Assassin's Creed: Unity Guides Short and accurate game guides designed to save you time and effort. Honest Game Reviews, Breaking News, & More Mon, 26 Jan 2015 06:27:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Assassin's Creed: Unity Guides 32 32 Assassin’s Creed Unity Initiate Guide: How To Open Initiate Chests Thu, 13 Nov 2014 15:11:53 +0000 Doing so is simple. Pause the game and scroll down to the last option, you will see "Initiates". Simply click this option and then go through the following prompts with the "next" option. Eventually you will arrive at a profile screen with a level 1 character, a basic image and some "Coming Soon" tiles below.

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Assassin's Creed Unity Initiate Chests Guide
This Assassin’s Creed Unity Initiate Guide: How To Unlock Initiate Chests will list all of the available items and equipment you can obtain through the unlocking of Initiate Chests. The Initiate Chests are different to the other chests you can discover in the game as they are initially not available to the player. In order to unlock the Initiate Chests you first need to create your Initiate character.

[blogger ids=’40255′ cat=” orderby=’date’ order=’desc’ count=’3′ descr=’350′ readmore=’1′ rating=’1′ style=’date’ border=’1′ dir=’horizontal’]

Doing so is simple. Pause the game and scroll down to the last option, you will see “Initiates”. Simply click this option and then go through the following prompts with the “next” option. Eventually you will arrive at a profile screen with a level 1 character, a basic image and some “Coming Soon” tiles below. There may be other requirements that I wasn’t aware of as the in-game app would not load for my initially. If you know of any, please leave a comment and I’ll be sure to credit your name in the guide. From this point on you can unlock Initiate Chests scattered across Paris so long as you have the required level. If you want to unlock other items, check out our complete guide to unlocking weapons or equipment.

I have wrote these down in as simple a fashion as possible. From upper right of the map to lower left. I will add the contents as soon as possible but currently there doesn’t appear to be any Initiates activities available.
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [puzzles][blogger style=’image_large’ cat=’assassins-creed-unity-guides’ orderby=’random’ order=’desc’ count=’3′ descr=’200′][/puzzles] [line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

Location: Cafe Theatre
Equipment: Edwards Assassin Outfit
Initiates Level Required: Level 1

Location: Arsenal, Le Marais. North East of the fast travel location
Initiates Level Required: 7

Location: Marais, Le Marais. West of previous Initiate Chest
Initiates Level Required: 8

Location: Temple, Le Marais. North West of previous Initiate Chest
Initiates Level Required: 9

Location: Hotel De Ville, Ventre De Paris. Middle of map, just North of river
Initiates Level Required: 2

Location: Saint-Marcel, La Bievre. South East corner of map, Very close to fast travel point.
Initiates Level Required: 13

Location: Pantheon, La Bievre. North West of previous Initiate Chest, North West of fast travel point.
Initiates Level Required: 10

Location: Luxembourg, Le Quartier Latin. North West of previous Initiate Chest
Initiates Level Required: 5

Location: Saint-Lambert, Les Invalides. North West of previous Initiate Chest. North of fast travel point
Initiates Level Required: 15

I will update this guide once Ubisoft release more information about Initiates, including tips for leveling should they be needed.

Popular Assassin’s Creed Unity Guides

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Assassin’s Creed Unity Murder Mystery Guide Tue, 11 Nov 2014 20:04:35 +0000 This Assassin's Creed Unity Murder Mystery Guide lists all of the Murder Mystery quests along with some tips and tricks to come to the justified conclusion and convict the right person. Please feel free to leave any alternative methods in the comments below.

The post Assassin’s Creed Unity Murder Mystery Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Assassin's Creed Unity Murder Mystery Guide
This Assassin’s Creed Unity Murder Mystery Guide lists all of the Murder Mystery quests along with some tips and tricks to come to the justified conclusion and convict the right person. Please feel free to leave any alternative methods in the comments below.

While you’re on a Murder Mystery quest all of the evidence and information you discover is placed into a case file. You can view this case file at any time to check the evidence and statements provided by the witnesses.

[blogger ids=’40255′ cat=” orderby=’date’ order=’desc’ count=’3′ descr=’350′ readmore=’1′ rating=’1′ style=’date’ border=’1′ dir=’horizontal’]

You do not have to find all the clues or speak to all those involved. Once you’ve begun the quest and the culprit is available to accuse, you can do so. I have hidden the name of the perpetrator inside a spoiler dropdox. The missions are great fun and even if you don’t accuse anyone, analyze the clues and come up with a suspect and then see if you were right.

[accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Murder Foretold’]

Murder Mystery: Murder Foretold

Discovering The Clues


  • Body
  • Crumpled paper
  • Body of Friar Stanislaus
  • Body of Friar Bernard
  • Body of Friar Benoit
  • A page of paper
  • Partially burnt diary
  • Large book
  • Statement of Friar Honoré
  • Statement of the Abbot
  • Statement of Friar Benedict
  • Statement of Friar Joseph
  • Statement of the Vineyard Worker

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In Murder Foretold: Friar Honoré
[/infobox] [/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Body in the Brothel’]

Murder Mystery: The Body in the Brothel

Discovering The Clues


  • Woman’s body
  • Diary
  • Ropes and gag
  • Spikes and hooks
  • Whip
  • Statement of Micheline
  • Statement of Anna

De Sade Villa

  • Statement of the Marquis de Sade
  • Statement of the Valet
  • Letter to valet

Leather Shop

  • Statement of the Leather Worker
  • Delivery book

Student’s Hovel

  • Book: 120 Days of Sodom by Donatien A.-F., Marquis de Sade
  • Statement of the Student

Meeting Place

  • Statement of the Vagabond


  • Scrapbook
  • Mysterious letter

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Body in the Brothel: The Valet[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Body Politic’]

Murder Mystery: The Body Politic

Discovering The Clues

Dining Room

  • Man’s body
  • Necklace
  • Victim’s wine glass
  • Statement of Antoine Gerard
  • Statement of Madeleine Gerard
  • Statement of Olivier Gedet
  • Statement of Mme Hennebert


  • Window pane
  • Note to Alicia
  • Statement of Alicia
  • Statement of Armand


  • Note from Gedet
  • Feuillant letter

Black Office

  • Note to agent
  • Note from chemist
  • Report
  • Agent list

André’s House

  • Bottle
  • Note for André
  • Statement of the Old Woman


  • List of accounts
  • Glass bead
  • Statement of the Glassmaker


  • Statement of André

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Body Politic: Gerard[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Red Ghost of the Tuileries’]

Murder Mystery: The Red Ghost of the Tuileries

Discovering The Clues


  • Body of Director Beaudoin
  • Love Letter
  • Invitation
  • Bank registry
  • Newspaper
  • Vent trap
  • Oil painting
  • Marks on wall
  • Vials
  • Personal letter
  • Statement of Counselor LeGall
  • Statement of First Valet
  • Statement of Second Valet
  • Statement of Third Valet

Von Glück Mansion

  • Empty bottles
  • Report
  • Statement of Herr Friedrich von Glück
  • Statement of Brigitta von Glück

Gambling Den

  • Ledger
  • Set of dueling pistols
  • Statement of card-player
  • Statement of Creditor

Victim’s House

  • Historical books and papers
  • Letter from Counselor LeGall
  • Suicide note
  • Religious objects
  • Glass vials
  • Letter from creditor

Counselor’s House

  • Letter from Beaudoin
  • Official-looking letter
  • A genealogical tree

Apothecary Shop

  • Statement of the Apothecary

Secret Room

  • Pot and brush
  • Mouthpiece
  • Levers
  • Red garment
  • Instruments

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Red Ghost of the Tuileries: LeGall [/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Barber of Seville’]

Murder Mystery: Barber of Seville

Discovering The Clues


  • Body
  • Handbill

Café / Love Nest

  • Razor
  • Body
  • Crumpled note
  • Theatre poster
  • Statement of Café Owner

Outdoor Theatre

  • Prop table
  • Fire site
  • Rendezvous note
  • Anonymous note
  • Costume rack
  • Statement of Rose
  • Statement of Pascal
  • Statement of Ficarron

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In Barber of Seville: Ficarron[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Hot Chocolate to Die for’]

Murder Mystery: Hot Chocolate to Die for

Discovering The Clues


  • Statement of Amèlie Monvoisin
  • Women’s body
  • Overturned cup
  • Flower garden
  • Ring

Dining Room

  • Statement of Pierre Duclos
  • Statement of Georges Villiers-Segonac
  • Silver pot
  • Snuffbox
  • Letter to Pierre


  • Statement of the Maid
  • Kitchen supplies
  • Mortar and pestle


  • Crumpled letter
  • Documents
  • Book: Paris Society
  • Commonplace book


  • Statement of Lucille Tuchet

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In Hot Chocolate to Die for: Amèlie Monvoisin[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Bones of Contention’]

Murder Mystery: Bones of Contention

Reward:500, L’etoile Polaire
Discovering The Clues


  • Dirty sackcloth bag
  • Statement of the boatman
  • Statement of National Guardsman

Bella’s House

  • Letter from Jamie
  • Statement of Bella
  • Statement of Jamie MacArthur
  • Statement of old woman


  • Statement of the shopkeeper
  • List of Errands

Jamie’s House

  • Letters from Bella
  • Crumpled letter

Butcher Shop

  • Bloody bucket
  • Large sackcloth bag
  • Small bag
  • Butcher’s block
  • Statement of the butcher

Taverne du chien qui boite

  • Statement of barkeep

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In Bones of Contention: Jamie MacArthur[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Ancestral Vengeance’]

Murder Mystery: Ancestral Vengeance

Discovering The Clues

Teragon’s House

  • Pool of blood
  • Dead body
  • Partially burned letter
  • A book: History of France, volume 4
  • A book: Almanac: Île de la Cité – XII
  • Newspaper
  • Bloody symbol
  • Torture devices
  • Statement of Madame Teragon

Grimany’s House

  • Dead body
  • Bloody symbol
  • Letter from Teragon
  • Torture devices
  • De Prasi’s House
  • Murderer’s blood trail
  • Blood trail out of house
  • Statement of Victor de Prasi
  • Torture devices


  • Trail of blood

Locked House

  • Statement of Anne de Molay

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In Ancestral Vengeance: Anne de Molay[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: A Dash of Poison’]

Murder Mystery: A Dash of Poison

Discovering The Clues


  • Man’s body
  • Woman’s body
  • Empty coin purse
  • Bloody vomit
  • Drops of black liquid
  • Small glass vial

Apothecary Stand

  • Pestle and mortar
  • Medicinal tonics
  • Chemistry books and journals
  • Supplies
  • Statement of the apothecary

Merchant Stall

  • Tonics and medicine
  • Tonic bottle
  • Purses
  • Statement of the merchant


  • Notebook
  • Supplies
  • Pestle and mortar
  • Medicine bottles
  • Statement of the chemist
  • Letter from Samuel Maran

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In A Dash of Poison: Samuel Maran[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Death of Philibert Aspairt’]

Murder Mystery: The Death of Philibert Aspairt

Discovering The Clues


  • Worn shovel
  • Set of keys
  • Old satchel
  • Bible
  • Crate of Chartreuse
  • Loose beads

Apothecary Stand

  • Statement of the apothecary

Merchant Stall

  • Statement of the merchant
  • New shovels
  • Supplies


  • Statement of the barkeep
  • Statement of Antoine Danis
  • Statement of Navarre Cavery
  • Statement of Catherine Doyère
  • Bottles of Chartreuse
  • Bottles of wine and liquor


  • Statement of the nun
  • The blood of Christ
  • Bottles of Chartreuse
  • Stack of Bibles


  • Statement of the gravedigger
  • Shovel
  • Half buried coffin
  • Worn Bible
  • Small wooden cross

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Death of Philibert Aspairt: The Nun (Many thanks to Norra for the contribution). [/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Decapitated Warden’]

Murder Mystery: The Decapitated Warden

Discovering The Clues


  • Dissolving corpse
  • Short sword
  • Statement of Mathieu Rochon
  • Statement of tannery owner

Jewelry Shop

  • Statement of the jewelry shop owner

Warden’s House

  • Letter
  • Statement of the Mme. Camille
  • Statement of Julien Lamond
  • Statement of Genevieve Cerne
  • Statement of MInette Rosier
  • Letter from Warden Leroux


  • Statement of the barkeep
  • Statement of Danton Marotte


  • Head on a pike
  • Statement of the Deputy Warden

Blacksmith Shop

  • Statement of the blacksmith

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Decapitated Warden: Deputy Hugo Souliere[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion]

[accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Cut the Middle Man’]

Murder Mystery: Cut the Middle Man

Discovering The Clues


  • Dead body
  • Footprints
  • Seaweed
  • Satchel


  • Torn medical journal
  • Fishing hook
  • Mattress
  • A book: Guide to Fish Species
  • Statement of asylum inmate


  • Statement of the surgeon
  • Statement of surgeon’s assistant


  • Trail of blood
  • Signs of struggle
  • Raw meat
  • Statement of Leon Doiron

Butcher Shop

  • Butcher’s knives
  • Statement of the butcher
  • Statement of the butcher’s assistant


  • Human limb
  • Statement of the fisherman


  • Pile of corpses
  • Cleaver
  • Torn journal
  • Leather straps


  • Statement of asylum director

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In Cut the Middle Man: Simon Larue[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Hand of Science’]

Murder Mystery: The Hand of Science

Discovering The Clues


  • Corpse
  • Bloody Bible
  • Exam of Pierre Simeoni
  • Exam of Lionel Viala
  • Trail of blood
  • Statement of Pierre Simeoni
  • Statement of Lionel Viala
  • Statement of Professor Frison


  • Statement of the priest
  • Statement of the church deacon


  • List of chemicals
  • Manifesto
  • Scrap of paper


  • Lesson plan
  • Chemical vials
  • Smashed bottles
  • Statement of the school caretaker


  • L’avantcourer Journal
  • Key

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Hand of Science: Frison[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Killed by Science’]

Murder Mystery: Killed by Science

Discovering The Clues
Huge thanks to Marc Lafaber for providing all the details for this Murder Mystery mission


  • Man’s body
  • Bouquet
  • Personal letter
  • Statement of Arianne
  • Statement of La Grouille
  • Statement of Olympe
  • The Solar Cannon
  • Statement of Gilbert Duchamps


  • Statement of Robert Rousseau

Cafe Fevrier

  • Statement of cafe server
  • Statement of cafe customer
  • Statement of Sergeant Saint-Bris
  • Box of cartridges

Victim’s house

  • Competition handbill
  • Letter from victim’s father
  • Letter from victim’s friend
  • Statement of Honorine Sagna
  • Threatening letter


  • Statement of Citizen-Prefevt Jugnot
  • Statement of Colonel Ludre de Frolois
  • Statement of Frolois’s Secretary
[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who is Guilty in Killed by Science: Colonel Ludre de Frolois[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat’]

Murder Mystery: The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat

Rewards: 1500, Meser
Discovering The Clues

Marat’s House

  • Jean-Paul Marat’s body
  • Empty Bottle of tonic
  • Bloody knife
  • The Friend of the People
  • Statement of Jacques-Louis David
  • List of Girondin traitors
  • Letter from Charlotte Corday


  • Statement of Albertine Marat
  • Statement of Jasper Lasalle
  • Statement of Simmone Evrard
  • Statement of Charlotte Corday
  • Statement of Theron Brignac


  • Letter from Charlotte Corday
  • Plutarch’s Parallel Lives


  • Letter from Simmone Evrard
  • Corpse


  • Statement of Dominique Bûches


  • Statement of Jacqueline Perel
  • Statement of Madeline Leclair
  • Statement of Chantelle Naves

Merchant Stall

  • Statement of the merchant
  • Providence Hotel Handbill

Apothecary Stall

  • Statement of the apothecary

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]SPOILER!! Who Is Guilty In The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat: Charlotte Corday[/infobox][/accordion_item][/accordion]

Assassin’s Creed Unity DLC: Dead Kings For You Murder Mystery DLC Guides

[accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Equal Justice’]

Murder Mystery: Equal Justice

Rewards: N/A
Discovering The Clues


  • An enrollment leaflet
  • Statement of the sad soldier
  • The body of the victim
  • The lyrics of a song

Destroyed house

  • The body of the second victim
  • The murder weapon


  • A pamphlet on women
  • Declaration of the right of women
  • Statement of the young musician


  • The lyrics of a song
  • Statement of the old officer

Who Is Guilty In Equal justice: The young musician

[/accordion_item][/accordion] [accordion initial=’0′][accordion_item title=’Murder Mystery: Blind Justice’]

Murder Mystery: Blind Justice

Rewards: N/A
Discovering The Clues


  • Broken glass
  • the body of the victim
  • The statement of the witness


  • A crumple paper
  • Statement of the street artist


  • Statement of the baker

Who Is Guilty In Blind Justice: The Street artist.

If you have any additional information to provide, please feel free to post a comment below and we’ll update the guide and credit your name.

[blogger ids=” cat=’assassins-creed-unity-guides’ orderby=’random’ order=’desc’ count=’5′ descr=’200′ readmore=’1′ rating=’0′ style=’image_medium’ border=’0′ dir=’vertical’]

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]]> 22
Assassin’s Creed Unity Weapon Unlockables Guide – How To Unlock All Weapons Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:32:58 +0000 This Assassin's Creed Unity Unlockables Guide - Weapons, Equipment & Boosts lists all of the items that you can unlock via in-game activities, using the companion app and performing other tasks outside of just making a purchase. There are several types of requirements when unlocking any Weapons, Equipment or Boosts including completing certain missions & objectives, performing actions in multiplayer or using the companion app.

The post Assassin’s Creed Unity Weapon Unlockables Guide – How To Unlock All Weapons appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Assassin's Creed Unity Unlockables Guide - Weapons, Equipment & Boosts
This Assassin’s Creed Unity Weapon Unlockables Guide lists all of the weapons that you can unlock via in-game activities, using the companion app and performing other tasks outside of just making a purchase. There are several types of requirements when unlocking any Weapons, Equipment or Boosts including completing certain missions & objectives, performing actions in multiplayer or using the companion app. This Assassin’s Creed Unity Unlockables Guide features all of the items you will not unlock naturally through direct purchases.

For a full list of weapons, equipment items and boosts, you can check the in-game menu. The items listed below are all of the items that require additional actions or objectives to be complete in order to unlock. If you know of any that we’ve missed, please add a comment and we’ll update the guide and give you credit.

[blogger ids=’40255′ cat=” orderby=’date’ order=’desc’ count=’3′ descr=’350′ readmore=’1′ rating=’1′ style=’date’ border=’1′ dir=’horizontal’]

Assassin’s Creed Unity: Weapon Unlockables

There are 5 different sections within the weapon system that you can unlock in Assassin’s Creed Unity. Each section includes weapons freely available if you have the finances to buy them, otherwise you will need to complete specific objectives.

One-Handed Weapons

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Back Sword’]Name: Back Sword
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: Complete Murder Mystery Barber of Seville. [/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Messer’]Name: Messer
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat
Details: Complete The Assassination of Jean-Paul Mart quest. [/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Heavy Hilted Sword’]Name: Heavy Hilted Sword
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: Complete Hot Chocolate to Die For. [/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’The Fleur-de-Lys’]Name: The Fleur-de-Lys
Unlock Type: DLC Content
Details: Included in a downloadable content pack. Check the in-game store for additional details.[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Rapier’]Name: Rapier
Unlock Type: Application
Details: Play Assassin’s Creed Unity Companion app to unlock.[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Gladius’]Name: Gladius
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: Complete The Decapitated Warden mission. [/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Schiavona’]Name:Schiavona
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock. [/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Sword Of Eden’]Name: Sword Of Eden
Unlock Type: Arno’s Memories
Details: Complete The Temple mission (final mission). Sequence 10, Memory 3. [/accordion_item] [/accordion]

Long Weapons

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Voulge’]Name: Voulge
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: Complete The Body In The Brothel.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Fauchard’]Name: Fauchard
Unlock Type: Initiates
Details: Unlock in Assassin’s Creed Initiates.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cogneur’]Name: Cogneur
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: Complete Ancestral Vengeance mission.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Golden Bec de Corbin’]Name: Golden Bec de Corbin
Unlock Type: Uplay Reward
Details: Unlock via syncing of Uplay account
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Letoile Polaire’]Name: L’etoile Polaire
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: Complete Bones of Contention.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Light Halberd’]Name: Light Halberd
Unlock Type: Arno’s Memories
Details: Complete September Massacres, story mission. Sequence 8, Memory 2.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Bisento’]Name: Bisento
Unlock Type: Collectible
Details: Collect all artifacts from Les Invalides.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Corseque’]Name: Corseque
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: Complete A Dash Of Poison.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Pike Hammer’]Name: Pike Hammer
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [/accordion] [popdom id=’2′]

Heavy Weapons

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Wooden Hammer’]Name: Wooden Hammer
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: Complete Murder Foretold.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Claymore’]Name: Claymore
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: The Body Poltic
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Heavy Cleaver’]Name: Heavy Cleaver
Unlock Type: Collectibles
Details: Collect all artifacts from Le Louvre.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Round Axe’]Name: Round Axe
Unlock Type: Arno’s Memories
Details: Complete Confession.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Long Sword’]Name: Long Sword
Unlock Type: Companion
Details: Play Assassin’s Creed Companion app.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Flamberge’]Name: Flamberge
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: Complete The Death Of Philibert Aspairt.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Officers Round Axe’]Name: Officer’s Round Axe
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: Complete Cut The Middle Man.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Officers Bardiche’]Name: Officer’s Bardiche
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details:Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [/accordion]

Pistol Weapons

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Officers Pistol’]Name: Officer’s Pistol
Unlock Type: Arno’s Memories
Details: Complete Le Roi Est Mort.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Fancy Pistol’]Name: Fancy Pistol
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: The Red Ghost Of The Tuileries
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Five-Shot Duck Foot’]Name: Five-Shot Duck Foot
Unlock Type: Play Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [/accordion]

Rifle Weapons

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Flintlock’]Name: Flintlock
Unlock Type: Initiates
Details: Play Assassin’s Creed Initiates.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Blunderbuss’]Name: Blunderbuss
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: Complete Killed By Science. You can purchase the Killed by Science mission on the Uplay store for 500 Upoints
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Woodplate Blunderbuss’]Name: Woodplate Blunderbuss
Unlock Type: Murder Mystery
Details: Complete The Hand Of Science.
[/accordion_item] [/accordion]

Popular Assassin’s Creed Unity Guides

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Assassin’s Creed Unity Cafe Theatre & Social Clubs Guide Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:28:42 +0000 Shortly after arriving in Paris you're given ownership of the Cafe Theatre. This Assassin's Creed Unity Cafe Theatre & Social Clubs Guide includes information on the missions that you can unlock, the rewards they can give and the potential upgrades to your Cafe Theatre. I missed a couple of the earlier upgrades so if you recall the details, please post a comment and I'll update the guide along with credit for your support.

The post Assassin’s Creed Unity Cafe Theatre & Social Clubs Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Assassin's Creed Unity Cafe Theatre Guide
Shortly after arriving in Paris you’re given ownership of the Cafe Theatre. This Assassin’s Creed Unity Cafe Theatre & Social Clubs Guide includes information on the missions that you can unlock, the rewards they can give and the potential upgrades to your Cafe Theatre. I missed a couple of the earlier upgrades so if you recall the details, please post a comment and I’ll update the guide along with credit for your support.

Generally it is also worth renovating any new buildings & properties that you encounter as the missions unlocked in return nearly always offer more valuable rewards than the initial cost of the renovation. If you know of any that we’ve missed, please add a comment and we’ll update the guide and give you credit.

[blogger ids=’40255′ cat=” orderby=’date’ order=’desc’ count=’3′ descr=’350′ readmore=’1′ rating=’1′ style=’date’ border=’1′ dir=’horizontal’]

It is wise to proceed through this element of the game at the earliest opportunity as the income increases and is rewarded over time. So the earlier you have access to all the renovated buildings and the profit they produce, the better. If you’re struggling to find the cash to renovate new buildings, you can complete missions within the Cafe Theatre as these also increase income and are free initially.

Huge thanks to Chris Giddings for his contribution!

Assassin’s Creed Unity Cafe Theatre Guide

Assassin's Creed Unity - Where Is The Cafe Theatre
Map of Paris showing the location of the Cafe Theatre
Upgrade: Ground Floor
Price: 100

Upgrade: Hall
Price: 400
Requirements: Complete previously unlocked missions

Upgrade: Exteriors
Price: 1000
Requirements: Complete previously unlocked missions

Upgrade: Upper Floors
Price: TBD
Requirements: Complete previously unlocked missions

Upgrade: Finishing Touches
Price: TBD
Requirements: Complete previously unlocked missions

Assassin’s Creed Unity Social Club Renovations

[columns count=’2′] [column_item] Building Name: Cafe De L’lle De La Cite
Location: Palais De Justice
Renovation Cost: 500 Livres
Unlocks: Social Club missions Bridge Brigands and Marart’s Missive
Total Rewards: 900
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

Building Name: Cafe Du Marais
Location: Temple, Le Marais
Renovation Cost: 5000
Unlocks: Social Club missions Artful Dodger, Breaking the Habit and A Dramatic Exit
Total Rewards: 3900
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Building Name: Cafe Du Louvres
Location: Vendome Le Louvre
Renovation Cost: 1500
Unlocks: Social Club missions Retribution for a Rabble Rouser, The Black Office, Betrayer of the Queen
Total Rewards: 15,700
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Building Name: Cafe Du Ventre de Paris
Location: Halles Ventre de Paris
Renovation Cost: 1000
Unlocks: Social Club missions Hoarding Hostages, Cat Food On A Hot Tin Roof, Let Them Eat Hay
Total Rewards: 2300
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Building Name: Cafe Du Quartier Latin
Location: Faubourg Saint-Germain, Le Quartier Latin
Renovation Cost: 1500
Unlocks: Social Club missions Cafe Procope, Roux’s Remains, An Engaging Egyptologist,
Total Rewards: 3900
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Building Name: Cafe La Biévre
Location: Sorbonne, Saint-Jaques
Renovation Cost: 10,000
Unlocks: Social Club missions Extortion Contortion, Chouan Riddles, Bara’s Funeral
Total Rewards: 10,000
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Building Name: Cafe Les Invalides
Location: Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin
Renovation Cost: 10,000
Unlocks: Social Club missions Spiked Bourbon, Special Delivery, Smoky Yet Robust
Total Rewards: 62,000

Assassin’s Creed Unity Social Club Missions

[accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Cafe Theatre’] Mission: Marat’s Missive
Rewards: 400
Players: 1
Requirements: Cafe Theatre Ground Renovations

Mission: Bridge Brigands
Rewards: 500
Players: 1
Requirements: Cafe Theatre Ground Renovations

Mission: Colette
Rewards: 400
Players: 1
Requirements: Cafe Theatre Ground Renovations
Renovations: Adds Rooftop Terrace

Mission: Auto Da Fe
Rewards: 500
Players: 1
Requirements: Cafe Theatre Ground Renovations
Renovations: Bookshelves & Books added to Cafe Theatre

Mission: Damsel In Seamstress
Rewards: 1400
Players: 1
Requirements: Cafe Theatre Ground Renovations
Renovations: Actors in Cafe Theatre get new costumes

Mission: The Queen’s Necklace
Rewards: 2500
Players: 1
Requirements: Cafe Theatre Ground Renovations
Renovations: New curtains in the Cafe Theatre (Oh yay!)

[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe De Llle De La Cite’]

Mission: Bridge Brigands
Rewards: 500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe De L’lle De La Cite
Renovations: None

Mission: Marart’s Missive
Rewards: 400
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe De L’lle De La Cite
Renovations: None

[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe Du Marais’]

Mission: Artful Dodger
Rewards: 700
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Marais
Renovations: None

Mission: Breaking the Habit
Rewards: 2500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Marais
Renovations: None

Mission: A Dramatic Exit
Rewards: 700
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Marais
Renovations: None

[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe Du Louvres’]

Mission: The Black Office
Rewards: 2500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Louvres
Renovations: None

Mission: Retribution For A Rabble Rouser
Rewards: 700
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Louvres
Renovations: None

Mission: Betrayer Of The Queen
Rewards: 12,500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Louvres
Renovations: None

[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe Du Ventre de Paris’]

Mission: Cat Food On A Hot Tin Roof
Rewards: 800
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Ventre de Paris
Renovations: None

Mission: Hoarding Hostages
Rewards: 700
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Ventre de Paris
Renovations: None

Mission: Let Them Eat Hay
Rewards: 800
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Ventre de Paris
Renovations: None

[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe Du Quartier Latin’]

Mission: Cafe Procope
Rewards: 700
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Quartier Latin
Renovations: None

Mission: Roux’s Remains
Rewards: 700
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Quartier Latin
Renovations: None

Mission: An Engaging Egyptologist
Rewards: 2500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Quartier Latin
Renovations: None

[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe La Biévre’]

Mission: Extortion Contortion
Rewards: 2500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe La Biévre
Renovations: None

Mission: Chouan Riddles
Rewards: 2500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe La Biévre
Renovations: None

Mission: Bara’s Funeral
Rewards: 5000
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe La Biévre
Renovations: None
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe Les Invalides’]

Mission: Spiked Bourbon
Rewards: 12500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Les Invalides
Renovations: None

Mission: Special Delivery
Rewards: 12500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Les Invalides
Renovations: None

Mission: Smoky Yet Robust
Rewards: 37500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Les Invalides
Renovations: None

[/accordion_item] [/accordion]

Popular Assassin’s Creed Unity Guides

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Assassin’s Creed Unity Guide: Best Way To Get Creed Points Fast Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:28:41 +0000 This Assassin's Creed Unity Guide: Best Way To Get Creed Points Fast guide will list all of the techniques we've discovered that provide the quickest and fastest way to level. Once you've progressed through the main story to the point where you join the Assassin's you get the option to upgrade and unlock new abilities with Creed Points.

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Assassin's Creed Unity Guide: Best Way To Get Creed Points Fast
This Assassin’s Creed Unity Guide: Best Way To Get Creed Points Fast guide will list all of the techniques we’ve discovered that provide the quickest and fastest way to level. Once you’ve progressed through the main story to the point where you join the Assassin’s you get the option to upgrade your abilities with Creed Points. For a detailed breakdown on all the skills, and how to unlock the locked skills, be sure to check out our Assassin’s Creed Unity skills guide.

I’ve not found any methods that stand out as insanely fast when compared to others but you don’t need that many Creed Points early on so they are quiet easy to maintain. The easiest way to obtain Creed Points is utilizing certain abilities in combat. There’s a cooldown of a few minutes between each reward but if you maximize each combat situation with the most profitable Creed Point abilities, you’ll be able to upgrade all the gear as you get it.

If you’ve got any prior experience in the Assassin’s Creed franchise, you should probably avoid upgrading any early gear you unlock. The benefits are minimal and with prior experience of the combat system, you shouldn’t have a problem with basic level stuff. I got to the end of Sequence 9 with the starting gear +1 item.

There is still some information that needs updating. I hope to have the guide complete by the end of tomorrow. Thanks for your patience! If you know of any other means, please post below and we’ll credit your name in the article. Cheers Heroes!

Ledge Assassination – 150 Creed Points
Hiding Spot Assassination – 150 Creed Points
Air Assassination – 150 Creed Points
Perfect Parry Expert – 100 Creed Points
Finisher – 100 Creed Points
Head Shot – 100 Creed Points
Revive – 100 Creed Points
Fight Survivor – 100 Creed Points
Alarm Disabled – 100 Creed Points
Fast Lift – 100 Creed Points
Quick Shot – 100 Creed Points
Vanish – 50 Creed Points

Popular Assassin’s Creed Unity Guides

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Assassin’s Creed Unity Guide: Chest Locations, Loot & Equipment Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:28:39 +0000 The world of Unity is filled with a huge variety of collectibles but some are more worth your time than others. This Assassin's Creed Unity Guide: Chest Locations, Loot & Equipment guide lists all of the chest locations for chests that contain unlockables, equipment, clothing or other valuable items and not just in-game currency.

The post Assassin’s Creed Unity Guide: Chest Locations, Loot & Equipment appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Assassin's Creed Unity Guide: Chest Locations, Loot & Equipment
The world of Unity is filled with a huge variety of collectibles but some are more worth your time than others. This Assassin’s Creed Unity Guide: Chest Locations, Loot & Equipment guide lists all of the chest locations for chests that contain unlockables, equipment, clothing or other valuable items and not just in-game currency.

The level of freedom in Assassin’s Creed Unity means there’s a very high chance that you will not progress in the same manner that I did. As such some of these chests may seem a little out of whack to begin with. As I discover more chests and items and once the guide nears completion, I will try to arrange them in an order that would be most helpful to the majority.

On some of the images there is no chest icon as I have already collected it. If you do not see a chest icon in the middle of the screen please refer to the circular icon at the exact center. That will give a general location of the chest.

[blogger ids=’40255′ cat=” orderby=’date’ order=’desc’ count=’3′ descr=’350′ readmore=’1′ rating=’1′ style=’date’ border=’1′ dir=’horizontal’]

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Assassins Creed Unity: Novice Chests’]

Temple Le Marais Chest – Unlocks Tailored Brigand Bracers

Temple Le Marais Novice Chest - Unlocks Tailored Brigand Bracers[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Assassins Creed Unity: Intermediate Chests’]

Hotel De Ville Chest – Unlocks Tailored Prowler Coat

Assassin's Creed Unity Chest Locations Guide - Hotel De Ville

Luxembourg Le Quartier Latin – Unlocks Tailored Sans-Culottes Trousers

AC Unity Chests Guide
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Assassins Creed Unity: Expert Chests’] [/accordion_item] [/accordion]

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Assassin’s Creed Unity Skills Guide Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:28:38 +0000 Once you reach the third memory of the second sequence you unlock the ability to purchase new skills. This Assassin’s Creed Unity Skills Guide provides a list of all the skills you can unlock and the cost of unlocking them. The skills of Assassin’s Creed Unity are divided into 4 unique categories; Melee, Ranged, Stealth …

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Assassin's Creed Unity Skills Guide - All Skills & Tutorial Videos
Once you reach the third memory of the second sequence you unlock the ability to purchase new skills. This Assassin’s Creed Unity Skills Guide provides a list of all the skills you can unlock and the cost of unlocking them. The skills of Assassin’s Creed Unity are divided into 4 unique categories; Melee, Ranged, Stealth and Health.

Unlocking each individual skill requires a certain amount of Sync Points, as well as meeting certain requirements. Below is a list of all the skills in Assassin’s Creed Unity along with the requirements and cost. Note: You can upgrade and unlock abilities at almost any time, you do not need to locate a shop to purchase upgrades.

[blogger ids=’40255′ cat=” orderby=’date’ order=’desc’ count=’3′ descr=’350′ readmore=’1′ rating=’1′ style=’date’ border=’1′ dir=’horizontal’]

If you know of any that we’ve missed or have incorrect details, please add a comment and we’ll update the guide and give you credit.

Melee Skills

  • Long Weapon Master
    • Cost: 4 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 5
    • Unlocks: Strong Attack with Long Weapons
  • One-Handed Weapon Master
    • Cost: 4 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 5
    • Unlocks: Strong Attack with One-Handed Weapons
  • Staggering Strike
    • Cost: 2 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 2
    • Unlocks: Stun Attack On Enemy
  • Heavy Weapon Master
    • Cost: 4 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 5
    • Unlocks: Strong Attack with Heavy Weapons
  • Ground Execution
    • Cost: 8 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 9
    • Unlocks: Fatal strike against a prone enemy

Ranged Skills

  • Ranged Weapon
    • Cost: 1 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 2
    • Unlocks: Ability to use ranged weapons
  • Assassin Cache
    • Cost: 10 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 2
    • Unlocks: Create an Assassin’s Cache to recover bombs and other consumables.
  • Money Pouch
    • Cost: 2 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 2
    • Unlocks:drop coin to attract crowds and allow for stealth actions
  • Stun Grenades
    • Cost: 2 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 2
    • Unlocks: Allows the use of Stun Grenades
  • Improved Phantom Blade
    • Cost: 8 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 9
    • Unlocks: Upgrade that allows you to fire twice without reloading blades
  • Poison Gas
    • Cost: 8 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 9
    • Unlocks: Allows the use of Poison Grenades

Stealth Skills

  • Communal Sense (MULTIPLAYER ONLY)
    • Cost: 4 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 5
    • Unlocks: Share Eagle Vision with allies
  • Disguise
    • Cost: 6 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 2
    • Unlocks: Temporarily disguises yourself and nearby allies
  • Apprentice Locksmith
    • Cost: 4 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 2
    • Unlocks: Unlock low level chests and doors
  • Journeyman Locksmith
    • Cost: 6 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 5
    • Unlocks: Unlock mid level chests and doors
  • Master Locksmith
    • Cost: 9 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 9
    • Unlocks: Unlock high level chests and doors
  • Roll Recovery
    • Cost: 2 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 5
    • Unlocks: Reduced fall damage and faster recovery from falls
  • Double Air Assassination
    • Cost: 4 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 5
    • Unlocks: Aerial attack that kills two nearby targets instantly
  • Double Assassination
    • Cost: 4 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 2
    • Unlocks: A fatal attack against 2 nearby enemies
  • Environmental Blending
    • Cost: 4 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 2
    • Unlocks: Ability to vanish from enemy sight using mundane actions like sitting on a bench

Health Skills

  • Group Healing
    • Cost: 10 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 2
    • Unlocks: Heal nearby players of some damage
  • Thick Skin
    • Cost: 2 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 2
    • Unlocks: Withstand more damage in combat
  • Thicker Skin
    • Cost: 5 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Thick Skin
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 5
    • Unlocks: Withstand more damage in combat
  • Thickest Skin
    • Cost: 9 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Thicker Skin
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 9
    • Unlocks: Withstand more damage in combat
  • Iron Skin
    • Cost: 12 Sync Points
    • Requirements: Complete Sequence 9
    • Requirements: Thickest Skin
    • Unlocks: Withstand more damage in combat

Popular Assassin’s Creed Unity Guides

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Assassin’s Creed Unity Equipment & Costumes Unlockables Guide – How To Unlock All Equipment Items & Costumes Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:28:36 +0000 This Assassin's Creed Unity Equipment & Costumes Unlockables Guide lists all of the equipment items that you can unlock via in-game activities, using the companion app and performing other tasks outside of just making a purchase. There are several types of requirements when unlocking any Weapons, Equipment or Boosts including completing certain missions & objectives, performing actions in multiplayer or using the companion app.

The post Assassin’s Creed Unity Equipment & Costumes Unlockables Guide – How To Unlock All Equipment Items & Costumes appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Assassin's Creed Unity Equipment & Costumes Unlockables Guide - How To Unlock All Equipment Items
This Assassin’s Creed Unity Equipment & Costumes Unlockables Guide lists all of the equipment items that you can unlock via in-game activities, using the companion app and performing other tasks outside of just making a purchase. There are several types of requirements when unlocking any Weapons, Equipment or Boosts including completing certain missions & objectives, performing actions in multiplayer or using the companion app. This Assassin’s Creed Unity Equipment & Costumes Unlockables Guide features all of the items you will not unlock naturally through direct purchases using Sync Points.

If you know of any that we’ve missed, please add a comment and we’ll update the guide and give you credit.

[blogger ids=’40255′ cat=” orderby=’date’ order=’desc’ count=’3′ descr=’350′ readmore=’1′ rating=’1′ style=’date’ border=’1′ dir=’horizontal’]

Assassin’s Creed Unity: Equipment & Costume Unlockables

There are 7 different sections within the equipment system that you can unlock in Assassin’s Creed Unity. Each section includes upgrades freely available if you have the finances to buy them, otherwise you will need to complete specific objectives. This guide focuses on the items that require you to complete certain missions or objectives – providing information to help you complete/discover those objectives quicker.


[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Tempest’]Name: Tempest
Unlock Type: Collectibles
Details: Collect 80 Cockages
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Uplay’]Name: Uplay
Unlock Type: Uplay
Details: Exclusive Uplay Reward
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Infinite Green’]Name: Infinite Green
Unlock Type: Collectibles
Details: Collect 40 Cockades
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Pure Shadow’]Name: Pure Shadow
Unlock Type: Collectibles
Details: Collect 100 Cockades
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Beige Ghost’]Name: Beige Ghost
Unlock Type: Collectible
Details: Collect 60 Cockades
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Bright Plumage’]Name: Bright Plumage
Unlock Type: Collectible
Details: Collect 20 Cockades
Head [line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Arnos Tailored Hood’]Name: Arno’s Tailored Hood
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete the mission The Food Chain. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Prowler Hood’]Name: Tailored Prowler Hood
Unlock Type: Crowd Events
Details: Complete 10 Crowd Events to unlock the Tailored Prowler Hood
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Sans-Culottes Hood’]Name: Tailored Sans-Culottes Hood
Unlock Type: Chest
Details:Located in a chest. Still looking for the chest, will update asap.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Medieval Hood’]Name: Tailored Medieval Hood
Unlock Type: Arno’s Memories
Details: Complete Templar Ambush mission. This mission is part of the story. It’s Memory 2 of Sequence 6.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Phantom Hood’]Name: Tailored Phantom Hood
Unlock Type: Companion
Details: Play Assassin’s Creed Unity Companion.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Brigand Hood’]Name: Tailored Brigand Hood
Unlock Type: Chest
Details: Found inside a chest. Click here for an image showing location.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Bourgeois Hood’]Name: Tailored Bourgeois Hood
Unlock Type: Collectibles
Details: Collect all artifacts in Ventre De Paris
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Improved Napoleonic Hood’]Name: Improved Napoleonic Hood
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Les Engrages mission. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Improved Military Hood’]Name: Improved Military Hood
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete The Austrian Conspiracy mission. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Improved Brigand Hood’]Name: Improved Brigand Hood
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete The Infernal Machine mission. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Arnos Master Hood’]Name: Arno’s Master Hood
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete the Co-Op Mission Jacobin Rain. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Master Phantom Hood’]Name: Master Phantom Hood
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op Mission The Tournament. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Sans-Culottes Hood’]Name: Legendary Sans-Culottes Hood
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Napoleonic Hood’]Name: Legendary Napoleonic Hood
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Medieval Hood’]Name: Legendary Medieval Hood
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Phantom Hood’]Name: Legendary Phantom Hood
Unlock Type: Arno’s Memories
Details: Complete Hoarders mission. Main story, Sequence 9 Memory 2.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Musketeer Hood’]Name: Legendary Musketeer Hood
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Military Hood’]Name: Legendary Military Hood
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition.
[/accordion_item] [/accordion]


[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Handmade Sans-Culottes Coat’]Name: Handmade Sans-Culottes Coat
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete the Co-Op mission The Food Chain.Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’ Arnos’ Tailored Coat’]Name: Arnos’ Tailored Coat
Unlock Type: Arno’s Memories
Details: Complete Arno’s Memory The Prophet mission. This mission is part of the main story and takes place in Sequence 5.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Prowler Coat’]Name: Tailored Prowler Coat
Unlock Type: Chest
Details: Unlock this coat by finding the chest. I found it in Hotel De Ville, Ventre de Paris. Chest in the middle of the area.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Phantom Coat’]Name: Tailored Phantom Coat
Unlock Type: Companion
Details: Play Assassin’s Creed Unity Companion.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’ Tailored Musketeer Coat’]Name: Tailored Musketeer Coat
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op mission Heads Will Roll. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Brigand Coat’]Name: Tailored Brigand Coat
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op Mission The Infernal Machine. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Bourgeois Coat’]Name: Tailored Bourgeois Coat
Unlock Type: Collectibles
Details: Collect all artifacts from Le Quartier Latin.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Improved Napoleonic Coat’]Name: Improved Napoleonic Coat
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Danton’s Sacrifice. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Improved Medieval Coat’]Name: Improved Medieval Coat
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op Mission Jacobin Raid. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Arnos Master Coat’]Name: Arno’s Master Coat
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op Mission Political Recruit. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Master Phantom Coat’]Name: Master Phantom Coat
Unlock Type: Crowd Events
Details: Complete Crowd Events to unlock this item.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Master Military Coat’]Name: Master Military Coat
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op mission Women’s March. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Prowler Coat’]Name: Legendary Prowler Coat
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Sans-Culottes Coat’]Name: Legendary Sans-Culottes Coat
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Napoleonic Coat’]Name: Legendary Napoleonic Coat
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Phantom Coat’]Name: Legendary Phantom Coat
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Musketeer Coat’]Name: Legendary Musketeer Coat
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op mission The Tournament to unlock. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Musketeer Coat’]Name: Legendary Musketeer Coat
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op mission The Tournament to unlock. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Brigand Coat’]Name: Legendary Brigand Coat
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [/accordion]


[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Bracers Of Candia’]Name: Bracers Of Candia
Unlock Type: Uplay
Details: Unlock via Uplay.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Handmade Napoleonic Bracers’]Name: Handmade Napoleonic Bracers
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details:Complete The Food Chain Co-Op Mission. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Sans-Culottes Bracers’]Name: Tailored Sans-Culottes Bracers
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete The Infernal Machine Co-Op mission. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Phantom Bracers’]Name: Tailored Phantom Bracers
Unlock Type: Companion
Details: Play the Assassin’s Creed Unity Companion app.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Military Bracers’]Name: Tailored Military Bracers
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op Mission Danton’s Sacrifice. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Brigand Bracers’]Name: Tailored Brigand Bracers
Unlock Type: Chest
Details: Locate the correct Chest to unlock these items. Still looking for the chest, will update asap.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Bourgeois Bracers’]Name: Tailored Bourgeois Bracers
Unlock Type: Collectibles
Details: Collect all the artifacts in lle de la Cite.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Improved Phantom Bracers’]Name: Improved Phantom Bracers
Unlock Type: Crowd Events
Details: Complete 20 Crowd Events to unlock this item.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Improved Bourgeois Bracers’]Name: Improved Bourgeois Bracers
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op Mission Political Persecution to unlock this item. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Master Sans-Culottes Bracers’]Name: Master Sans-Culottes Bracers
Unlock Type: Arnos’ Memories
Details: Complete the Rise Of The Assassin mission. Sequence 11, Memory 2
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Master Musketeer Bracers’]Name: Master Musketeer Bracers
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete the Moving Mirabeau mission. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Prowler Bracers’]Name: Legendary Prowler Bracers
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op Mission Women’s March. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Napoleonic Bracers’]Name: Legendary Napoleonic Bracers
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Medieval Bracers’]Name: Legendary Medieval Bracers
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Phantom Bracers’]Name: Legendary Phantom Bracers
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Musketeer Bracers’]Name: Legendary Musketeer Bracers
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Brigand Bracers’]Name: Legendary Brigand Bracers
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [/accordion]


[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Addorsed Eagle Belt’]Name: Addorsed Eagle Belt
Unlock Type: Uplay
Details: Unlock via Uplay.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Handmade Medieval Belt’]Name: Handmade Medieval Belt
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Heads Will Roll Co-Op mission. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Prowler Belt’]Name: Tailored Prowler Belt
Unlock Type: Chest
Details: Locate the correct chest to unlock this item. Still looking for the chest, will update asap.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Medieval Belt’]Name: Tailored Medieval Belt
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete The Austrian Conspiracy Co-Op mission.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Phantom Belt’]Name: Tailored Phantom Belt
Unlock Type: Companion
Details: Play the Assassin’s Creed Unity Companion app.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Musketeer Belt’]Name: Tailored Musketeer Belt
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op Mission Danton’s Sacrifice. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Bourgeois Belt’]Name: Tailored Bourgeois Belt
Unlock Type: Collectibles
Details: Collect all the artifacts in La Bievre.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Improved Prowler Belt’]Name: Improved Prowler Belt
Unlock Type: Collectibles
Details: Collect all the artifacts in lle de la Cite.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Improved Phantom Belt’]Name: Improved Phantom Belt
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op Mission Jacobin Raid. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Master Bourgeois Belt’]Name: Master Bourgeois Belt
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete the Moving Mirabeau mission. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Prowler Belt’]Name: Legendary Prowler Belt
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op Mission Women’s March.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Sans-Culottes Belt’]Name: Legendary Sans-Culottes Belt
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Medieval Belt’]Name: Legendary Medieval Belt
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Phantom Belt’]Name: Legendary Phantom Belt
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Military Belt’]Name: Legendary Military Belt
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Brigand Belt’]Name: Legendary Brigand Belt
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [/accordion]


[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Prowler Breeches’]Name: Tailored Prowler Breeches
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op Mission The Austrian Conspiracy. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Sans-Culottes Trousers’]Name: Tailored Sans-Culottes Trousers
Unlock Type: Chest
Details: Locate the correct chest to unlock this item. Intermediate Luxembourg, Le Quartier Latin.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Phantom Breeches’]Name: Tailored Phantom Breeches
Unlock Type: Companion
Details: Play the Assassin’s Creed Unity Companion app.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Tailored Bourgeois Breeches’]Name: Tailored Bourgeois Breeches
Unlock Type: Collectibles
Details: Collect all the artifacts in La Marais.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Improved Prowler Breeches’]Name: Improved Prowler Breeches
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op Mission Political Persecution. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Master Phantom Breeches’]Name: Master Phantom Breeches
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete Co-Op Mission Les Enrages. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Master Brigand Breeches’]Name: Master Brigand Breeches
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete The Tournament mission. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Prowler Breeches’]Name: Legendary Prowler Breeches
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Sans-Culottes Trousers’]Name: Legendary Sans-Culottes Trousers
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Medieval Breeches’]Name: Legendary Napoleonic Breeches
Unlock Type: Co-Op Mission
Details: Complete the Moving Mirabeau mission. Once you unlock the Assassin’s Council, you can find Co-Op Missions on an NPC outside. They rotate and quite often switch between difficulties and locations.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Medieval Breeches’]Name: Legendary Medieval Breeches
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Phantom Breeches’]Name: Legendary Phantom Breeches
Unlock Type: Arno’s Memories
Details: Complete A Dinner Engagement mission. Sequence 10, Memory 1.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Musketeer Breeches’]Name: Legendary Musketeer Breeches
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Legendary Military Breeches’]Name: Legendary Military Breeches
Unlock Type: Club Competition
Details: Play Club Competition to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [/accordion]


[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Altairs Masters Assassin Outfit’]Name: Altairs Masters Assassin Outfit
Unlock Type: Companion
Details: Play Assassin’s Creed Unity Companion app.
[/accordion_item] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Bellecs Master Assassin Outfit’]Name: Bellecs Master Assassin Outfit
Unlock Type: Mission
Details: This is unlocked through natural progression in the story. Complete Sequence 7, Memory 3
[/accordion_item] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Shays Templar Outfit’]Name: Shays Templar Outfit
Unlock Type: Initiates
Details: Play Assassin’s Creed Initiates to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Connors Master Assassin Outfit’]Name: Connors Master Assassin Outfit
Unlock Type: Initiates
Details: Play Assassin’s Creed Initiates to unlock. More
[/accordion_item] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Edwards Assassin Outfit’]Name: Edwards Assassin Outfit
Unlock Type: Initiates
Details: Play Assassin’s Creed Initiates to unlock. It’s located in the Gold Chest in the Cafe Theatre
[/accordion_item] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Ezios Master Assassin Outfit’]Name: Ezios Master Assassin Outfit
Unlock Type: Initiates
Details: Play Assassin’s Creed Initiates to unlock.
[/accordion_item] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Thomas de Carneillons Master Assassin Outfit’]Name: Thomas de Carneillons Master Assassin Outfit
Unlock Type: Collectibles
Details: Collect all the fragments in Nostradamus Engimas.
[/accordion_item] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Arnos Master Assassin Outfit’]Name: Arnos Master Assassin Outfit
Unlock Type: Completion
Details: Complete all single-player sequences. Sequence 12, Memory 3 is the final mission.
[/accordion_item] [/accordion]

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The post Assassin’s Creed Unity Equipment & Costumes Unlockables Guide – How To Unlock All Equipment Items & Costumes appeared first on GamersHeroes.

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