Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth GuidesGame Guides

How To Travel Back To The Grasslands In FF7 Rebirth

Once you reach the Junon Region, you cannot return to the Grasslands until a certain quest is complete. In this guide on How To Travel Back To The Grasslands In FF7 Rebirth we’ll walk you through finding the special side quest and completing it quickly, so you can return to the Grasslands to complete other objectives.

There are many reasons you may want to return to the Grasslands. If you haven’t defeated the Classified Foe you will be unable to learn the Enemy Skill in the Junon Region. You may also want to return to buy any Materia you missed or complete World Intel. Either way, you can return relatively quickly if you know where to look.

How To Travel Back To The Grasslands In FF7 Rebirth

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] A map showing How To Travel Back To The Grasslands
If you want to unlock fast travel back to the Grasslands, you will need to complete the side quest Stuck In A Rut. This quest can be found at Gabe’s Ranch, at the location shown above. Once you have the side quest, you will need to catch the Junon Region Chocobo. This Chocobo can be found just West of Gabe’s Ranch, shown by the Chocobo Track Icon on the map above. Once you’ve got the Chocobo, you simply follow the objectives to finish the quest.

Part of the quest involves tracking down three unique materials. They are all very easy to find, all in the small area North of Gabe’s Ranch and the Chocobo Tracks location. If you’re struggling to find them, check out our guide to find the Wainwrights materials.

If you have any questions on Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, post a comment below or hit me up on Twitter (X).

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How To Fast Travel In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Traditional fast traveling, where you open the map and fast travel to a previously visited location, is unlocked very early in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, through main story progress. Once unlocked, all you need to do is open your map, pick a fast travel location (such as a repaired Chocobo Stop) and then select the fast travel option. There are some nuances to this system. When you reach a new region, such as traveling from the Grasslands to Junon Region, you are often restricted from fast traveling until certain quests or story progress has been met.

Later in the game, when you have unlocked multiple regions, you will often have to use different fast travel locations, instead of just travelling across multiple regions.

How Can You Return To Previous Areas In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Indeed, in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, none of the main regions remain permanently locked. However, a common occurrence is the temporary locking of previous regions upon entering new ones. For instance, departing from the Grasslands to venture into the Junon Region results in the temporary inability to return to the Grasslands until a specific quest at the Junon Region Chocobo Ranch is completed. This restriction is consistently applied to various locations as you advance through the narrative, ensuring a guided progression in the game world.

How Do You Get A Chocobo In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

The act of finding and unlocking Chocobo’s is relatively straightforward and it remains the same through all of the early regions of FF7 Rebirth. You first need to locate the Chocobo’s location, this is marked by a Chocobo feet icon on the map. You can then track these prints to find the Chocobo exclusive to that region. Chocobo’s found in a region can only be used in that region, as they have unique traversal abilities only available in that same reason. There is usually a mini-game associated with catching the Chocobo, once found. Simply complete the mini-game to unlock the Chocobo.

How To Fly In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

In FF7 Rebirth, the ability to fly eventually becomes accessible, albeit with distinctions from the original Final Fantasy 7 game. Unlike the unrestricted flight across the entire world in the original, flying in FF7 Rebirth via the Bronco serves as an extension of the fast travel system. It enables you to efficiently revisit multiple regions without reliance on boats or ports. While it doesn’t offer the same level of exploration for uncovering secrets and treasures as the original game, it streamlines traversal across previously visited areas, enhancing overall convenience and efficiency in your journey.

Is Cid in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Cid is a popular character name featured across most of the Final Fantasy games. He’s usually a pilot, a wrench, a tinkerer of sorts. Final Fantasy 7’s Cid is one of the main characters that you can unlock and he returns in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. However, he is not a playable character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and merely acts as a friend to the party to aid with their adventure.

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Be sure to check out our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Walkthrough Guide collection for side quests, tips, tricks, and mini-game help. Also, check out our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Review and find out why we said “it’s like waving goodbye to an old friend”.

Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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