
Tower of Fantasy Version 3.6 Beyond Horizons Update Coming January 30

Wanderers will be able to unravel the secrets of Aquaville’s ruins with the new version 3.6 Beyond Horizons update for Level Infinite and Hotta Studios’ Tower of Fantasy on January 30.

Featuring the new Aquaville map, the beginnings of humanity and pre-timestamp technology in Domain 9 came forth from this area. Currently being restored to its former glory, Aquaville will feature advanced technologies like the Distant Beacon Cabin and its Gravity Rail, along with mysterious ruins and dangerous industrial zones just waiting to be explored.

The all-new Impending Storm story will also make its way to Tower of Fantasy as part of the 3.6 update. In it, a torrential storm is on the horizon and a decisive battle with the Hive Mother is in the cards.

Beyond Horizons will also feature two new bosses to Tower of Fantasy. No need to fear, however; Wanderers can train alongside combat droid Ying Zhao and play with native Domain 9 creature Fei Lian.

Learn more with the Version 3.6: Beyond Horizons update trailer for Tower of Fantasy below:

Version 3.6: Beyond Horizons ☄️ | New Version Update Trailer | Tower of Fantasy

A free-to-play open-world action MMORPG, Tower of Fantasy will transport players to the world of Aita. Taking on the role of a Wanderer, players will take on mutant creatures and hostile forces.

[infobox style=’success’ static=’1′]Source: Press Release[/infobox]

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Casey Scheld

Casey Scheld has more than 15 years of experience in the gaming industry as a community manager, social media director, event specialist, and (of course) gaming editor. He has previously worked with gaming start-ups like Raptr, publishers like Konami, and roller derby girls at PAX West (check out Jam City Rollergirls)! Gamers Heroes is a passion project for him, giving him a chance to tap into the underground side of gaming. He is all too eager to give these lesser-known heroes of the indie space the attention they so rightly deserve, seeking out the next gem and sharing it with the world. Previously making appearances at events like CES, GDC, and (the late) E3, he is all too happy to seek out the next big thing. For those that want to talk shop, send over a tip, or get an easy win in a fighting game of their choosing, be sure to check out his social media channels below.

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