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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Trainer Location Guide

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Trainer Location Guide
In order to increase certain skills at a faster rate, you’ll want to search out for the various Skill Trainers located around Skyrim. This Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Trainer Location Guide will list all discovered trainers and their locations. Feel free to leave a comment if you’ve discovered any other trainers, you’ll be credited in the article.

You can also use the trick in this video to get free training from any companions that can train skills

Alchemy Trainers
Name: Babette
Rank: Master
Location: Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary

Name: Arcadia
Rank: Expert
Location: Located in her Whiterun Shop “Arcadia’s Cauldron”

Name: Lami – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Common
Location: Morthal

Alteration Trainers
Name: Tolfdir
Rank: Master
Location: College of Winterhold

Name: Dravynea – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Expert
Location: Kynesgrove, Eastmarch

Name: Melaran – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Common
Location: Solitude

Archery Trainers

Name: Niruin
Rank: Master
Location: Thieves Guild

Name: Adele
Rank: Master
Location: Sky building at Whiterun

Name: Faendal
Rank: Common
Location: Inside his house in Riverwood
Note: If you make sure he gets the female he desires during his mission, you can use the pickpocket skill to level up fast and get totally FREE archery training. Check our How To Level Fast Guide

Conjuration Trainer
Name: Falion – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Master
Location: Morthal

Name: Phinis Gestor
Rank: Expert
Location: College in Winterhold. Roams around, can be found near entrance a lot or inside Hall of Countenance

Name: Runil – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Common
Location: Falkreath

Destruction Trainers
Name: Faralda
Rank: Master
Location: Gate of the College in Winterhold or Hall of Countenance

Name: Sybille Stentor – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Expert
Location: Solitude

Name: Wuunferth the Unliving – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Common
Location: Windhelm

Enchanting Trainers
Name: Hamal – Thanks to Guest Hero Izineryn
Rank: Master
Location: Temple of Dibella, Inner sanctum. Markarth

Name: Sergius Turrioo
Rank: Expert
Location: Winterhold College, main room or Hall of Countenance

Heavy Armor Trainer
Name: Farkas – Thanks to Guest Hero Whitedrone
Skill: Master
Location: Inside Jorrvaskr (Companions HQ) in the city of Dragonsreach.

Name: Gharol (female) – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Expert
Location: the Blacksmith in Dushnikh Yal (Orc village SE of Markarth. ESE of Purewater Run and WSW of Reachcliff Cave)

Name: Gharol – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Expert
Location: the Blacksmith in Dushnikh Yal

Name: Hermir Strongheart – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Common
Location: Windhelm

Illusion Trainers
Name: Trevis Keloren
Rank: Master
Location: College in Winterhold, hall of countenance

Name: Atub – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Expert
Location: Largashbur in The Rift

Lockpicking Trainer
Name: Vex
Rank: Master
Location: Thieves Guild

Name: Majhad – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Expert
Location: Khajiit Caravans

Light Armor Trainer (Thanks to Guest Hero Tom Gregory)
Name: Grelka
Rank: Expert
Location: Riften Market, during day 8am – 8pm

Name: Nazur
Rank: Master
Location: Inside Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary

One-Handed Trainers
Name: Chief Burguk
Level: Master – Thanks to Guest Hero SleepySlug
Location: Dushnikh Yal (it’s an Orc village SE of Markarth. ESE of Purewater Run and WSW of Reachcliff Cave)

Name: Athis – Thanks to Guest Hero Jesse
Level: Expert
Location: Jorrvaskr Living Quarters(The Companions building), Whiterun

Name: Amren
Rank: Common
Location: Patrols inner Whiterun during the day, near market at 6pm

Pickpocket Trainers
Name: Vipir The Fleet
Rank: Master
Location: Thieves Guild

Name: Ahkari – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Common
Location: Khajiit Caravans

Name: Silda the Unseen – Thanks to Guest Hero Jordan Grey
Rank: Expert
Location: Blacksmith forge in Windhelm

Restoration Trainers
Name: Danica Pure-Spring
Rank: Master
Location: Whiterun inside the Temple of Kynareth, you have to complete the tree quest line first.

Name: Callete Morance
Rank: Expert
Location: Winterhold, inside the Arcaneum.

Name: Keeper Cercette – Thanks to Guest Hero The Unknown
Rank: Expert
Location: Hall of the Vigilant (near Fort Dunstad, location for the “The Battle for Fort Dunstad” Imperial quest)

Smithing Trainers
Name:Eorlund Gray-Mane
Rank: Master
Location: Skyforge in Whiterun

Name: Balimund
Rank: Expert
Location: Riften, at the Blacksmiths

Name:Ghorzo gro-Bagol – Thanks to Guest Hero T-Borg
Rank: Common
Location: The Backsmith, Markarth

Sneak Trainers
Name: Khayla
Rank: Common
Location: At the Khajit Caravan Camp outside Whiterun

Name: Delvin Mallory
Rank: Master
Location: Thieves Guild

Name: Garvey – Thanks to Guest Hero Tom Gregory
Rank: Expert
Location: The Warrens, Markarth

Speechcraft Trainers
Name: Giraud Germane – Thanks to Guest Hero Skip
Rank: Master
Location: In the Bard’s College
Name : N/A
Location: At the Khajit Caravan Camp outside Dawnstar

Name: Revyn Sadri – Thanks to Guest Hero Mortachi
Rank: Common
Location: Windhelm, Sadris Used Wears

Name: Ogmund the Skald – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Expert
Location: Markarth

Two Handed Trainers
Name: Vilkas – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
Skill: Master
Location: Companions in Whiterun

The guide will be update with more trainers as we discover them. Feel free to provide a few of your own! We’ll put it in the article and give you credit.

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter


    1. Thank You Both For Those Locations, Do One of You Two Know If They Still Have The Console Command Codes Available In Skyrim as They Did in Oblivion and Fallout…ect, ect?

  1. One-handed training:
    Name: Athis
    Level: Expert
    Location: Jorrvaskr Living Quarters(The Companions building), Whiterun

  2. Blacksmith training from workings gray-main, master, behing companion HQ AT SKY FORGE IN WHITERUN.
    Archery, aela, whiterun companion how whiterun
    Block, expert, najada stonearm companion HQ WHITERUN

      1. Yes it’s driving me crazy. I am lvl 80 in smithing but there is no offer of training from Eorlund in the dialogue. I keep coming back to him after level-ups, but still no luck. Wah!!

  3. Master archery trainer: A companions’ character Adele (I think her name is). Might have to go through the trial to join the companions first though (won’t say any more due to spoilers). Find her in the Jarl something sky building at Whiterun.

  4. I don’t know If this has been posted yet. But if you have your companions train you. Farkas heavy armor for example. You can take the gold out of his inventory and get free training so to speak.
    You have to be able to access his inventory so after you compleat companion quest line.

      1. Careful not to go hog wild with training if you intend to pickpocket the trainer afterwards. I’ve found that any amount of gold over 1000 or so as a pickpocket chance of “0%” meaning no chance in hell. I haven’t yet tried to with a potion active but even with enchantments for pickpocket it’s still 0%.

  5. Ogmund, in the Silver-Blood inn in Markarth. Speech trainer, stopped training me around 80-ish, i’m sure you know what level that is.

    Note that if you do the misc quest for the high elf, im assuming it’d take Ogmund away (Something about Talos Worshipping), so would have to not do that if you want the training.

  6. Two-Handed Trainers
    Name: Vilkas
    Level: Expert
    Location: Jorrvaskr Living Quarters(The Companions building), Whiterun

  7. Silda the Unseen runs about in Windhelm and is not always in the same place.

    The khajiit caravans who teach sneak also move from city to city, I’ve seen them at Whiterun and Solitude so far and now can’t find them!

  8. One-handed training:
    Name: Chief Burguk
    Level: Master
    Location: Dushnikh Yal (it’s an Orc village SE of Markarth. ESE of Purewater Run and WSW of Reachcliff Cave)

  9. I came across a speechcraft trainer, taladas the wanderer(not sure about the exact name. Definitely t-something the wanderer) i fast traveled to the guardian stones and was walking west towards ithanas(sp) deep. I had just past the fork in the road, and there he was, walking east. It was late at night. He is a bard, 25g for a request. Lol. I didn’t check what his training level was, as I’m already a master.

    1. That might be because there lvl is Expert(75) so thats what they train you upto. For example Eorlund Gray-Mane wouldn’t offer me blacksmith training after I hit 90 in that skill. I hope this helps. 🙂

  10. Restoration Magic
    Location: Hall of the Vigilant (near Fort Dunstad, location for the “The Battle for Fort Dunstad” Imperial quest)
    Name: Keeper Cercette
    Rank: Expert

  11. Heavy Armor Trainer
    Name: Gharol (female) – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Expert
    Location: the Blacksmith in Dushnikh Yal
    (Orc village SE of Markarth. ESE of Purewater Run and WSW of Reachcliff Cave)

  12. Alchemy Trainer
    Name: Lami – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Common
    Location: Morthal

    Alteration Trainer
    Name: Dravynea – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Expert
    Location: Kynesgrove, Eastmarch

    Alteration Trainer
    Name: Melaran – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Common
    Location: Solitude

    Conjuration Trainer
    Name: Falion – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Master
    Location: Morthal

    Conjuration Trainer
    Name: Runil – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Common
    Location: Falkreath

    Destruction Trainer
    Name: Sybille Stentor – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Expert
    Location: Solitude

    Destruction Trainer
    Name: Wuunferth the Unliving – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Common
    Location: Windhelm

    Heavy Armor Trainer
    Name: Hermir Strongheart – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Common
    Location: Windhelm

    Heavy Armor Trainer
    Name: Gharol – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Expert
    Location: the Blacksmith in Dushnikh Yal

    Illusion Trainer
    Name: Atub – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Expert
    Location: Largashbur in The Rift

    Lockpicking Trainer
    Name: Majhad – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Expert
    Location: Khajiit Caravans

  13. Pickpocket Trainer
    Name: Ahkari – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Common
    Location: Khajiit Caravans

    Sneak Trainer – CORRECTION
    Name: Khayla
    Skill: Common
    Location: Khajiit Caravans

    Sneak Trainer – CORRECTION
    Name: Garvey
    Skill: Expert
    Location: The Warrens, Markarth

    Speech Trainer – CORRECTION
    Name: Dro’marash
    Skill: Common
    Location: Khajiit Caravans

    Speech Trainer
    Name: Revyn Sadri – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Common
    Location: Windhelm

    Speech Trainer
    Name: Ogmund the Skald – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Expert
    Location: Markarth

    Two-Handed Trainer
    Name: Vilkas – Thanks to Guest Hero ihatetheduck
    Skill: Master
    Location: Companions in Whiterun

  14. For some reason I am not able to use trainers more than once.
    I’ll level up and then go to a trainer in the thieves guild and the trainer thing will say 5/5.
    Am I doing something wrong?

    1. You can only train a skill 5 times per total level. So at level 5, you can train up to 5 levels (on one skill or spread across 5), you have to wait until level 6 overall to be able to train again. Hope this helps!

        1. there is an expert archery trainer in the thieves guild in riften he will be practising if you enter through the cistern (probs rong spell) he will be on the left shooting arrows, your also allowed to take the arrows if you are short on arrows (steel arrows)

  15. Correct
    Archery Trainer
    Aela the Huntress
    Skill: Expert
    It’s possible to marry Aela to get Archery training for free, using the same method you use with Faendal.

  16. Speechcraft:

    There is a trainer in most inns located in the wilderness/minor cities. Just look for the person singing (i.e. the Bard)

    There are way too many to list.

  17. I’m wondering if there happens to be another master light armor trainer other than Nazir…Unfortunately I chose to destroy the Dark Brotherhood instead of join so needless to say hes dead…

      1. just kill astrid when she’s in the shack at the start and she asks you to kill the three guys. then talk to a guard and he takes you to commander maro for a reward and shizzle.

  18. For speech just go to Riften and talk to Ungrien in Black-Briar Meadery. Ask him to tell you about Maven and choose the first option. Repeat as many times as you want. Its free and takes about thirty minutes to get speech to 100.

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