Game GuidesRainbow Six Extraction Guides

Rainbow Six Extraction Top 7 MUST KNOW Tips & Tricks

The latest Tom Clancy game is far more than a simple Call of Duty: Zombies clone. This list of must know tips & tricks for Rainbow Six Extraction covers everything from earning the most amount of experience points possible, to carefully choosing your team of Operators based on the objectives ahead.

Be sure to check out our in-depth guide for the best Operators for every objective.

EXP Boosting

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] EXP Boosting
Your overall account level controls when you unlock new Operators, new regions, and new technology trees, as such you will want to level as fast as possible. It’s worth noting that difficulty plays a huge role in how you are rewarded. If you complete all three objectives within a mission on easy, you will earn less experience points than you would for completing two objectives on the next difficulty up.

[infobox style=’success’ static=’1′]Check out our top 7 MUST KNOW tips and tricks for Rainbow Six Extraction.[/infobox]

You earn experience points based on total score. To increase your score utilize stealth kills and tech. Stealth killing nests with a takedown will net you far more experience than just shooting them. Likewise, using grenades and Operator abilities effectively, such as scanning, earns even more experience points.

Know When To Quit

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Know When To Quit
Certain objectives in the game are much harder than others. For example, Triangulate just requires you to access a few consoles to complete an objective. Whereas Hunt needs you to kill several Elite enemies. Gauging what tasks lay ahead is a vital component of the strategic layer in Extraction. Communicate with your squad mates, see what Operators you are using to focus on each objective, and decide ahead of time how bad things will get before you want to extract. You get a 90% bonus to experience points for successfully extracting, so it’s something to really consider before loading into the next Sub-Zone.

Blinding Spore Removal

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Blinding Spore Removal
Blinding Spores are these irritating little yellow spores that the developers hide in all sorts of inconvenient places. When an Operator gets too close the spores attach themselves and will eventually explode, causing small amounts of damage and making the Operator blind. You have a few moments before they explode however, and that’s where this tip comes in. Your squad mates can shoot the spores off your body before they explode, friendly fire isn’t a problem on lower difficulty levels. Alternatively, you can use stun grenades, frag grenades, similar items on yourself to clear the spores.

Do Not Flee, Do Not Bunker Down

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Do Not Flee, Do Not Bunker Down
Nests are the backbone of the Archaen forces in Rainbow Six Extraction. When an enemy is alerted and they howl, they immediately awaken all nearby dormant nests. These nests will then begin spawning enemies in rapid succession. If you alert enemy forces don’t flee and don’t sit in a corner expecting the onslaught to stop, it won’t. Instead, communicate with your allies and launch a coordinated assault on all nearby nests so you can return to stealth status and continue with the mission.

Both Silenced And Non Silenced Weapons Are Key

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Both Silenced And Non Silenced Weapons Are Key
Many of the games objectives rely on stealth, but some do not. Silenced weapons are fantastic for picking off enemies one by one, dwindling down the enemy force. However, Rainbow Six Extraction is not as simple as applying the stealth brush to every situation. Some of the more powerful Archaens will resist much of the damage dealt by silenced weapons. Switching to regular firearms or shotguns can knock these enemies down, making them ripe for the kill. It doesn’t hurt to have a silenced weapon alongside a stronger weapon for when stealth breaks down. More often than not, a regular weapon will deal twice as much damage as a silenced weapon.

Intel Is Vital To Your Success

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Intel Is Vital To Your Success
Much like Siege, Extraction is very heavily centered around gathering intel before charging head first into a situation. Items like Scan Grenades or XR Recon Drone are fantastic tools. They allow you to find objectives quicker, spot nests, locate stealth enemies, you will want to ensure that at least one Operator brings the drone into every mission. Focus on your tech tree and unlock more tech points to get the XR Recon Drone, a drone that scans all targets automatically.

Managing Your Roster Is Important

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Managing Your Roster Is Important
Between losing squad members to MIA to injuries, there’s a good chance your roster is going to take some serious damage as time goes on. It’s important to understand that you cannot heal health in Extraction. Any healing, whether that be from finding a Medkit to an Operators ability like Doc, give you temporary HP that drains slowly over time. The core health of the Operator will never increase. As such, if you take too much damage in a mission, your Operator will be injured.

You then need to heal them before you can continue. The higher the score you get on a mission, the more health that is restored to your Operators. If you’re low on team members, don’t be afraid to drop the difficulty down a few notches to heal your team back to full.

Have any top tips to share for Rainbow Six Extraction? Post a comment below.

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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