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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Word Of Power/Dragon Shouts Guide

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Word Of Power/Dragon Shouts Guide
One of the most exciting new aspects of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the new Dragon Shouts/Word of Power abilities, this guide will list locations of currently found Shouts and any other appropriate information. Please feel free to leave a comment and help us build up this list. If you want to find a Dragon Shout, you can use a non-offensive Dragon Shout in any town and you may get a letter with a quest to get the shout. Alternatively you can speak with Arngeir to see if they’ve discovered any more.

Also, when you first find a shrine, you will get the first word in that Shout, regardless of what location you’re at. This means that the info in the guide may not match your discoveries exactly but it still works to find all 3 words.

Shout: Unrelenting Force – Thanks to Guest Hero Z
Effect: Knock people back a bit and do some damage
Location: Once you arrive in Riverwood go to the Riverwood trader. Talk to him and he will give you a quest to kill some bandits in the mountains. This will send you to Bleak Falls Burrow. Go in there and clear it out. Once you get to the end you should get a chest and see the Word of Power on the wall. Click it to gain the shout. After that a strong enemy will bust out of his casket. Kill him and leave with the shout.
Balance Word Location: Taught by the Greybeards
Push Word Location: Taught by the Greybeards

Shout: Ice Form
Effect: Freezes an opponent solid
Location: College of Winterhold. You need to begin the quest line that makes you apply to the College. Progress through and eventually Tolfdir will give you a quest to help excavate some nearby ruins. It’s a very simple quest and won’t pose much challenge to anyone with average gear. There is a puzzle midway that is a bit tedious, there are 4 pillars with the familiar designs on them. South East once, North-West twice, South-East once, if you get it wrong it will reset. The rest of the quest is simple, once you reach the end you interact with the wall the same way you did during the main quest line.
Flesh Word Location: Dragon Shrine southwest of Azura’s Shrine, past the Sightless Pit.

Shout: Frost Breath
Effect: Fires a ball of ice/blizzard towards your enemies
Frost Word Location: Folgunther Crypt. South East of Solitude, West of the Abandoned Shack used for the Dark Brotherhood. Can explore during the Forbidden Legend quest line.
Chill Word Location: Bonestrewn Crest, North-East of Eldergleam Sanctuary, look for the Dragon icon on your compass.
Freeze Word Location: Skyborn Alter near the Mehrunes Dagon Shrine

Shout: Fire Breath – Thanks to Guest Hero Shadowphoenix
Effect: Cone of Fire
First Word Location: The second companions mission
Fire Word Location: Paarthanax at the top of the mountain, follow Greybeards quest line

Shout: Throw Voice
Effect: Tricks enemies as a diversion
Voice Word Location: Shearpoint North East of Fellglow Keep, way to the North East of Whiterun

Shout: Clear Skies
Effect: Allows you to reach the top of the mountain
Location: Follow Greybeards quest line

Shout: Slow Time
Effect: Freezes time around for a short while
Time Word Location: Korjundund Crypt North East of Shimmerist Cave. During Imperial Legion quest.
Sand Word Location: Hag’s End, during Dark Brotherhood Quest Line

Shout: Marked for Death – Thanks to Guest Hero Cesco
Effect: Weakens opponents armor
Location: Word is found deep in the forsaken cave on the way to Winterhold, not particularly hard, save for the last ancient Nord Cumarcil or something, (cant remember the right name) just make sure you’ve sharpened your swords when you enter
Kill Word: Inside Dark Brotherhood HQ

Shout: Dismay
Effect: Causes Fear effect
Flee Word Location: Way South of Riften , south of the Shadow Stone
Run Word Location: Dead Hags End, during the Mehrunes Razor quest

Shout: Kynes Peace- Thanks to Guest Hero Lucien
Effect: Calm down any animals within a certain range, they stop any attack and don’t run away
Location: Found in Ragnavald

Shout: Whirlwind Speed – Thanks to Guest Hero Saitoshi
Location: Learned with the Greybeards on top of High Rothar. Following the Way of the Voice quest line after slaying the first dragon in Whiterun.

Shout: Elemental Fury
Effect: Increases Attack Speed
Air Word Location: West of Solitude, Statue of Meridia, It’s directly behind you as you face the statue.

Shout: Become Etheral – Thanks to Guest Hero JetBlackJak
Effect: Turns you into a form that cannot harm or be harmed
Fade Word Location: AutumnWatch Tower South-West of Ivarstead

Shout: Storm Call – Thanks to Guest Hero Turkee
Effect: A shout the the skies, a cry to the clouds, that awakens the destructive force of Skyrim’s lightning.
Location: As you complete Forelhost dungeon, turn right after you have returned to Skyrim.

Shout: Animal Allegiance
Effect: Calls an Animal to aid you
Location: Angarvunde
Location: Ancient’s Ascent
Location: Ysgramor’s Tomb

Shout: Aura Whisper
Effect: Shows nearby living beings
Location: Northwind Summit
Location: Valthume
Location: Volunruud

Shout: Call Dragon
Effect: Summons a Dragon
Location: High Hrothgar

Shout: Call of Valor
Effect: Summons Sovngarde units
Location: Sovngarde

Shout: Dragon Rend
Effect: Forces a Dragon to land
Location: Throat of the World

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter


  1. “Marked for Death” power word is found deep in the forsaken cave on the way to winterhold, not particulary hard, save for the last ancient nord Cumarcil or something, (cant remember the right name) just make sure you’ve shaprened your swords ahen u enter

  2. the shout for kyne’s peace is found in Ragnavald one of the most difficult dungeons I have ever done because i was lvl 5 when i did it

  3. Found Frost Breth on way with delphine to kill dragon. Its on Bonestrewn Crest, a hill/ small mountain in the swamp area surrounded by 4 lakes. Immediate south of Windhelm

  4. the shout for kyne’s peace calm down any animals within a certain range, they stop any attack and don’t run away. Don’t remember the exact description phrase but that is what it does.

  5. Whirlwind Speed: Learned with the Greybears on top of High Rothar. Following the Way of the Voice questline after slaying the first dragon in whiterun.

  6. There’s a shout called “Anima” that can be found south of Riverwood. I don’t remember exactly where I found it, but I did so before I ever entered Riverwood. The shout has a recovery time of 40 or 50, and calls animals to fight for you. I have yet to fight my first dragon, so I haven’t powered it up yet.

  7. How do you actually power a word up. I have kill atleast 7 dragons and i have 4 shouts but i can only use the first one you get and the one the gray beard teaches you….. Any help please?

  8. There is also a Shout called Become Ethereal, it turns you into a form that cannot harm or be harmed, the word “Fade” and can be found at the AutumnWatch Tower South-West of Ivarstead. A bounty on a dragon takes you there, after killing the dragon climb to the top tower and you should see a small bridge leading up to it.

    1. There is another piece of this shout at the end of a dungeon in Ironbind Barrow [found between Fort Fellhammer and Fort Kastav– just south of winterhold]

      I found the first “FADE” on the wall there(I assume if you have one, it would give you another?)- after completing a quest line for an argonian who is found standing outside the cave with a woman.

  9. Hi, I’ve killed the first dragon as part of the quest line, climbed to the top of the mountain, but i can’t use my shout in front of the Greybeard guys, any help would be greatly appreciated? 🙂

  10. Shout: Storm Call
    Effect: A shout the the skies, a cry to the clouds, that awakens the destructive force of Skyrim’s lightning.
    Location: As you complete Forelhost dungeon, turn right after you have returned to Skyrim.

    Note that the recharge on this shout is 300… yes 300. I haven’t tested it but I am assuming that you can’t use this indoors.

  11. I think some of these locations might have more than one possible word. I’ve definitely claimed a word from the Saarthal ruins (listed as Ice Form in your guide, it’s the Winterhold quest with Tolfdir) but it wasn’t Ice Form – I don’t have Ice Form at all. I think it was Slow Time for me, which makes sense, as I’ve never been to either of the locations you listed for Slow Time, but I have that shout.

    In any case, the Greybeards also teach you Ro (Balance) and Dan (Push), the other two words in Unrelenting Force. Later on, during your second visit, they teach the Clear Skies shout, which allows you to reach the peak of the mountain.

    Paarthanax at the top of the mountain then teaches you Yol (Fire) which is part of the Fire Breath shout.

  12. About this one: Shout: Call Dragon
    Effect: Summons a Dragon
    Location: High Hrothgar
    Where exactly do you get that? I already talked to paarthanax and now i’m doing the quest for that, but I don’t know where on the mountain that shout is located

  13. I have a ton of shouts, but when I kill a dragon it doesn’t power any up. When I select a shout, it says that I must kill a dragon to power up a shout. Why wont they power up?

  14. i have looked over the list and see a list of 20 dragon shouts. But, when i look at my statistics screen on my character, it says that i have an available 21 shouts. Can anyone help me figure out number 21. All the shouts i have are listed on list page, but the game states that i am missing one shout

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