Rise Of The Tomb Raider Guide: Archivist Map Location Guide
The Archivist Maps in Rise Of The Tomb Raider will help you unlock everything on the map. They are hidden throughout the world and can easily be missed if you aren’t searching the right areas. This Rise Of The Tomb Raider Archivist Map Location Guide will help you find them as you go along!
Rise Of The Tomb Raider Archivist Map Location Guide
The second map is in the Soviet Installation and it is right here on the map.
Climb up the guard tower and jump over the fence to grab it, if you took the zip line down you went to far.
You can find this map inside the Wolf Cave in this area of the Soviet Installation.
You can get this next one while escaping the prison or after if you go back.
This one is near the entrance to the Tomb in the Copper Mill. Go down a bit and at the fork look left for the map.
This is also in the Copper Mill and near the Cell doors. Jump up top and go across the gap to the ladder, climb it to find the map.
You can find this one on your way to the village with all the enemies in it. It is near the Cliffside camp fire.
You will find this once you make it up to the top of the waterfalls in the Geothermal Valley. It is near the campfire there.
This map is down in a cabin by the river, you can find a quest here also.