Assassin's Creed: Unity GuidesGame Guides

Assassin’s Creed Unity Guide: Chest Locations, Loot & Equipment

Assassin's Creed Unity Guide: Chest Locations, Loot & Equipment
The world of Unity is filled with a huge variety of collectibles but some are more worth your time than others. This Assassin’s Creed Unity Guide: Chest Locations, Loot & Equipment guide lists all of the chest locations for chests that contain unlockables, equipment, clothing or other valuable items and not just in-game currency.

The level of freedom in Assassin’s Creed Unity means there’s a very high chance that you will not progress in the same manner that I did. As such some of these chests may seem a little out of whack to begin with. As I discover more chests and items and once the guide nears completion, I will try to arrange them in an order that would be most helpful to the majority.

On some of the images there is no chest icon as I have already collected it. If you do not see a chest icon in the middle of the screen please refer to the circular icon at the exact center. That will give a general location of the chest.

[blogger ids=’40255′ cat=” orderby=’date’ order=’desc’ count=’3′ descr=’350′ readmore=’1′ rating=’1′ style=’date’ border=’1′ dir=’horizontal’]

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Assassins Creed Unity: Novice Chests’]

Temple Le Marais Chest – Unlocks Tailored Brigand Bracers

Temple Le Marais Novice Chest - Unlocks Tailored Brigand Bracers[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Assassins Creed Unity: Intermediate Chests’]

Hotel De Ville Chest – Unlocks Tailored Prowler Coat

Assassin's Creed Unity Chest Locations Guide - Hotel De Ville

Luxembourg Le Quartier Latin – Unlocks Tailored Sans-Culottes Trousers

AC Unity Chests Guide
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Assassins Creed Unity: Expert Chests’] [/accordion_item] [/accordion]

Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter


  1. Sorry guys. I’ve opened a TON of chests since starting this guide. I am not having the best of luck hehe. If you know of any, please post general location here and I’ll get straight to it! Updating as I discover more.

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