six clues there.

    LABORATORY – Scientific apparatus
    LABORATORY – Competition handbill
    LABORATORY – Vials (Found in front of the barrels)
    LABORATORY – Barrels
    LABORATORY – Laboratory notes
    LABORATORY – Cracked window

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