Assassin's Creed Valhalla GuidesGame Guides

AC Valhalla What Dreams May Come Light Puzzle Guide

There's Another Light Puzzle Guide At The End Of The DLC

Right at the end of the Crossover Stories DLC, there’s a light puzzle. This AC Valhalla What Dreams May Come Light Puzzle Guide will tell you how you can solve the final puzzle in the Cave of Gold so you can complete the DLC and enjoy a brief bit of bonding between Kassandra and Eivor.

This is actually a really simple puzzle, unless you’re like me and you spent 45 minutes aiming the lights at the strange object hovering over the door. There are switches, two, one on the left of the door and one on the right, those are the things you need to light up with the light from the pedestals.

AC Valhalla What Dreams May Come Light Puzzle Guide

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] AC Valhalla What Dreams May Come Light Puzzle Guide
At the very start of the room there is a single pedestal that can be pushed. You need to push this pedestal so that it takes the light and then you direct it at the pedestal directly in front of you, over the small gap with the wooden beams. You then move to that pedestal (you may need to destroy the large hanging rock in the center of the room first).

AC Valhalla What Dreams May Come Light Puzzle Guide
You align the second pedestal with the lock on the right of the door. Then you move to the Pedestal that is above the door and to the right. That Pedestal you aim down at the one directly below it and then aim that one at the lock on the left side of the door. That will open the way ahead and you can progress.

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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