Call Of Duty: Ghosts NewsNether NewsNewsTitanfall News

Hottest Gaming News – Week Ending 11/03/2013

The hottest news in gaming this week
We’re just days away from the launch of next-generation consoles and developers have been throwing everything our way to get us excited for the upcoming launch titles. This weeks hottest gaming news includes exciting Titanfall release information, a new video for a new Call of Duty: Ghosts game mode and early access to the eagerly awaited survival title, Nether.


Hottest Gaming News – Week Ending 11/03/2013
Game/Company Headline
Call of Duty: Ghosts Extinction Reveal Trailer
Titanfall Not A Franchise Exclusive
Nether Steam Early Access Now Available
PlayStation 4 Massive Q&A Released
Call Of Duty: Ghosts 1080p Confirmed On PlayStation 4, Xbox One Missing Out
Netflix Confirmed For PlayStation 4 Launch
PlayStation 4 PS4 Will Not Support PC Media Streaming
Xbox One Kinect Cannot Be Used As Surveillance Device


Call of Duty: Ghosts Extinction Mode Revealed

Earlier this week a leak was discovered that included images of Call of Duty: Ghosts with aliens. Many called them fake images but it appears that it forced Activision’s hand as they’ve released a brand new reveal trailer highlight a new game mode for Call of Duty: Ghosts, Extinction.

Extinction features a 4-player co-op that appears to center around a King of the Hill style mechanic with players placing nukes and defending them against waves of enemies. We’re expecting to hear more before release so watch this space!

Titanfall Will Not Release On PlayStation 4…Yet

The latest news for the massively anticipated Titanfall
Electronic Arts recently hosted their quarterly earnings call, taking the opportunity to answer rumors regarding Titanfall’s release on the PlayStation 4. CFO Blake Jorgensen explained that Titanfall will be exclusive to Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC “only for the lifetime of the title”. He also claims that it will get great reviews from critics and if that proves to be true, a sequel will surely be on the cards.

Titanfall is scheduled to launch in March 2014 and if it proves successful enough to warrant a sequel, players can expect to see it launch on the PlayStation 4.

Nether Early Access Now Available

Nether News
Fans of the survival genre will be happy to hear that Phosphor Games have announced that the early access Steam program for the first-person survival title, Nether, is now available. Those that have already pre-ordered the title via the official website will receive additional in-game perks alongside early access, as a special thank you for supporting the game.

“Since we started working on the rich, urban environment of Nether we’ve wanted to get players involved in shaping the game and its future content,” said Chip Sineni, Creative Director at Phosphor Games. “Now that players can experience the exhilarating gameplay themselves, we are really excited to see how player feedback shapes Nether in the coming months and years.”

For more information, or to purchase the game, click here.

Sony Release Huge FAQ For PlayStation 4

The most up-to-date PlayStation 4 News
As the release of the highly anticipated PlayStation 4 approach developers Sony have taken to the official boards to alleviate some concerns regarding the features for their next-generation console. The questions & answers posts consists mostly of information we’ve all heard before but it’s great to have it all summarized and official in a single post. The post goes into detail regarding the console itself, the control pad, additional peripherals, launch titles and much more. You can read the entire Q&A here.

1080p Confirmed For PlayStation 4 Call of Duty: Ghosts

The latest news for Call Of Duty: Ghosts
Mark Rubin has confirmed that the PlayStation 4 version of Call of Duty: Ghosts will support native 1080p while the Xbox One version will be upscaled from 720p. However, he did confirm that both platforms will run smoothly at 60FPS.

Mark Rubin:

“Hey, been on the road last couple weeks so haven’t had a chance to update, but wanted to confirm that for Xbox One we’re 1080p upscaled from 720p. And, we’re native 1080p on PS4. We optimized each console to hit 60 FPS and the game looks great on both. Still on the road, but glad to see the great reception to Extinction. Can’t wait for next week’s launch

Some people are calling this a big blow for the Xbox One but will it impact day one sales? We don’t think so.

Netflix Confirmed For PlayStation 4 Launch

Netflix News
A PlayStation 3 fan recently submitted questions to a Netflix customer server representative regarding the availability for the popular streaming service with the upcoming PlayStation 4. The employee confirmed that Netflix will be available with the launch of the PlayStation 4 in November. Not exactly massive news but it’s still another device that will support Netflix. Now I can use my Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, TV and PlayStation 4 to watch Netflix…All I’m missing is a toaster that can stream the latest movies.

The PlayStation 4 Will Not Support Media Streaming From PC

The most up-to-date PlayStation 4 News
Personally one of my biggest disappointments since the announcement of the PlayStation 4. Sony have confirmed that their next-generation console will not support streaming media from a PC at launch. They have however asked users and gamers to take to Twitter and the official boards to express their opinions, giving us the impression there’s still room for change.

However, it’s possible that we’ll see a new PlayStation 4 announced early next year with a bigger hard drive, PC media streaming, the camera and other add-ons all included.

Microsoft Calm Fears Related To Xbox One’s Kinect “Surveillance Device”

Xbox One Kinect - The Latest News
Ever since the original announcement regarding the Xbox One Kinect thousands of tinfoil hat wearing gamers took to the internet to express their concern over a peripheral that could be listed as a surveillance device. The latest post from Microsoft goes into great detail in regards to how the Kinect handles the information and has told gamers that their face and likeliness is converted to numbers. They claim that no security agency or government will be able to spy on gamers using the device. More on that story here.

Latest Gaming News Bursts


  • Sony have backtracked on the announcement that the PlayStation 4 will not support MP3 files. More on that here.
  • According to a report on VideoGamer Lost Planet 3 has only sold a disappointing 300,000 copies. More on that story here.


Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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