Yakuza Kiwami MesuKing Card Location Guide
MesuKing is an exciting mini-game introduced in Yakuza Kiwami. There are 60 cards you can collect and use. This Yakuza Kiwami MesuKing Card Location Guide will tell you where to find all of the cards so you can win every battle and complete your MesuKing Card Album.
Yakuza Kiwami MesuKing Card Location Guide
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]Once you have unlocked the MesuKing card game in Chapter 4, the Substory is outside Club SEGA on Nakamichi Street, you can begin collecting cards and finding them scattered throughout the game world. Cards you can find whilst exploring are marked with a purple flashing symbol and a butterfly icon on the screen.
[accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Mesuking Card Album Page One’] Giraffe Stag-Bettle – You cannot get this until you gain access to the Coliseum. When you do, enter the Coliseum Counter area and between tow red chairs you will find the card.Empress Cicada – This is a strong 180 card so be sure to get it early. You can find it in the Kyusho No 1 Star restaurant on the map.
Queen Alexandra Birdwing – Bought in Purgatory(West Park) from the weapon vendor.
MinminZemi Cicada – Bought at the pawn shop along with two other cards.
Iwasakikusa Cicada – Found here on the map on the floor.
Seven-Spotted Ladybug – On the floor at this location.
Stag Beetle – Another card on the floor.
Another one on the floor.
Japanese Giant Mantis – This is from the side quest “Time For A Raid”, one of the later bug battle quests.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Mesuking Card Album Page Two’]Sawtooth Stag Beetle – On the floor near a sign in this alleyway.
Honey Bee – On the floor behind a small sign.
Old World Swallowtail – This one is down a narrow crack here on the map, you need to go into first person in order to get it.
Western Hercules Beetle – Found on the floor at this location.
Small White – Found down the alley near a wall.
Wasp King – You get this by completing another Mesuking quest called “The Professors Past 2”.
Autumn Darter – Found here on the map, down the little alleyway near the bar.
Walking Flower Mantis – Found at this location on the map next to a gold car.
Atlas Moth – Found on the ground in front of the Taxi cab here on the map.
Atlas Beetle – You can find this down the road and in a door way here.
Orange Ladybug – This one is found down a tiny alley and next to the wall.
Kuwanas Ladybug – This is found near the guy behind the kiosk at the Sega Arcade where you get this quest.
Asain Giant Hornet – On the ground behind a pillar at this location.
White Tailed Skimmer – Found on the ground in the corner near a plant.
Giant Petaltail – Found in Purgatory(West Park) at this location. You need to go into first person and look up to collect it, get right under it.
Devils Flower Mantis – On the stairs out the restaurant Kanrai.
Cartwheel Kick – Found on this road near a gate.
Elbow Drop – Another one you can find on the floor at this location.
Kestral Punch – Found inside the Cafe Alps near a table.
Finish Breaker – This is found in the underground red light district.
Last Resort – Earned by completing the Mesuking side quest “The Professors Past”.
Strangle Hold – Found on the ground near some bikes at the location.
Romero Special – This card is right outside of Mach Bowl on the map.
Super Romero Special – You get this when you beat the third opponent at the Sega arcade and beat quest 73.
Leg Splitter – Down the alley near the bowling alley you can find this card.
Super Leg Splitter – Bought at the pawnshop.
Tie Breaker – Earning after completing the Mesuking sub quest “Enjoying it with everyone”.
Finish Time – You get this one from the Sega Arcade by beating the second opponent, this is side quest 72.
Tomoe Nage – In the bike rack at this location on the map.
[accordion_item title=’Mesuking Card Album Page Five’]
Giant Swing – Won from the Sega Arcade by beating your first opponent in Mesuking, side quest 71.
Super Gaint Swing – Purchased at the pawn shop.
Super Piledriver – Bought in Purgatory at the weapon shop.
Taunt – Near a payphone next to some cardboard boxes.
Counter Heal – Bought in Purgatory from the weapon vendor.
Double Drop – In the Parking lot on the map here.
Super Double Drop – another one you buy in Purgatory from the weapon vendor.
Banana Split – Found here on the floor, in between a truck and a trash can.
Mystic Heal – One you buy from Purgatory from the weapon vendor there.
Tornado Backfist – This is found in the underground area beneath the park.
what about card# 19, the one between the Small White and the Wasp King?
You have to get 10 undefeated wins in a row. You can challenge Tomohiro ten times in a row, he will always pick Rock so counter him with the Hercules Beetle card and the Body Slam. Also pick Finish Time as your yellow card which’ll boost the attack so you can one-shot him every time.
Yeah, I juste did this and I didn’t get it. So this isn’t true.
That’s because it’s win 20 times, not 10.
So ı have found 1 card above the tree but can’t reach it and take it . I also found one between 2 buildings but can’t reach there either is there a way to reach them ?
You need to go into first-person mode and then look directly at the cards. I believe it’s L3 or R3
I found the except the last card skill card no 30 do you know how ı can get it ?
It seems skill card 30 doesn’t exist. Maybe it’ll be in one of the DLC packs?
Insect cards:
1. Giraffe Stag Beetle
2. Hercules Beetle
3. Empress Cicada
4. Queen Alexandra Birdwing
5. Minminzemi Cicada
6. Iwasakikusa Cicada
7. Seven-Spotted Ladybug
8. Stag Beetle
9. Damselfly
10. Japanese Giant Mantis
11. Miyama Stag Beetle
12. Paper Wasp
13. Sawtooth Stag Beetle
14. Honey Bee
15. Japanese Rhino Beetle
16. Old World Swallowtail
17. Western Hercules Beetle
18. Small White
19. Ashy Gray Ladybug
20. Wasp King
21. Autumn Darter
22. Walking Flower Mantis
23. Atlas Moth
24. Atlas Beetle
25. Orange Ladybug
26. Kuwana’s Ladybug
27. Asian Giant Hornet
28. White-Tailed Skimmer
29. Giant Petaltail
30. Devil’s Flower Mantis
Skill cards
1. Cartwheel Kick
2. Face Masher
3. Elbow Drop
4. Super Elbow Drop
5. Kestrel Punch
6. Super Kestrel Punch
7. Finish Breaker
8. Last Resort
9. Onmi Choke
10. Strangle Hold
11. Romero Special
12. Super Romero Special
13. Leg Splitter
14. Super Leg Splitter
15. Tie Breaker
16. Finish Time
17. Body Slam
18. Tomoe Nage
19. Giant Swing
20. Super Giant Swing
21. Piledriver
22. Super Piledriver
23. Taunt
24. Counter Heal
25. Double Drop
26. Super Double Drop
27. Banana Split
28. Mystic Heal
29. Tornado Back Fist
The cards aren’t in order in this guide so unless you’re following it from the get-go you’ll have a hard time telling what cards you don’t have already. Shame because the other guides are great, but this one is sort of useless…
Apologies. This one was a bit after the fact so a lot of it was thrown together. They are usually much better organized 🙁
Can someone help me…I went to purgatory and try to purchase some of the card. But the items is Grey out. I have enough money. It say that ” I can’t Carry any more items” can someone explain that? I already try to free up some space in inventory or the weapons. Also in the item box but no luck. Is there something I did wrong?
I need help with this too..
It means you have already buy it (match the same of the store with your card album) 🙂
I think thats not it. I wanna buy it coz i dont have it.