Assassin's Creed Valhalla GuidesGame Guides

Assassins Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Treasure Hoard Map Guide

Assassins Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Treasure Hoard Map Guide
Hamtunscire hides some hidden treasures. This Assassins Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Treasure Hoard Map Guide will lead you through the treasure hunt, helping you locate the map, telling you how to decipher the clues, and where you can find the treasure at the end of the trail.

All of the regions in the game hold hidden treasures and the treasure maps in AC Valhalla are some of the trickiest content to solve. Once you locate the map you can inspect it in your inventory to find the clue. You’re then tasked with following the clues to reveal the location of the buried treasure.

Assassins Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Treasure Hoard Map Guide

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Hamtunscire Treasure Hoard Map Location
Hamtunscire Treasure Hoard Map Location
You will find the map here in Hamtunscire. It’s a very small enemy stronghold. You will need explosive arrows or one of the red jars to be able to break through the floor to get to the treasure map below.

Hamtunscire Hoard Map Clue
Hamtunscire Hoard Map Clue
This treasure maps clue is a riddle: In the south and western corner of Hamtunscire, lost in Wishtman’s Woods, I ran from the devil with my riches. Fatigued like a hunting hound, the darkness of trees sending shivers in my spine, an endless fog clouding my vision, a tree of holy red, placed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the Blood of Christ: here. I paid my divine commissions, I gave my wealth to the ancient reliquary, and the Lord pardoned my fees.

Hamtunscire Treasure Hoard Map Solution
Hamtunscire Treasure Hoard Map Solution
You can find the treasure at this location in Hamtunscire, deep in the woods North of Werham. There’s a huge red tree surrounded by some water, nearly impossible to miss. There is some cracked earth in front of the tree. That’s where you’ll find the treasure.

You get a Warrior Tears Scheme, a head tattoo.

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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