Final Fantasy XIII-2 GuidesGame Guides

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Zenobia Walkthrough

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Zenobia Walkthrough

This first boss of Academia is called Zenobia. While you are chasing Caius you will be cut off and forced to fight this guy. He is very big and employs different stances to different things. This boss guide will help you bring him down in no time. So let’s go.

First of for the Final Fantasy 13-2 Zenobia boss guide is his moves. He will start off in defensive stance which means you will not be able to hit him. He will the summon some allies which you want to kill. After you kill them his guard will be dropped and you can attack him now. He can’t heal or debuff or anything like that himself but with those guys around he can be healed.

His next move is shuffle. This is an AOE attack that he can use while in defensive stance. He will use his tentacles to come at you form underground. Since you cannot hurt him anyways when he does this heal/buff yourself. This is also a wounding attack.

He will also auto attack of course which can hit multiple people.

Next for the Final Fantasy 13-2 Zenobia boss guide is the actual fight. Melee is halved so use ruin on on him if you are in commando. Everything else was normal but Aero was a ? for me so I think that is his weakness.

He will start in defensive stance so I would take the opportunity to buff yourself. I had my monster and Noel buff and kept Serah in medic so Id be 100% for when I started the fight. One of the enemies will likely start to debuff you. Only way to stop that is by killing it so once you have buffed kill all his allies.

He will then either drop his guard or use shuffle on you. If he drops his guard break his meter and go crazy on him. If he uses shuffle rebuff and heal until he stops.

He really didn’t do much to me when the stance was broke he did a few auto attacks but once I staggered him he went down really quick. I felt really high leveled throughout the whole zone so maybe I just did to much grinding.

Still before I could kill him he put up the shield again and summoned his friends. Kill the one that is trying to cure him first then kill the debuffer. Finish anything that’s left and he will likely use shuffle again in an attempt to kill you. Rebuff and heal up until he drops his guard and finish the fight.

After that you will get a cinematic action so be ready for it.

That will end the Final Fantasy 13-2 Zenobia boss guide. Looking for more guides? Check out our Final Fantasy XIII-2 Walkthrough Guide Collection

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Johnny Hurricane

Johnny Hurricane is the resident hardcore gamer here at Gamers Heroes. You'll usually find him diving deep into the latest releases as he attempts to conquer each and every game that crosses his path. Mostly known for his ability to create detailed and comprehensive guides on even the most complex of game mechanics, you'll sometimes see the odd review and editorial topic but his true abilities lie in competitive gaming. Johnny Hurricane's Gamer Biography

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