Game Previews

Battle Princess of Arcadias Preview

Battle Princess of Arcadias - Gamers Heroes
Battle Princess of Arcadias – Gamers Heroes

If there’s one thing we at Gamers Heroes love, it’s beat-em-ups. After last year’s stellar Dragon’s Crown, we’ve been dying to get our hands (more like fists) on wave after wave of thugs and ne’er do wells. Leave it up to NIS America to remedy this drought with Battle Princess of Arcadias.

Much like the side-scrollers of yesteryear, Battle Princess of Arcadias has you fighting waves of goons before stepping toe-to-toe with a killer boss. There is a diverse lineup of baddies, characters, moves, and even combos in place to help keep things fresh.

However, much like Dragon’s Crown, a number of modern-day tweaks have been made. High-res sprites are a given, but an RPG-like leveling system has been thrown into the mix. A loot system is also in place, allowing players to collect weapons and materials to forge even greater gear.

So can Battle Princess of Arcadias fight like the best of them? Stay tuned for our review next month!

Battle Princess of Arcadias will be available on the PS3 via PSN on June 17 in North America and June 18 in Europe.

Casey Scheld

Casey Scheld has more than 15 years of experience in the gaming industry as a community manager, social media director, event specialist, and (of course) gaming editor. He has previously worked with gaming start-ups like Raptr, publishers like Konami, and roller derby girls at PAX West (check out Jam City Rollergirls)! Gamers Heroes is a passion project for him, giving him a chance to tap into the underground side of gaming. He is all too eager to give these lesser-known heroes of the indie space the attention they so rightly deserve, seeking out the next gem and sharing it with the world. Previously making appearances at events like CES, GDC, and (the late) E3, he is all too happy to seek out the next big thing. For those that want to talk shop, send over a tip, or get an easy win in a fighting game of their choosing, be sure to check out his social media channels below.

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