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Hottest Gaming News – Week Ending 10/27/2013

Hottest Gaming News Every Week
We’re just weeks away from some big 2013 launches and the hottest gaming news is just pouring in. This week we’ve got an exciting new trailer for Call of Duty: Ghosts, an upset Ellen Page and much more.

Hottest Gaming News – Week Ending 10/27/2013
Game/Company Headline
Beyond Two Souls Naked Images Of Virtual Ellen Page Cause A Stir
Call Of Duty: Ghosts Official Launch Trailer
NBA Live 2014 Extended Gameplay Trailer
PlayStation 4 Cross-Game Chat Is Looking Good
Rockstar Working On Sequel To “Famous IP”
PlayStation4 Day One Updates Inbound


Beyond Two Souls’ Ellen Page Not Happy With Leaked Nude Images

The latest news for Beyond Two Souls
Sony Computer Entertainment has been sending out requests to all websites that include naked images of Ellen Page from Beyond Two Souls, asking for the images to be removed immediately. During the first few emails the reasoning was unclear but it has since been reported that Sony are asking for the images to be removed due to “legal reasons”.

It’s very possible that Ellen Page is threatening to sue Sony and Quantic Dream as Beyond Two Souls gives players the opportunity to see the virtual star naked, albeit not too easily. We’re expecting more on this story so watch this space!

Call Of Duty: Ghosts Official Gameplay Launch Trailer

Activision have released the official Call of Duty: Ghosts launch trailer, supported by the epic new track from Eminem. Unlike previous footage the latest Call of Duty: Ghosts trailer highlights the single player campaign, some of the new dynamic map changes and some awesome footage of cut-scenes and action sequences.

Call of Duty is quickly becoming a love or hate franchise but from what we’ve seen so far, Call of Duty: Ghosts is finally looking like the fresh injection players have been craving for. Check out the trailer above before heading to the comments to discuss the footage.

Extended Gameplay Trailer Released For NBA Live 14

Electronic Arts have released a brand new extended gameplay trailer for NBA Live 14. Following the cancellation of last years title fans have been craving for another addition to the popular basketball franchise. The trailer highlights some of the big names in the sport such as Kobe Bryant and Kyrie Irving, doing their thing in gorgeous next-generation graphics. Check out the above video before heading to the comments

PlayStation 4 Cross-Game Chat Confirmed To Support 8 Users

The most up-to-date PlayStation 4 News
One of the biggest complaints for PlayStation fans of this generation was the inability to use voice communications with anyone outside the game they’re playing. Sony have responded as they have confirmed that the PlayStation 4 will support 8 players with the cross-game chat function.

This is great news as it’s a feature that put Microsoft in front for communication this generation. Gamers will finally be able to create more of a community among their friends, regardless of the game they’re playing.

Rockstar Working On Famous IP

The latest and greatest news from Rockstar
Doron Feinstein, Senior Graphics Engineer at Rockstar New England, recently updated his LinkedIn profile with some information hinting at a sequel to a popular Rockstar IP. Sadly he didn’t list the actual of the game or any other information outside of his original comment “Currently working on: Next version of a famous IP”.

We could be seeing the first information regarding a sequel to the massively popular Red Dead Redemption, some big style DLC for Grand Theft Auto V, a new Bully release or even maybe something to do with Agent; which has all but disappeared. Either way, it’s exciting times for Rockstar fans.

PlayStation 4 Day 1 Patches Inbound

The most up-to-date PlayStation 4 News
Sony has just announced that PlayStation 4 will have a serious day 1 update that will unlock a good majority of the features that have been well highlighted in the months leading up to launch. Users will have to connect to PSN to receive this update making internet almost a must. The 1.50 update will be a 300MB download and will unlock:

  • Remote Play with Vita
  • Second screen experiences on other devices
  • Recording and streaming functionality
  • Play games as they download
  • Multiple user log-in
  • Voice chat
  • Face recognition with voice commands
  • Background music player
  • Online multiplayer
  • Play Blu-ray and DVD movies

Latest Gaming News Bursts


  • Another MMO developer has taken a stab at Microsoft for their subscription payment wall restricting free-to-play publishers on the Xbox One platform. More here.
  • SMITE, the increasingly popular MOBA game from Hi-Rez, was update this week with the return of Sun Wukong and the debut of the official SMITE League. More information on that story here.
  • More MOBA news as Bigpoint announce the open beta release for their military themed MOBA title, Merc Elite. EU players can enjoy the game for free here.

Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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