Johnny Hurricane Short and accurate game guides designed to save you time and effort. Honest Game Reviews, Breaking News, & More Tue, 21 May 2024 17:22:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Johnny Hurricane 32 32 Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II Review Tue, 21 May 2024 12:14:54 +0000 Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a classic example of the old mantra: get past the start, and you'll love it. If you have Xbox Game Pass, you have no reason not to try this game.

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Remember the reveal of the Xbox Series X back in late 2019? Remember the game they showed with it? It’s been almost five years since Ninja Theory’s Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II was revealed, and now we finally have it in our hands. Was the wait worth it?

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II Review

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II follows the story of Senua from the original Hellblade. She begins her journey in a slave ship, going to who knows where. She aims to find and kill all the slavers, so step one is complete.

As with most things in Senua’s life, this doesn’t go to plan. The ship encounters a dreadful storm that slams it into the rocks and spreads its inhabitants into the sea. Exhausted and defeated, you are flung onto the shore, looking for rest.

Sadly, there is no rest; the waves crash into you and threaten to drag you back to the sea if you don’t get up and move. You drag yourself out, then make it off the shore and start looking for survivors. 

The beginning section of Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is agony for Senua, and the player feels every part of that. There are no markers, tutorials, or prompts; just fog, rain, and the voices in your head.

It is very frustrating, and I can see a lot of players getting turned around and even outright lost despite the size of the map being pretty small. On top of that, you are thrown into combat with no tutorial or button prompts, just the voices in your head telling you that you need to hit harder or dodge quicker.

The whole section felt like moving through mud, and Senua’s frustrations matched my own as I slowly made my way off the beach. 

It turns out this was all by design.

During the production of The Godfather, director Francis Ford Coppola was adamant that Michael needed to go to Sicily. We needed to see Micheal return to a normal life before having it ripped out from under him. We needed to see, just like Micheal, that there was no going back.

The studio kept saying there was no room in the budget. Luckily for us, Crazy Joe Gallo was gunned down, and the money was suddenly found. Sicily would be the catalyst for Michael to accept his role in the family, from being an outsider to the Don. I don’t know if this island has a name, but the island is Senua’s Sicily. 

Before we go any further, though, let me explain the combat because even after beating the game, I still don’t fully understand it. The combat is intense and hectic, with the voices telling you what will happen if you lose.

“They will eat you,” one of the voices told me. Such close and visceral combat would likely feel like that, the constant threat of what happens if you lose—the manic swinging of a person trying desperately to survive against a creature of darkness.

One word comes to mind: RAGE. Unfilited and pure, you feel the struggle and the anger bubbling inside you as you desperately try to find an opening against your opponent. 

The aura, attitude, and essence of true combat are there, but it doesn’t always make for fun gameplay. Thankfully, there’s an easy mode if you are struggling.

That may be the point. Maybe the developers want you to understand that the battle isn’t easy. Whether it’s combat in the arena or combat in your mind, the fight never truly ends. All you can hope for is a moment of respite from the constant storm bashing you against the rocks. 

Outside of combat, you have exploration and puzzles. There are a couple of side objectives to find, like the totem poles that talk about the land you are in. There are also these special trees that light up and bloom if you find them, but I found three the whole time.

The puzzles start out very frustrating because there are no prompts or indicators. There is one early one where you need to light a torch with your torch. Sounds simple, right? But when you walk up to it, there is no prompt, so you hit the button at the wrong spot, and it doesn’t work.

Well, what do I do now? Obviously, after figuring it out, you know, for the rest of the game, but the first time might leave you confused.

Something unexpected happened to me about halfway through the game. I was going through a cave and had to give up my light at certain sections. A strange sort of calm came over me as I walked through the pitch-black cave towards my goal. I realized that this whole struggle and journey had been about one thing: acceptance.

Not only accepting your fate but embracing it and becoming the person you are meant to be. Everything clicked after that cave, and I fell in love with the journey, even if the combat was still a train wreck. I’ve beaten the game now and am still unsure if I am bad at parrying or if it is only meant to work at certain spots.

The Stoics speak of the lower and higher self, about raising above the lower self to be who you truly are. Watching Senua ascend from her lower self to the higher self, to accept her place in the world—not just accept it but embrace it—was truly a sight to behold.

During one of the earlier sections, I was walking through a broken-down village, and one of the voices said, “Life is just endurance here.” Life is just endurance everywhere, which is what the game is trying to tell you. Yes, things suck for you, but they suck for everyone else also. It’s through the struggle that you become who you are meant to be. 

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is a classic example of the old mantra: get past the start, and you’ll love it. If you have Xbox Game Pass, you have no reason not to try this game.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II Review

Reviewed On: Xbox Series X|S (A digital code was provided)
Release Date: May 21, 2024
MSRP: $49;99
Platforms: Xbox Series X|S, PC
Developer: Ninja Theory
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Alternative Reviews: Hey Poor Player, Gamespew
Aggregate Scores: Metacritic, OpenCritic

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Sand Land Review

Sand Land’s vehicular combat is entertaining from start to finish, but bizarre progression pacing and the repetitive nature of the side content makes this a hard sell for those approaching the series for the first time.

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Review Sun, 21 Apr 2024 16:38:35 +0000 Eiyuden Chonricle: Hundred Heroes is another Kickstarter project from an old-school development team. Is the game worth checking out, or should you sit with more modern games? Check out our review and find out.

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Eiyuden Chonricle: Hundred Heroes is another Kickstarter project from an old-school development team. Is the game worth checking out, or should you sit with more modern games? Check out our review and find out.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Review

Eiyuden Chonricle: Hundred Heroes kicks off with a young man named Nowa, who eagerly joins the local town watch. The Watch, always open to new recruits, welcomes him with open arms and assigns his first mission.

Nowa, along with a few other Watch members, embarks on an expedition to investigate some ruins, accompanied by Imperial officers from a neighboring region. Seign, the commanding officer of the imperial presence, and Nowa quickly form a strong bond.

They fight side by side, clearing the ruins and retrieving the Magic Lens Seign was seeking. As the mission concludes, they part ways, but their camaraderie remains strong. We then fast-forward six months.

100 heroes honest review

Things have gotten tense with the empire and the region Nowa lives in. War is on the horizon, but for now, the Watch focuses on recruiting and defeating bandits. Eventually, you discover that these “bandits” are imperial agents, causing chaos and giving the empire a reason to invade.

At this point, Nowa is in charge of the Watch as an intern leader. When war strikes, you do your best to protect your city but are ultimately pushed back. You retreat to an old castle and start to rebuild and form an army to fight back.

Calling this castle a base is a huge stretch, but you have some walls and a few buildings to start with. It doesn’t take long for your allies to give you missions to get more allies, build up certain buildings, or get more materials.

Honestly, it’s a rough start since you don’t have any of the shops, the blacksmith, or even a way to switch skills at first. On top of that, you don’t just need materials for upgrades; you need the correct characters as well.

I love the system, but since certain characters are missable, you might miss out on some key upgrades for your base. Again, it’s not an issue for me, but it might turn some people off to the game.

Since Hundred Heroes is an old-school JPRG, the combat is turn-based. However, unlike most games in the genre, you have six characters in your party at once. The front line is three deep, and the back line is also three deep.

Certain characters can only hit at short distances, like right in front of them, while others can sit in the back and drop magic or arrows from afar. There are basic attacks, skills, and magic attacks, and each hero has a defense move.

Most of the defense moves are dodge or block, but some get power-ups or even a counterattack. You also have to factor in damage types and resistances of the enemies you face for the most damage.

100 heroes recruit

Being a JRPG, grinding is a thing, and oh boy, can you get overpowered. In a game where you search every nook and cranny for allies, you inevitably get into a ton of trash fights.

Thankfully, 100 Heroes does have an auto-battle feature, and it works very well, almost too well. I’ve got about 50 hours in the game and can auto-battle nearly every encounter, even the bosses sometimes. I like it, it means easy money and extra gear for me.

Those who don’t want to take out the trash can let the enemies flee, but you still have to load into the fight, so I don’t see the point in doing it. I enjoy the grind, though, so these features were nice to me.

Bosses are a little different from the main enemies. You get some basic mini-bosses that are just tank and spank. Some of the bosses have a bonus feature during the fight.

For instance, when recruiting Mellore, you face a giant beast in the desert. Mellore uses her magic to spawn two huge hammers that can club the beast.

During combat, you can use the hammer, but the beast is hidden until you pick your hammer. So you have a 50/50 shot to do enormous damage or nothing at all.

Others include hiding to avoid lasers, crane games, stopping enemy regeneration, and many others. Ultimately, though, since I was so highly leveled, I only had any real challenge with the first few bosses.

100 heroes duel

There is one other combat mode you enter from time to time: tactical combat. Here, you don’t have direct control over the troops; you just have to decide which direction they go in.

Think of it more like Fire Emblem or even the recent Unicorn Overlord. You usually have to defend a certain spot to defeat the enemy’s command to clear it.

The more units you have recruited, the better your army will be, but it is only for skills and abilities. Tactical combat is more about positioning and using your skills correctly to win.

I come from the Total War series, so flanking and hammer and anvil tactics come naturally to me. You will be fine if you can avoid running face-first into the enemy.

Outside of all the exploring and recruiting, there are also side quests and mini-games to do. Side quests are generally related to recruiting characters or building up more of your base.

As for mini-games, there are quite a few. Fishing is the first on you get, which lets you cook up some fish and bring back supplies to town. Eventually, you can go on a cooking battle and help your chef become one of the best in the world.

The big mini-game is called Beigoma, and I didn’t spend much time with it. You and an opponent toss a spinning top into a ring and have to bash each other until one falls out or falls over. I’m sure it’s more complex than that, but I only did a handful of matches.

100 heroes glitch

I ran into a few bugs and texture glitches. One was really bad, though. A certain area of land is near an ocean, and the land and water do not play well together.

If you move your camera angle a certain way, the screen becomes unusable, meaning you can see nothing but torn textures. Move the camera again, and you will see fine.

It sticks out like a sore thumb. I also read about an issue with a bug regarding a character you can recruit. If you miss the char, that’s it; you have to restart it to get them.

Not to be that guy, but when the crux of your game is recruiting characters, you best get that part right.

Eiyuden Chonricle: Hundred Heroes is exactly what Suikoden fans have been asking for. Fans of old-school JRPGs or games about recruiting characters shouldn’t hesitate to check it out.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Review

Reviewed On: PlayStation 5 (A digital code was provided)
Release Date: April 24th, 2024
MSRP: $49.99 / £49.99
Platforms: Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, Switch, PC
Developer: Rabbit & Bear Studios
Publisher: 505 Games
Alternative Reviews: WccfTech, Push Square, RPGFan Review
Aggregate Scores: MetaCritic, OpenCritic

Review Policy | Scoring Policy |

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South Park: Snow Day Review Sat, 30 Mar 2024 19:02:08 +0000 South Park Snow Day takes a turn from the RPG genre and instead goes multiplayer. Is the switch a good choice, or should they have made another RPG? Check out our review here.

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South Park Snow Day takes a turn from the RPG genre and instead goes multiplayer. Is the switch a good choice, or should they have made another RPG? Check out our review here.

South Park: Snow Day Review

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South Park Snow Day follows the exploits of the New Kid during a mysterious snowstorm. The New Kid is the same character from The Stick Of Truth and The Fractured But Whole. Since you got so overpowered in the last two games, the gang decides to start a new game with everyone at zero. This time, it is a fight between the various factions that inhabit South Park. You team up with Cartman to fight against the elves and Kyle. From there, you take on the rest of the kids until you collect the whole crew.

South park snow day honest review

The story isn’t very deep, but you get some good South Park humor, and Cartman always takes a chance to poke fun at your mistakes. That is really how you get most of the story, anyway. While you are on your missions, they will contact you on the radio and tell you what is happening—more than once, I had to stop and chuckle at what they said.

For a game called Snow Day, you might expect it to be a snowball fighting game; it is not. It’s more of a brawler since you mostly use melee weapons and wands. The combos are simple but effective; just don’t expect a ton of depth. When you start a level, you and three other players(or bots) take on a series of stages to try and make it to a boss. To win a stage, you typically need to kill all enemy units. If you do win, you get an upgrade at the end of the stage, making the next one easier.

Outside of your basic attacks, you can also bring a couple of skills into a match. I liked to bring the fart escape, which leaves a fart cloud as you jet into the air. From there, I would upgrade it to linger longer and start it on fire. The bull rush was another fun one. Hitting enemies into the wall did a ton of damage, and it felt great to use. The only one I never turned off was my healing banner. If you get the right skill upgrades, it can have an increased radius and even revive downed allies. I’m sure there are other good combos, but combine the fire, poison gas, and my sword bleed damage, and I didn’t need to try much.

South Park snow day game review

While in the match, you collect a few different things. Sometimes, you get lucky and get a skill card to boost a random skill. There is also toilet paper, which acts as currency due to the blizzard. You use this in between rounds to get stronger upgrades or shuffle which ones you can purchase. The big thing you will want to collect is the Dark Matter. You can find this off certain enemies or even in chests that drop down into the match. You can return to your hub with Dark Matter and get character upgrades. The skill tree is pretty simple, but if you want to fill it, you’ll have to play for quite a bit of time. Platinum coins are another currency, but that’s just for cosmetics.

Outside of the campaign, there is a wave defense mode. This mode allows you to grind more Dark Matter and unlock new cards. You get new cards by making achievements, like using moves several times, defeating certain enemies, and so on. One other thing in play is the BS cards. You can use these to get laser eyes and other superpowers. The enemy also gets them, and it will generally buff the baddies. They can be very annoying in survival mode since they happen nearly every round. Still, they add a bit more of a challenge to the battles.

South park snow day honest game review

As far as bugs are concerned, I ran into a blank card bug. So when I was going to pick an upgrade, nothing showed up, but I could still click to get an upgrade. It’s only a minor annoyance but a noticeable one. I didn’t have any crashes or notice any frame drops, but I was on my PC. Not sure how the consoles fare.

South Park Snow Day is a fun game that is a perfect fit for Game Pass or PlayStation Plus. I’d wait until it hits one of those services before checking it out.

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Unicorn Overlord Review Thu, 21 Mar 2024 00:28:34 +0000 Less than a year after its first announcement, Unicorn Overlord launches during a busy 2024. Is this strategy game worth checking out, or should you play something else? Check out our review here and find out. Unicorn Overlord Review [line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Unicorn Overlord follows the story of Alain, a young …

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Less than a year after its first announcement, Unicorn Overlord launches during a busy 2024. Is this strategy game worth checking out, or should you play something else? Check out our review here and find out.

Unicorn Overlord Review

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Unicorn Overlord follows the story of Alain, a young prince who loses his homeland as a baby. One night, you are whisked away before your kingdom is sacked and captured by an old ally. Fast forward some years, and you are a lord of a small island that also gets invaded. Your first job as lord is to fight off the enemy and protect your island. You push the enemy back and find out it is being led by one of your mother’s former knights. After beating him down, you use the ring you inherited to cleanse the curse put on the knight. He explains that he doesn’t know what happened; one day, he served happily, and then it’s all blank.

With this information in hand, you set off to reclaim your kingdom and help anyone else who has been mind-controlled by the enemy lord. It won’t be easy, though, because while you were off hiding, the entire continent was invaded and taken over. Once you see the suffering of the people, you start helping them out, and in turn, they assist you by giving you items, a place to stay, and even new recruits for your army. It’s a big, beefy game, and you are looking at around 50 or more hours to complete it easily.

While Unicorn Overlord is a strategy game, it is also an auto-battler. Most of the tactics are set up before you engage in combat, and when you do fight, units act on their own accord. Think of it more as you are a general guiding the troops and putting them in the right spot to succeed. You still need to put the right soldiers together in order to make a strong unit. Sending in your horse units against spear enemies isn’t a great idea since spear guys have advantages against horses. If you send them with a detachment of infantry, you can switch who attacks and have the cavalry backing up your other unit. It will take a couple of battles to get used to, but I was hooked after I got the swing of things.

Assigning their tactics is one way you can “control” your troops. Here, you can pick what type of targets they attack, who they should focus on healing, and which moves the character should prioritize in battle. You can leave the default tactics on and get pretty far, but the later-game battles require more effort. Even early in the game, you can make a few adjustments to help your team out. For instance, making sure your healer heals the LOWEST ally and not a specific ally over and over is just a good idea. It adds to the depth, but it isn’t an insane system.

While not battling, you will be searching the overworld for new towns to liberate, materials to craft with, and side quests to complete. When you liberate a city, it will often be in bad shape. You can upgrade the city back to its former glory by doing quests to turn in materials. When that is done, you can assign a guard (who doesn’t actually leave your party) to watch it and gather more materials. The next time you take a village, your guard will bring you a handful of upgrade mats. The more you take, the more loot you get each time you capture a new one. Plus, each place you capture generally has one good piece of gear worth checking out, giving you a reason to take every town.

The other thing you get from taking cities and doing side quests is Renown. The Renown is a currency mainly used to add more units to your army or make an existing unit able to hold more troops. When you start, all your units can only hold two troops each, but later, you can place four or five in a unit if you have the Renown to do it. Your army can get extremely strong when you have that many units on the field, but so can the enemies. As you get stronger, they will as well, so you are always on your toes. You burn Renown to get advanced classes for your units later in the game. The point is you will be grinding that alongside experience and gold.

I don’t like a couple of things about the game. The battles are timed, which would be alright if it wasn’t such a quick timer. They do it because some of the battles have endless enemy spawns, and you could grind exp and money forever that way, but it’s still annoying. Enemies will spawn behind your camp when you have all your units out, leaving you exposed. If they take your main camp, then you will lose. And I hate enemy thieves stealing my gold and running out of the map. They should die if I win the battle, and I get my loot back. These are just minor gripes of a game I am really enjoying.

Unicorn Overlord might be an early GOTY contender for me. Fans of strategy games should download the demo and play it immediately.

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The Thaumaturge Review Mon, 04 Mar 2024 18:17:47 +0000 Anyone who is a fan of playing a supernatural detective will enjoy The Thaumaturge. Its dark atmosphere, engaging story, and tactical combat will keep you coming back for more.

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One year after first being revealed, Fool’s Theory and 11 bit studios’ The Thaumaturge finally arrives. Is the game worth playing, or should you stick with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth?

The Thaumaturge Review

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The Thaumaturge follows the story of Wiktor Szuliski during early 1900s Russian-owned Warsaw. Wiktor is a Thaumaturge, a person who the game calls a “miracle worker,” but who is more of a spiritual detective. Being a Thaumaturge means seeing people’s thoughts and intentions, makes you great at solving people’s problems. The other benefit of being a Thaumaturge is that you get a Salutor. When the story begins, Wiktor is sick and can’t connect with his Salutor well. He searches for another miracle worker and stumbles upon Rasputin, known for his healing abilities. Rasputin helps you unlock your powers and aids you in befriending new Salutors.

After getting help from Rasputin, you receive a telegram from your sister that your father is dead. With your new friend in tow, you return to Warsaw to say goodbye to your father and collect your inheritance. The city was under the Tsar’s rule, and treason was not tolerated. Citizens and miracle workers can be targeted for no reason at all. Thankfully you have family here and a house to stay in. After saying goodbye to your father, you are left with a task: Find his Black Grimoire. Your father was also a Thamuterge, and his book will help you become stronger. With that in mind, you stay in Warsaw and try to find the Grimoire.

While the Tsar’s army controls the city, that doesn’t mean the streets are safe for you to stroll. Corrupt cops, drunkards, bandits, and countless others all want a piece of you. Wiktor can talk his way out of fights sometimes, but his main flaw is pride, and all of those answers typically trigger a scrap. Combat is turn-based, but certain attacks go quicker than others. So, for instance, you can do a quick light jab twice before an enemy does their heavy attack. On top of that, you need to take focus into account. Focus is sort of a shield for characters, and if you break it, you can make a strong attack with yourself or a Salutor.

You see Wiktor fights side by side with his Salutor, even if normal people can’t see them. Upyr is your first Salutor, and it can heal and deal huge damage to enemies with full HP. Lelek, on the other hand, has moves that drain focus from enemies, opening them up to your power attacks. Then there are the upgrades. All of your moves have slots on them, and you can put your upgrades from the skill tree on your attacks. All of these upgrades have their uses; you can build your Wiktor how you want. Mine was a powerhouse with debuffs and self-buffs, so it would one-shot most enemies when I made a strong attack. Plus, if you don’t like a particular upgrade, you can change them before any fight.

You get your attack upgrades through the skill tree, which gets bigger as you get more Salutors. The other things you get there are the HP, focus, and skill buffs. I talked about Wiktor being a sort of spiritual detective earlier. When you use your Thamuaterge vision, you can discover clues and secrets people leave behind. Some people have a stronger will than others, so you can’t tap into the secrets directly. That’s where your stat points come in. Certain clues will be locked because you don’t have the right level for your skills. To upgrade, you need to fight, do side quests, and find lore in the world.

Warsaw is a big place that is divided up into districts that you can visit. As you get further into the story, more districts open up with new activities and quests for you. Most of these have you using your powers to find something or someone, but you get good experience and can use your flaws to get into more fights. With Wiktor’s power, he can find out things others can’t. In the game, this is done by showing you a red mist. You follow the mist to an item and then check it out to learn more about the person it is attached to. You find enough clues, you make a deduction, and you can unlock new dialogue options for people.

The other thing that affects your dialogue and story choices are your flaws. Wiktor starts with pride as his main flaw and gets new ones as he unlocks more Salutors. Pride gives you options not to be pushed around, get a bit more aggressive, or just have a straight-up fight with people. Picking it in certain conversations will lock other choices later in the same conversation. The other benefit of these flaws is that they give you stat boosts. So, on top of getting a new ally for combat, you also get stronger Thaumaturge abilities. The downside is that sometimes you get yourself killed using those choices.

Tech-wise, I did run into a few bugs and had a couple of crashes. You get wonky animations and T-poses from time to time as well.

Anyone who is a fan of playing a supernatural detective will enjoy The Thaumaturge. Its dark atmosphere, engaging story, and tactical combat will keep you coming back for more.

The Thaumaturge Review

Johnny Hurricane (Ryan Flickema)



Anyone who is a fan of playing a supernatural detective will enjoy The Thaumaturge. Its dark atmosphere, engaging story, and tactical combat will keep you coming back for more.

Combat is engaging throughout
Unique and immersive setting
Choices really matter
Few too many T-Pose issues
Not a fan of timed quests
Locations repeated throughout

Reviewed On: PlayStation 5 (A digital code was provided)
Released: March 4th, 2024
MSRP: $34.99 / £29.50
Platforms: Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, PC,
Developer: Fool’s Theory
Publisher: 11 bit studios
Alternative Reviews: Hey Poor Player,
Aggregate Scores: MetaCritic,

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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Choices And Consequences Guide Thu, 29 Feb 2024 05:04:34 +0000 Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has choices that will affect your relationship with your party members. Check out this Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Choices And Consequences Guide to make sure you keep your allies happy.

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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has choices that will affect your relationship with your party members. Check out this Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Choices And Consequences Guide to make sure you keep your allies happy.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Choices And Consequences Guide

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

We will break this up into chapters.

Chapter 1 Choices

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion initial=’1′]
[accordion_item title=’I visited with my mom’]

Your mom is happy to see you, and you get some background on Cloud’s childhood. You talk a bit about here then get back to the game.

I don’t think so
You don’t watch the cut scene with Cloud’s mom. You can click the door again to go in and see the cut scene.


[accordion_item title=’Went To Tifas House’]

You go in and get some background about Cloud and Tifa being neighbors. You can also go inside and check in Tifa’s closet.

Going through Tifa’s stuff
Cloud says that he knows he shouldn’t have gone through her stuff. Aerith and Tifa both call him an asshole, and you don’t even see anything.

You don’t go in, and you get some background about Tifa and Cloud being neighbors.

Play the Piano
You can play it if you want, even if you don’t have any music. The party will be happy and ask you to play for them sometime.


Chapter 2 Choices

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]
These first choices are basically tutorials.

[accordion_item title=’Aerith – Climb the Clocktower’]

Either of the yes options will make Aerith happy. If you want her to join you at the Golden Saucer then be sure to tell her yes.

She doesn’t like this, who would have thought.


[accordion_item title=’Red – Watching for Shinra’]

He’ll be happy and you two will be friendlier.

Don’t praise
No bonus here.


[accordion_item title=’Barret – Waiting for Seventh Heaven’]

First one will taste good/I’ll pay
Barret is happy about that and seems excited to get Seventh Heaven back up and running.

No time soon then
Barret doesn’t like that answer.


[accordion_item title=’Remember Chadly?’]

He is happy to see you and explains why he is at the chocobo ranch.

He explains who he is.


[accordion_item title=’Pick Flowers Quest’]
What happened to your parents?
She will explain what happened to her parents.

How do you know Sam?
She says that Sam is the reason that her parents are dead.

We’ll take the job
She will be happy and tell you where to find the flowers.


[accordion_item title=’Barkeepers Card’]
None of the choices here make a difference, you still take the quest.


[accordion_item title=’Becks Crew’]

Who are you?
They get mad and explain who they are and what you did to them.

What did you find?
They don’t know what it is, but they know it is powerful.

What are you doing here?
They say they are taking their operations worldwide.

Hand it over
You start the fight.


[accordion_item title=’Beck, Burt or Burke’]
I don’t know if you can get it right or not, but you fight either way.


Chapter 3 Choices

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion_item title=’Offer to help Gabe’]

All choices lead to this.


[accordion_item title=’Wake up gently or with magic’]

Aerith tries to wake him up and he tells you to bring him what’s on the list. Aerith likes this choice better.

With magic
He wakes up and says you scared him half to death. He then tells you to go get some items off his list.

Chapter 4 Choices

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion_item title=’Barret – Junon Inn’]

Join Avalanche
Barret says she is too young, but you still get a boost to the relationship.

Barret seems to really like this answer and does a little dance. This is a big boost to the relationship.

Turn us in
Barret says you might be right about that and he likes your answer. I got Barret’s relationship up with this choice.


[accordion_item title=’Aerith – Junon Inn’]

Aerith will tell you it was a gift, and that maybe you shouldn’t have given it to Tifa. You still get your boost.

The Church
Close but no cigar, that was the second time. Still since you are Cloud she expects it and the relationship still goes up.

She doesn’t seem to mind and you still get a boost, but is a smaller one.


[accordion_item title=’Red – Junon Inn’]

We’ll manage
Red will say he feels like he has fish bones in his nose and you get a normal boost.

Didn’t expect you to
Red says he will leave it all to you then. You get a boost, but only a tiny one from this choice.

Not good
He agrees but says that his ears are okay, so don’t worry. Relationship boost.


[accordion_item title=’Tifa – Junon Inn’]

General store kid?
She says yes and tells you about him. Minor relationship boost.

No sorry
Tifa will explain who he is and you get a minor relationship boost.

I only remember you
Obviously Tifa likes that, you get a solid boost from this one.


[accordion_item title=’Monster Meat or Bovine Meat’]

Monster Flesh
You will get the Nice Condor Photo key item and a Warding Materia with this choice.

Bovine Meat
You get the Composed Condor Photo for this one and the Warding Materia.

You will get a blurry picture and the Warding Materia.


Chapter 6 Choices

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion_item title=’Yuffie Choice – Costa Del Sol’]

She says saying nope doesn’t make you cool, but if she joined she could make you cool. Relationship boost.

Yeah obviously
She didn’t expect that answer but isn’t offended. She still mentions she wants to join the team and you get a relationship boost.

Can’t you take a hint?
She pouts and says she has no idea what you are talking about, maybe she would if she was part of the team. Relationship boost.


[accordion_item title=’Tifa and Aerith Outfit Choice/Beach Choice’]

The outfits the girls like are the Floral Delight and Majestic Glamour. Pick those ones if you want a boost to their relationships.

For the fight on the beach, fight with who you want to raise the relationship with.


[accordion_item title=’Aerith Beach Choice’]

Don’t think
She says okay, and Cloud explains that he means to worry about the future when it gets here, not in the preset. He also says that he will have her back so she doesn’t have to worry. Relationship boost.

Everyone has someone they hate
She says that it doesn’t feel normal. This one got me to the next level of relationship with Aerith so it must be a good choice.

They’re just thoughts
You say the the thoughts can be ugly, because she isn’t. Aerith likes this a lot and it seems to be a big boost.


[accordion_item title=’Tifa Beach Choice’]

Wanna go back?
She says she wants to go back, but she has to move on right now. She then offers you a drink, but you say you’ll wait for the new Seventh Heaven. Relationship boost.

Lots happened
You guys reminisce a bit and Tifa offers you a drink. Relationship boost.

Hasn’t been that long
Tifa says that is was a figure of speech and offers you a drink. Relationship boost.


[accordion_item title=’Red Beach Choices’]

Don’t sweat it
You say anyone would want to punch that dude, including you. Red says your fists, my fangs and you get a relationship boost.

Yeah you should
You scold Red and he asks to be alone. Relationship boost.

We had no choice
You tell him you had no choice, if you hadn’t stepped it it would have been worse. Relationship boost.


[accordion_item title=’Barret Beach Choices’]

This is on Hojo
Barret agrees and says he has to pay. You get a relationship boost.

Can’t save everyone
Barret says that is an excuse and he doesn’t want none of it. Relationship boost.

You tried
You say that is all that matters, and Barret laughs because you try to cheer him up. Relationship boost.


[accordion_item title=’Yuffie Duel’]

It doesn’t matter what you say, she joins up with you even if you tell her to leave.


Chapter 7 Choices

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion_item title=’Barret or Yuffie Train Tracks’]

If you leave the track as is, you will take Barret’s route. This one has the jump and Yuffie almost pukes at the end. Your relationship with Barret increases.

Yuffie still almost gets sick, but your relationship with her raises.


Chapter 9 Choices

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion_item title=’Mushroom Choice’]

The Right Mushrooms
Pick the right side mushrooms to get it correct and Red will be happy. Relationship boost.


[accordion_item title=’Tifa – Gongaga Village’]
Tifa says soup isn’t that easy to make, but you still get a boost.

Tifa says that is not surprising, and that Cloud’s mom made a great roast. Tifa offers to try and make you one. Relationship boost.

You two go over the ingredients but then Tifa says it’d be better if she just made it for you to try. Relationship boost.

[accordion_item title=’Aerith – Gongaga Village’]

Too hard on yourself
You say that it was good to get that all out. Aerith isn’t sure, but you still get a boost.

Maybe you did cross a line
She says figures and Cloud asks about Zack. You get a small relationship boost.

They didn’t seem to mind
Aerith doesn’t agree, but she appreciates you saying that. Relationship boost.


[accordion_item title=’Barret – Gongaga Village’]

You say onions are perfect for him. Barret asks why and Cloud says because he cries a lot. Small boost here.

He asks if you think they are a lucky charm or not, but also agrees it’d be good for Gil. Relationship boost.

Black Milly?
He slows you down and says those are for love potions. Barret says he isn’t playing match maker for you. Relationship boost.


[accordion_item title=’Yuffie – Gongaga Village’]

Quiet down
Yuffie calls you the singing police and says she’ll stop if you give her your Materia. Relationship boost.

She says she would normally charge you an orb but because it is you she will do it for free. Relationship boost.

Funny song
Yuffie is happy you recognize her genius and will sing you another song. You get a relationship boost.


Chapter 10 Choices

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion_item title=’Barret- Cosmo Canyon’]

We fight
You say we fight, or nothing will change. Barret agrees and you get a relationship boost.

What do you want to do?
Barret says he doesn’t want to sit and do nothing, that’s forsure. Relationship boost.

Maybe you learn something
Barret says he already is learning a lot. Relationship boost.


[accordion_item title=’Red- Cosmo Canyon’]

Wasn’t listening
Red gets mad at you and uses a swear, but I got Red to the next level relationship with this choice.

Don’t give me that BS
Red then teaches you a new word, Decorum. He insults you and you get a relationship boost, like good friends do.

I’ll lend an ear
You listen to Red tell his story and you learn more about him. Another big boost from this choice since it got Red to the next level of friendship for me.


[accordion_item title=’Tifa – Cosmo Canyon’]

Laugh it off
You tell her to laugh it off and she disagrees. Relationship boost.

I felt it
Cloud says he is also bad with words, and Tifa says you are two peas in a pod. This choice got me to the next level of the relationship with Tifa.

You did good
You say that you understood it, and Tifa says she wanted EVERYONE to get it. Relationship boost.


[accordion_item title=’Yuffie – Cosmo Canyon’]

Why do you think that?
She says that she needs to proof to change her mind. Relationship boost.

I totally agree
She gets offended and you still get a boost.

Pretty much
Yuffie says thank you and says you understand why she lives the way that she does. Relationship boost.

[accordion_item title=’Aerith – Cosmo Canyon’]

Stop her
Aerith is happy that you do this, but you can’t alter the story so she still goes through with it. Relationship boost.

Aerith gives you a nod and goes on with the ceremony. This choice got me to the next level relationship with Aerith.

You say that it is okay. This makes Aerith happy and she gives you a nod. This choice got me to the next level relationship with Aerith.


Chapter 11 Choices

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion_item title=’Aerith – Nibelhiem’]

Sounds like me
Aerith gives you a stare and she says that she would have been up here all the time. Slight boost to the relationship.

No way
Cloud stutters and Aerith gives him an Mhm. Relationship boost.

That’s not funny
Cloud gets a little uppity about it and Aerith pouts as a result. Small relationship boost.

[accordion_item title=’Yuffie – Nibelheim’]

You say you didn’t look and Yuffie calls you an amateur. This choice got me to the next level of the relationship with Yuffie.

Yuffie loves this answer. Pick this one for a big boost.

Yuffie doesn’t believe you and you get a slight relationship boost.

[accordion_item title=’Red – Nibleheim’]

Yeah it makes you feel bad
Red apologizes and you get a slight relationship boost.

I didn’t like it much either
Cloud says it gave him the creeps also. Relationship boost.

This isn’t my hometown
You say this isn’t the town you grew up in anyways. Boost to the relationship.


[accordion_item title=’Barret – Niblehiem’]

Not much we can do
Barret doesn’t agree and tells you this is how the world got to be where it is. Still it was enough to put me to the next level of our relationship, I still thing the Screw them choice is the best.

Screw them
Barret agrees and this got me to the next level of our relationship.

Why robes are here?
Barret says he has no idea and you get a relationship boost.

[accordion_item title=’Who is your foe?’]

The cat quickly corrects you since this is a Shrina spot. You then talk about Sephiorth and Vincent says he has one more sin to deal with. Then he opens the door and goes back to sleep. He ends up with the group but you can’t put him in your party.

He ends up with the group but you can’t put him in your party.

He ends up with the group but you can’t put him in your party.


Chapter 14 Choices

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion_item title=’Aerith Market Choices’]

Most of the choices don’t matter here, but the picture one if the picture you get to keep.



Be sure to check out our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Walkthrough Guide collection for side quests, tips, tricks, and mini-game help. Also, check out our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Review and find out why we said “it’s like waving goodbye to an old friend”.

The post Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Choices And Consequences Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

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Granblue Fantasy: Relink Review Wed, 31 Jan 2024 17:45:44 +0000 After being announced way back in 2016, Granblue Fantasy: Relink finally sees the light of day. Was the long dev cycle worth it, or should you check out something else? Check out our review and find out.

The post Granblue Fantasy: Relink Review appeared first on GamersHeroes.

After being announced way back in 2016, Cygames’ Granblue Fantasy: Relink finally sees the light of day. Was the long dev cycle worth it?

Granblue Fantasy: Relink Review

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

Granblue Fantasy: Relink follows an airship captain (your character) and their crew as they search for the Promised Land. There’s just one thing: The skies on the way to the island they are searching for aren’t safe. Your tutorial fight is with some Wyverns, and eventually a Bahamut summoned by your ally Lyria. For some reason, this summon briefly turns on the team, but Lyria eventually gets him back under control. With the ship in rough condition, Lyria slips and falls overboard, with your character trying to catch her. You both fall to the land below and somehow manage to survive. You find Lyria, save her from monsters, and reunite with your crew.

Your ship in shambles, players will then head to a local village to find some new transportation. A captain named Rolan agrees to take you all on his ship if you help him out. Naturally, the first island you go to is under attack by goblins, putting you to work. As it turns out, it is also being affected by strong, unnatural winds that make it hard for ships to leave. The goblins aren’t a big threat, but the Primal Beast rampaging concerns your character. You set out to calm the beast, and hopefully secure the island. The story is very quick, clocking in at about 15 hours for me. That being said, the story is a tiny portion of Relink.

Granblue Fantasy Relink honest review

During the game, you can take on quests at a quest board. Think of it like Monster Hunter World. You pick a quest, and you can set out with your party to do the objective. If you play online, you can have three other allies or do them offline with your NPC party. After you beat the game, these quests open up a lot more. You get the more difficult missions, bosses, and other modes you didn’t have during the main story. I might have beef with the boss fights in the main story, but online quests immediately put players in action. And with Quick Quest, you can join a team in seconds. The main story is a slow burn, but the post-game is quick and snappy.

Relink is a character-action RPG, and the combat is excellent. First, there are over a dozen characters, and they all play differently. As overwhelming as that sounds, it also helps ensure you find a character you like. Everyone has the same button layout with basic attacks and strong attacks, but some have stances or other mechanics that help power them up. Where things get tricky is your special skills. You can only bring four of them with you, meaning you need to be picky. Do you want more damage, an AoE spell, heals, buffs? Whatever you choose, choose wisely; you can’t change mid-fight, and only having three good moves really hurts your chances of being the highest scorer online.

Granblue Fantasy Relink honest game reviww

The other way you power up your characters is by weapons and sigils. You can craft new weapons with various elements and upgrade them for more damage and effects. I play Yodarha, a fisherman who uses katanas as his weapon. I stacked my blades with crit chance and ripped enemies up with him. My Percival, on the other hand, hits like a truck, so I just stacked damage on him. Sigils are similar to accessories, buffing you in various ways. The most common sigils will give you more damage, more HP, and things like that. Other, more rare sigils might give you a skill buff, earn you more cash, or provide you with life steal. My point is that you can make the type of character you want if you are willing to put in the effort.

During your downtime, you can visit the towns and do side quests or trade with Siero, a traveling merchant who likes to trade in treasure and sigils. The side quests always involve killing or retrieving something, but the rewards are worth it. You can go to him for crafting parts and new characters. The prices can be a bit steep on certain materials, so be sure to save your coins. As for the characters, the game isn’t a Gacha, so you can pick who you want and spend a voucher to hire them. You can only test them after you get them, which is a bummer. You can recruit them all eventually, so you don’t need to worry about missing anyone.

Granblue Fantasy Relink game review

Just be warned: Granblue Fantasy: Relink was in development for a long time, and it shows. The areas and zones are very small, but there is no map. It isn’t needed online because most of the fights are arenas, but the towns should have them present. The boss fights during the main story can also be annoying; players can have a boss on the ropes, only for them to suddenly stop losing HP. When this happens, you’ll have to sit there for a move or cutscene to go off. These story boss fights disrupt the rhythm of a game with such quick-paced combat. You have to wait to leave lobbies between online matches until everyone agrees, or the timer runs out. I hope they can at least fix the online issue.

While it takes a while to get going, Granblue Fantasy: Relink is well worth the wait. Fans of quick-paced co-op action RPGs shouldn’t hesitate to check it out.

[infobox style=’success’ static=’1′]This review of Like Granblue Fantasy: Relink was done on the PlayStation 5. A digital code was provided by the publisher.[/infobox]

[blogger ids=” cat=’honest-game-reviews’ orderby=’date’ order=’desc’ count=’4′ descr=’200′ readmore=’1′ rating=’1′ style=’image_large’ border=’0′ dir=’vertical’]

The post Granblue Fantasy: Relink Review appeared first on GamersHeroes.

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Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Drink Link Choices Guide Thu, 25 Jan 2024 22:41:12 +0000 During your time in Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth, you will get the chance to have some drinks with your friends. Check out this guide to find out Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Drink Link Choices Guide. This way, you can get stronger bonds and better attacks in combat.

The post Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Drink Link Choices Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

During your time in Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth, you will get the chance to have some drinks with your friends. Check out this guide to find out Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Drink Link Choices Guide. This way, you can get stronger bonds and better attacks in combat.

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Drink Link Choices Guide

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion initial=’1′]
[accordion_item title=’Tomizawa Drink Links’]
We have the first choices in this choice and consequences guide before we knew these were separate choices. The guide is found here.

Aren’t you relieved?
+30 Intellect

Only one way to be certain
+30 Style

Great news!
+30 Kindness

Staying away might be best
+30 Intellect

You have to find her
+30 Style

Maybe there is no right move
+30 Kindness

Tomizawa Drink Link 3

To Marie’s happiness
+30 Passion

You need to get closer
+30 Intellect

Be grateful she is safe
+30 Charisma

Look into the new boyfriend
+30 Confidence

You could talk to her
+30 Intellect

How about asking the team?
+30 Charisma

Tomizawa Drink Link 4

That was slick
+30 Confidence

Kondo must be dim
+30 Intellect

Went without me?
+30 Charisma

You are a good guy
+30 Passion

You can cry if you want
+30 Style

We’re both suckers
+30 Charisma

Tomizawa Drink Link 5
This is just a fight.


[accordion_item title=’Chitose Drink Links’]

Drink Link 1

Fancy Family photo
+30 Charisma

I guess you don’t like your dad
+30 Passion

Taking over the company?
+30 Confidence

Grass is always greener
+30 Passion

Not too late
+30 Passion

Special case
+30 Confidence

Drink Link 2

Like a butler?
+30 Intellect

did you have a nanny?
+30 Style

What kind of self defense?
+30 Kindness

Cute ole grandpa
+30 Intellect

Thought he’d be scarier
+30 Kindness

I see how tough he could be
+30 Style

Drink Link 3

Put his mind at ease
+30 Intellect

I feel bad for him
+30 Kindness

Why don’t you have him join us?
+30 Passion

Persona video message
+30 Intellect

Group photo
+30 Kindness

Selfie with us two
+30 Style

Drink Link 4

Don’t know anything
+30 Intellect

Do something about it
+30 Kindness

Bring him to our side
+30 Passion

Did I make you worried?
+30 Intellect

Keep an eye on him
+30 Kindness

He must be touched you worry about him
+30 Style


[accordion_item title=’Adachi Drink Links’]

Drink Link 1

+30 Confidence

Same do I’ve got
+30 Passion

Like you how you are
+30 Style

+30 Confidence

Too early to give up
+30 Passion

I’ll lend you a hand
+30 Style

Drink Link 2

Knew it
+30 Charisma

Guys together?
+30 Confidence

Hard to talk about her?
+30 Intellect

I’ll help
+30 Charisma

Real awkward
+30 Confidence

Emotional reunion
+30 Intellect

Drink Link 3

Bad luck?
+30 Kindness

Secret dungeon
+30 Charisma

Finding things after you forget
+30 Confidence

No ones fault
+30 Kindness

You weren’t responsible
+30 Confidence

What did Akiko san tell you?
+30 Intellect

Drink Link 4

Did she remember?
+30 Kindness

That’s great news
+30 Charisma

Seems the reunion didn’t go smoothly
+30 Confidence

Warn Akiko first
+30 Kindness

Let’s catch the robbers
+30 Charisma

Contact the police
+30 Confidence

Drink Link 5
A fight as usual.


[accordion_item title=’Nanba Drink Links’]

Nanba Drink Link 1

Don’t be so hard on yourself
+30 Soul

Man of good character
+30 Body

Juniors show me respect
+30 Tech

It’s reasonable to be angry
+30 Tech

Good friend you are
+30 Soul

Life is hard
+30 Body

Drink Link 2

You and I are comrades
+30 Tech

Let your emotions out
+30 Soul

I can wait
+30 Body

It’s okay to feel down
+30 Tech

Be honest
+30 Body

We’ll drink till you talk
+30 Soul

Drink Link 3

That’s not you
+30 Body

Is that true?
+30 Soul

I won’t tell
+30 TechYou deserve to know
+30 Soul

Peace of mind
+30 Body

Don’t leave things unresolved
+30 TechNanba Drink Link 4

When’s the wedding?
+30 Soul

Any updates?
+30 Tech

I feel left out
+30 Body

Ask her out
+30 Tech

You don’t need my advice
+30 Soul

See how the boss likes it
+30 Body

Nanba Drink Link 5
A fight.


[accordion_item title=’Saeko Drink Links’]

Saeko Drink Link 1

You can around my friends
+30 Tech

Call me Kazuma
+30 Body

+30 Soul

I’ll hear you out
+30 Body

Talking about another man?
+30 Tech

Between you and Kasuga?
+30 Soul

Saeko Drink Link 2

Only exist in soaps
+30 Body

If they had the money
+30 Tech

I should have done that
+30 Soul

A ton of roses
+30 Tech

She’s wonderful
+30 Soul

She’s unique
+30 Body

Saeko Drink Link 3

I’ll protect you
+30 Soul

Tell me more
+30 Body

Scared of falling in love?
+30 Tech

I’ll know the gist
+30 Body

When he pissed you off?
+30 Tech

I want to hear it
+30 Soul

Saeko Drink Link 4

How can I ignore a friend?
+30 Body

I got time
+30 Tech

Don’t change the subject
+30 Soul

The person who called you
I didn’t see a stat boost with this choice.

+30 Tech

Your business rivals
No stat boost for this choice either.

Nanba Drink Link 5
Another fight.


[accordion_item title=’Seonhee Drink Links’]

Seonhee Drink Link 1

Easy for you
+30 Tech

You don’t show weakness
+30 Body

So dignified
+30 Soul

Don’t take any risks
+30 Soul

I’ll meet with your elders
+30 Body

I really can count on you
+30 Soul

Seonhee Drink Link 2

We have to help each other
+30 Body

It’s time I pay you back
+30 Tech

We’re a team now
+30 Soul

Could you let this one slide?
+30 Body

A boss ought to keep a tight leash
+30 Tech

Loosen up a bit yourself
+30 Soul

Seonhee Drink Link 3

I want you to answer
+30 Tech

Call back?
+30 Body

No need to be considerate of me
+30 Soul

Sounds important
+30 Body

Let’s call it a night
+30 Tech

Don’t mind me
+30 Soul

Seonhee Drink Link 4

I get why you don’t want to talk
+30 Soul

I’m getting pissed just listening
+30 Body

Talk it out
+30 Tech

It’s a tough call
+30 Tech

Shouldn’t be swayed by emotions
+30 Body

I’ll be thinking
+30 Soul

Seonhee Drink Link 5
Another fight.


[accordion_item title=’Zhao Drink Links’]

Zhao Drink Link 1

I’m impressed
+30 Soul

Guess that was stupid
+30 Body

I’m jealous
+30 Tech

I’ll go
+30 Body

I’ll pass
+30 Tech

Must be nice
+30 Soul

Zhao Drink Link 2

Leave it be?
+30 Soul

Who they really are
+30 Tech

You sure they are wrong?
+30 Body

Seems likely
+30 Soul

I need more evidence
+30 Body

Ask Geomijul?
+30 Tech

Zhao Drink Link 3

See what happens
+30 Tech

Should try to stop them?
+30 Body

Popular guy
+30 Soul

Doesn’t look like anything gets to you
+30 Tech

I’ll lend you an ear
+30 Soul

No wonder I like drinking
+30 Body

Zhao Drink Link 4

Cooking was important
+30 Body

I’m impressed
+30 Soul

Go to extremes to stop them
+30 Tech

Why not warn the blogger?
+30 Body

Let’s find him
+30 Tech

Ignorance is bliss
+30 Soul

Zhao Drink Link 5
Another fight.


[accordion_item title=’Joongi Drink Links’]

Joongi Drink Link 1

Why not get real chummy?
+30 Charisma

Don’t be a stranger
+30 Passion

I missed you
+30 Confidence

I wanna kick back
+30 Charisma

Drink up!
+30 Passion

What if I ratted you out?
+30 Confidence

Joongi Drink Link 2

Don’t let up!
+30 Passion

You’re welcome to join me
+30 Style

You’re a huge help
+30 Kindness

I’m glad Seonhee’s there
+30 Intellect

You’re mad at her?
+30 Style

Why is she nice to Kryu?
+30 Kindness

Joongi Drink Link 3

Not the same as hiding
+30 Intellect

I need to resolve on my own
+30 Style

Give me some advice
+30 Kindness

Yeah, please!
+30 Passion

Help me out with this
+30 Style

+30 Kindness

Joongi Drink Link 4

Cause she’s got promise right?
+30 Intellect

They catch on quick
+30 Style

They have a lot of room to grow!
+30 Passion

You’re more considerate than I thought
+30 Kindness

Yeona will understand
+30 Style

That’s just an excuse
+30 Confidence

Joongi Drink Link 5
Another fight.



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Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Personality Choices And Consequences Guide Thu, 25 Jan 2024 22:40:24 +0000 During your playthrough of Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth, you will run into choices that effect Ichiban's personality. Check out this Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Choices And Consequences Guide to know which choice to make. This way you can build that personality stats you want to.

The post Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Personality Choices And Consequences Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

During your playthrough of Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth, you will run into choices that affect Ichiban’s personality. Check out this Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Choices And Consequences Guide to know which choice to make. This way, you can build the personality stats you want to.

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Choices And Consequences Guide

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]
Each of the different personality trees unlocks unique abilities and access to new facilities. As such, there are several approaches you can take. You can hyper-focus on lesser personality types or branch out into multiple different avenues. For ease of use, we have included color coding on all of the choices so you can quickly and easily navigate through each choice and choose the answer that gives the personality experience points you desire.


Chapter 1 Choices
Chapter 2 Choices
Chapter 3 Choices
Chapter 4 Choices
Chapter 5 Choices
Chapter 6 Choices
Chapter 7 Choices
Chapter 8 Choices

Chapter 1 Choices & Consequences

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion initial=’1′]
[accordion_item title=’What should I say to Hamako?’]

Tell her to ease up +30 Passion
This one will give you 30 Passion exp. You try to tell her to calm down because this town would be in tears if she died. She’ll tell you to get back to work and say bye.

Lend her a shoulder +30 Kindness
This one will give you 30 kindness exp. The woman will thank you but tell you to go to work; she’ll handle herself.


[accordion_item title=’Nanba or Adachi?’]

Sit and act natural +30 Style
This one will give you some 30 Style exp, and Nanba will be happy about it.

Stand and pose +30 Passion
This one will give you 30 Passion exp, and Adachi will be happy.


[accordion_item title=’Beef Bowl or Spicy Curry’]

Beef Bowl +30 Confidence
This choice will get you 30 Confidence exp.

Spicy Curry +30 Passion
This is another 30 exp to your Passion stat.


[accordion_item title=’Nanba Outfit or Adachi Outfit choice’]

Organic look +30 Intellect
This choice is +30 Intellect exp.

Razzle Dazzle +30 Style
The Razzle Dazzle will give you 30 Style exp.


[accordion_item title=’Be like Nanba or be like Adachi’]

Be like Nanba +30 Charisma
You get 30 Charisma points for making this choice.

Be like Adachi +30 Passion
You get 30 Passion points for making this choice

[accordion_item title=’Talk about Nanba or talk about Adachi’]

Talk about Nanba +30 Charisma
You get 30 Charisma points for making this choice.

Talk about Adachi +30 Kindness
You wonder what Adachi looked like back in the day. You get 30 Kindness XP.


[accordion_item title=’Be like Nanba and move on or cover like Adachi’]

Be like Nanba and move on +30 Charisma
You get 30 Charisma points for making this choice.

Be like Adachi and cover for her +30 Confidence
You cover for her and complain about the lack of help reading the menu. The owner ends up agreeing to change it to make it easier for customers. You get 30 Confidence exp.

[accordion_item title=’A guy like Nanba or a guy like Adachi’]

A guy like Nanba: real down-to-earth +30 Kindness
You get 30 Kindness points for this choice.

A guy like Adachi: cool and stylish +30 Intellect
You stick up for her and explain Cabaret Clubs are an honest living. Saeko says that’s the kind of man she would want for a boyfriend. You get 30 Intellect exp.


[accordion_item title=’Nancy Crayfish choice’]
Wanna see Hawaii
You bring Nancy with you to Hawaii.

You can’t come
She won’t be happy with this and you need to pick the other option.

Chapter 3 Choices & Consequences

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion_item title=’Kei Intro choices’]
Kei will give you your first timed choice. Pick Aloha for some charisma but the other choices give nothing.


Chapter 5 Choices & Consequences

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion_item title=’Tomizawa bar Conversation’]

Honestly that was nothing +30 Charisma
You get 30 Charisma points for making this choice.

I bet Marie is doing well +30 Passion
This is another 30 exp to your Passion stat.

Time healed your wounds +30 Confidence
This choice will get you 30 Confidence exp.

You don’t know that +30 Charisma
You get 30 Charisma points for making this choice.

Marie doesn’t think so+30 Passion
This is another 30 exp to your Passion stat.

It wasn’t your fault +30 Confidence
This choice will get you 30 Confidence exp.

[accordion_item title=’Labyrinth Bum Choice’]

1$ +30 Confidence
This choice will get you 30 Confidence exp.

10$ +30 Confidence
This choice will get you 30 Confidence exp.

Don’t pay
You don’t get anything and the bum calls you stingy.

Chapter 6 Choices & Consequences

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

[accordion_item title=’We Gotta Find A Way’]
Check on Kiryu
This is the only choice that makes the game progress.

[accordion_item title=’Drinks Link Choices’]

We have another article here for these choices.


[accordion_item title=’Ounabara Vocational School Exam Choices’]

We have choices for the exams here.



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The post Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Personality Choices And Consequences Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

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How To Get Dondoko Island To 1 Star In Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Thu, 25 Jan 2024 22:40:21 +0000 Dondoko Island is one of the big mini-games that you can play in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Check out this guide to find out How To Get Dondoko Island To 1 Star In Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth. This way, you can start unlocking more of the area and increase your cash.

The post How To Get Dondoko Island To 1 Star In Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Dondoko Island is one of the big mini-games that you can play in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Check out this guide to find out How To Get Dondoko Island To 1 Star In Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth. This way, you can start unlocking more of the area and increase your cash.

How To Upgrade Dondoko Island In Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

In order to upgrade Dondoko Island to level one, you will need 1000 satisfaction and 700 popularity, and you need to clear out the Entrance and The Great Tree. You need to wait until after the first day until you can really start tackling this objective. Spend your first day gathering everything you can and wait for the cut scene.

Raise Popularity
Both Popularity and Satisfaction can be raised by building new DIY items and placing them on your island. Popularity is much easier to build up because it also goes up by finding bugs, collecting shells, and fishing on the island. You’ll need to build some to hit the number, but collecting items will also be a big help.

You can sort it by Popularity when you go to the DIY bench. From there, you can build things that will boost your Popularity. You should try to build different items; this way, you get more blueprints and maybe can get better attractions to build.

Raise Satisfaction

Clear Out Entrance and Great Tree

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