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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Companion Guide

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Companion Guide
Skyrim is a land filled with helpful warriors ready to fight by your side, this Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Companion Guide will list the location of all Companions that you can group up with. This includes paid mercenaries, unlockables and normal soldiers.

Name: Lydia
Gender: Female
Location: Inside Dragons Reach
Requirement: Slay the Dragon and become Thane of Dragon Reach
Style: 2-Handed – Thanks to Guest Hero graham monk

Name: Arania Lenith
Gender: Female
Location: Shrine of Azura,
Requirement: You must fix Azura’s Star before you can ask her to accompany you.
Style: Conjurer

Name: Uthgerd the Unbroken – Thanks to Guest Hero Nelson
Gender: Female
Location: In the inn at Whiterun
Requirement: You must beat her in a fight

Name: Jemassa
Gender: Female
Location: Drunken Huntsman, Whiterun
Requirement: 500 Gold
Style: N/A

Name: Eola
Gender: Female
Requirement: Complete the Cannibalism quest
Style: Mage

Name: Illia – Thanks to Guest Hero Blaxia
Gender: Female
Location: Illia the witch is found in a place to the southeast, I think, of Riften called the Darklight Tower. Going to that location, you’ll meet her inside right away, and without spoiling it—I will only say that you will storm the tower together.
Requirement: When the mission is complete—you MUST talk to her one last time before leaving. You will see the option for her to join you and that’s that.
Style: Mage

When the mission is complete—you MUST talk to her one last time before leaving. You will see the option for her to join you and that’s that.

Name: Ahtar – Thanks to Guest Hero Alex
Gender: Male
Location: Solitude near the Blue Palace
Requirement: Complete the bandit killing quest

Name: Belrand
Gender: Male
Location: city Solitude, Winking Skeever
Requirement: 500 gold
Style: Spellsword, one handed weapon with destruction magic

Name: Erandur
Gender: Male
Location: city Dawnstar, met in the Windpeak Inn
Requirement: Complete the Waking Nightmare quest choosing to let Erandur live.
Style: Magic, Priest of Mara

Name: Marcuriou
Gender: Male
Location: The Bee and The Hive, Riften
Requirement: Pay 500 Gold
Style: Arcane Magic

Name: Ghorbash the Iron Hand – Thanks to Guest Heroine Hercelise
Gender: Male
Location: Dushnikh Yal
Requirement: Persuade or Pay 5-600 Gold
Style: One-Handed
You can also marry Ghorbash

Name: Benor – Thanks to Guest Hero Alex Hunter
Gender: Male
Location: Morthal
Requirement: Beat him in a fight
Style: 2-Handed

Name: Omnund – Thanks to Guest Hero Egrid the MageSmith
Gender: Male
Location: Winterhold College
Requirement: Retrieve his amulet from Enthir
Style: Magic

Name: Sven
Gender: Male
Location: Riverwood, inside the inn during the evening
Requirement: You must let him have the woman he desires, instead of Faendal.
Style: 2-Handed Sword

Name: Faendal
Gender: Male
Location: Riverwood, inside his house during the evening
Requirement: You must let him have the woman he desires, instead of Sven
Style: Archery

Name: Meeko – Thanks to Guest Hero Taishi
Gender: Dog
Location: Meeko’s Shack in Hjaalmarch
Requirement: N/A
Style: It’s a dog…

Name: Barbas – Thanks to Guest Hero Taishi
Gender: Dog
Location: Outside Falkreath after Lod the blacksmith gives you a quest to find him.
Requirement: Complete the A Daedra’s Best Friend
Style: It’s a dog…

Name: Vigilance – Thanks to Guest Hero Taishi
Gender: Dog
Location: Stablehouse outside Markath for 500g
Requirement: 500g
Style: It’s a dog…


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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter


  1. You’re missing a companion, Barbas, who belongs to Clavicus Vile and joins you on your journies while you’re undertaking the quest “A Daedra’s Best Friend”. Not sure if he stays with you though after that, haven’t bothered to complete it as he proves somewhat useful as an extra companion. Normally companions require the previous to leave, but Barbas doesn’t count 🙂 I’d say he’s a more temporary companion, or at least I think so.

    1. I forgot to mention, Barbas is a dog and he is found after starting a quest with a blacksmith in the graveyard town, kinda forgot what its name is, its really late for me ^_^; I’ll let ya know after I get some sleep 🙂

  2. Just a little update on Barbas, or any dog companion if they act anything like he does, he’s an annoyng mutt who’s always barking and constantly gets in your way not to mention he pushes you litterally so its hard to aim at targets if you are an archer. To put ot frankly, dogs in this game suck, I really hope they fix that.

  3. There are 3 companions in the college of Winterhold Mage guild, the Nord male mage, Elf female and Kahjit male. Don’t remember their names though sorry. :'(

    Just complete their small side quests for them and you have the option for them to join you.

  4. Doesnt the female mage student at the magic college come with you too? After she does that “testing” on you with her spells? Hall of attainment, all three students provide a “favor” they want ou to do, resulting in a quest. After the quest, she’ll join you. Ive only completed the one, so i dont know if the others come with you too.

  5. At the beginning of the game, right after escaping the dragon attak, i took a look around the ruins of the city and i found i stray dog (if i rembember correct stray dog was also the name of the dog). After talking to him he started following me like a companion, so then i had 1 companion and a dog. Later he disappeared, don’t know where he went maybe he came back where i found it, i didn’t check.
    Maybe he’s part of a quest since in the dialogue box there was something like “time to go home” or something.
    Anybody else have found him? His barks were kind of annoying but i miss him a little xD

      1. No it’s not Barbas. There are random stray dogs all around skyrim apparenrly, as i found one not far from a small imperial army camp near the southeast side of the map. This was after i had already met Barbas, so i know it wasn’t him. Also the stray dog didn’t talk like barbas. So yeah, random stray dog companions.

  6. I jumped the gun and fought ruthgerd the unbroken before I talked to the companions and unfortunately I didnt know she was going to be part of the quest hired muscle and she died in a fight. Is there anyway she can reappear somehow? All the companions quest are at a halt and its only the first one.

  7. Two other dog companions confirmed, Vigilance who can be bought from Banning at the stablehouse outside Markath for 500g, Meeko can be found at Meeko’s Shack in Hjaalmarch, I think he simply joins you without having to buy him. These ones of course are perminant companions, not sure what further use they are except to help you in combat, you can send them home (to the horse stable?) if you don’t want to have them with you. If the barking annoys you I suggest downloading this mod:

  8. You have forgot Benor, who is a male Nord uses two handed, and starts off with light armor. He is in Morthal, and agrees to join you after you beat him in a meele fight.

  9. 2 of mine just poofed so far, that gal from Azura Shrine was awesome too, just standing in a dungeon and boom turn around and her and her pet are gone. fast traveled to the shrine and she isnt there either. pain in the ass

  10. Illia is a female mage that’s pretty strong. I can’t compare her to the other mage companions because i haven’t found them yet.

    Illia the witch is found in a place to the southeast, I think, of Riften called the DARKLIGHT TOWER. Going to that location, you’ll meet her inside right away, and without spoiling it—I will only say that you will storm the tower together.

    When the mission is complete—you MUST talk to her one last time before leaving. You will see the option for her to join you and that’s that.

  11. Barbas is annoying and gets in the way, BUT!! He doesn’t die. He tanked a dragon for me as I pounded it to ‘Oblivion’ 🙂

  12. umm when i first get lydia as a companion she uses a 1 handed sword and a shield but if u give her a 2 handed weapon that does more damage she switches to it. who said she only uses double handed attacks needs to restart the game and check it again but she does have a bow which is 2 handed

  13. Golldir is another male companion–you meet him outside of a dungeon (the name and location of which I can’t remember) and after helping him go through the catacombs, he joins you.

  14. After I purchased a house in Solitude, and decorated it, some woman was sitting inside it. I forget her name, but she’ll be a companion if you talk with her. I guess the only requirements are to decorate the house. She wasn’t there until I purchased the decorations, and I purchased them all at once, so I’m not sure which one trigger her presence.

    1. shes good so far. i use her with my archer assasin – she just shreds thru ppl and has special dialog when u use a sneaky class with her.

  15. There is a guy named Ahtar in solitude near the blue palace. You do a bandit killing quest in the miscellaneous category (i forget the name of the quest) and you can ask him to follow you after that.

  16. You left out Erik who does 2-handed I believe, you have to convince his father to let him become an adventurer, you can hire him at the inn in rorikstead, which is where you find him as a farmer beforehand

  17. Name: Ghorbash the Iron Hand – Thanks to Guest Heroine Hercelise
    Gender: Male
    Location: Dushnikh Yal
    Requirement: Persuade or Pay 5-600 Gold
    Style: One-Handed
    You can also marry Ghorbash

  18. alright.. I went to the site and found their full list..

    here it is:

    For those who can’t decide which follower to choose, just remember to pick the ones that suits your gameplay. An example of this; if you focus on magic, bring someone that focuses on magic too rather than a thief.


    In Whiterun, the members of the Companions can join you. However, the only time that they can join you is when you become part of them.

    – Aela the Huntress

    – Athis

    – Farkas

    – Ria

    – Njada Stonearm

    – Vilkas


    For Mage users, joining the College of Winterhold will open up some followers that you can recruit.

    – J’Zargo

    – Onmund

    – Brelyna Maryon


    When you join the Dark Brotherood faction and you finish their questline, two of their members will be able to join you.

    – Dark Brotherhood Initiate

    – Ciero


    If you have a gold to spare, the following people can join you until you kick them out.

    – Berland
    (Found in Soltitude)

    – Vorstag
    (Found in Markarth)

    – Jenassa
    (Found in White Run)

    – Marcurio
    (Found in Riften)

    – Stenvar
    (Found in Windhelm)

    – Erik the Slayer
    (Found in Rorikstead)


    – Aranea
    (Must side with her when doing the Azura’s Star quest)

    – Erandur
    (Must let him live when going after the Skull of Corrution in Night Caller Temple)

    – Lob
    (Must do the Daedric Quest, The Cursed Tribe)

    – Ogal
    (Must do the Daedric Quest, the Cursed Tribe)

    – Ugor
    (Must do the Daedric Quest, The Cursed Tribe)

    – Euola
    (Must do the Daedric Quest, The Taste of Death)

    – Adelasia Vendici
    (Must do the quest, Rise in the East (Sidequest))


    Somewhere in Skyrim, there will be times where NPC will give you short quests where some will give you items while others will lend their hand to help you.

    – Ahtar the Jailor
    (Soltitude’s Castle Dour)

    – Cosnach
    (Bar in Markrath)

    – Borgakh
    (Mor Khazgur)

    – Benor

    – Ghorbash
    (Dushnikh Yal)

    – Uthgerd the Unbroken

    – Sven

    – Faendal

    – Roggi Knot-Beard

    – Derkeethus
    (Darkwater Pass)

    – Annekke Crag-Jumper
    (Darkwater Crossing)

    – Mjoll the Lioness

    – Kharjo
    (Ahkari’s Caravan)


    The following characters will join you after clearing a dungeon with them.

    – Golldir
    (Hillgrund’s Tomb)

    – Illia
    (Darklight Tower)


    When you do the Jarl of a certain town a favor, he’ll then turn you into a Thane, where you’ll get a House Carl, also known as “bodyguards”.

    – Lydia

    – Calder

    – Iona

    – Agris the Bulwark

    – Jordis the Sword-Maiden

    that’s all the information it gave.. no more specifics than that (like style, for the most part)

  19. Name: Erandur
    Gender: Male
    Location: city Dawnstar, met in the Windpeak Inn
    Requirement: Complete the Waking Nightmare quest choosing to let Erandur live.
    Style: Magic, Priest of Mara

  20. Name: Belrand
    Gender: Male
    Location: city Solitude, Winking Skeever
    Requirement: 500 gold
    Style: Spellsword, one handed weapon with destruction magic

  21. Name: Uthgerd the Unbroken – Thanks to Guest Hero Nelson
    Gender: Female
    Location: In the inn at Whiterun
    Requirement: You must beat her in a fight

    Style is : Two handed sword and bow, swapping to bow when no enemy is within range and using it until the enemy approaches.

  22. How do you find a companion that is lost? Hired one in Whiterun and left her at the gate while I went to pick pockets in Riften. When I go back she was gone and I could not fine her anywhere. I also could not hire another companion because they say I already have one. I looked all over Whiterun and Riften but no luck. ? Tks for any help.

  23. Hey I’ve had Belrand for a while, He doesn’t use destruction magic. he conjures a wolf familiar and replenishes your magica when its low.

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