Game GuidesPokemon X & Y Guides

Pokemon X & Y Guide: Pokemon in Route 6 – Palais Lane

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You gotta catch em all! This Pokemon X & Y Capture Guide will go over what Pokemon are available in Route 6 – Palais Lane. This route is Northwest of Camphrier town and is kind of tricky on how you actually get into the long grass. You will actually have to follow the path to get to the mansion and keep walking strait when you see the long grass on either side of you. Once you get into the mansion courtyard there is entrences to Route 6 on the left and right of where you entered the mansion courtyard. Be careful, there is some deadly Pokemon in the grass if you aren’t ready for Honedge which is a ghost/steal type. There also is some annoying trainers hiding in the tall grass as well.

Pokemon Available in Route 6:

  • Honedge – Steal/Ghost
  • Espurr – Psychic
  • Nincada – Bug/Ground
  • Sentret – Normal
  • Oddish – Grass/Poison
  • Kecleon – Normal

Make sure to keep checking back to Gamers Heroes for all of your Pokemon needs! If you find any Pokemon in this area that we didn’t find make sure to tell everyone about it in the comments.


  1. On the central path leading to the palace i found a Audino in one of the bushes on the left side of the path,,, weird but definitely got it there but then checked the rest of the bushes on either side of the path and found no more so seems only the one chance

    1. You can also catch venipede there. The bushes is random took me about 10 passes by each side to get a second encounter.

  2. On the central path leading to the palace i found a Audino in one of the bushes on the left side of the path,,, weird but definitely got it there but then checked the rest of the bushes on either side of the path and found no more so seems only the one chance

    1. You can also catch venipede there. The bushes is random took me about 10 passes by each side to get a second encounter.

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