Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 GuidesGame Guides

How To Earn Cryptokeys In Call Of Duty Black Ops 3

How To Earn Cryptokeys In Call Of Duty Black Ops 3
Cryptokeys are used in Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 online to unlock supply drops for camouflage and calling cards. Earning them can be a bit tricky if you don’t know what you are doing. This guide will teach you How To Earn Cryptokeys In Call Of Duty Black Ops 3!

How To Earn Cryptokeys In Call Of Duty Black Ops 3

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Cryptokeys are earned by filling the bar Cryptokey bar up, which you can see outside of a match. At first you will get them at about the same rate you level up. You will earn more points for your Cryptokey bar depending how well you do. For instance, when I make it into the top 3 and win, I normally get one key. When I lose I might only fill up the bar halfway or so.

There is no quick way to get the Cryptokeys at the moment but we are still looking. If you know of a way to get them quicker leave us a comment and let us know!

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Johnny Hurricane

Johnny Hurricane is the resident hardcore gamer here at Gamers Heroes. You'll usually find him diving deep into the latest releases as he attempts to conquer each and every game that crosses his path. Mostly known for his ability to create detailed and comprehensive guides on even the most complex of game mechanics, you'll sometimes see the odd review and editorial topic but his true abilities lie in competitive gaming. Johnny Hurricane's Gamer Biography

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