Slot Shots Pinball Collection Review

Official Score
Overall - 65%
While not all the tables designed for Slot Shots Pinball Collection are winners, the physics for pinball wizardry are on point. Pinball FX3 is still the 800-pound gorilla of the space, but this collection is still worth a go for diehard fans - albeit with a healthy amount of caution.
Pinblend Studios brings the analog game of pinball to the digital world of video games with the Slot Shots Pinball Collection. Seven different tables await – should players shoot for the high score, or is this a gutterball?
Slot Shots Pinball Collection Review
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]Seven different courses await in the Slot Shots Pinball Collection, each created just for this title. Those hoping for The Addams Family or Funhouse are out of luck – there are no Bally or Williams to speak of.
Rather, the tables in the Slot Shots Pinball Collection each feature a different motif – Dream World transports players to a world of blueberry cupcakes, the titular Slot Shots Casino is where dreams happen, The Kraken’s Cove gives players a glimpse into a pirate’s life, and Outergalactic Aliens provides a far-out experience.
It sounds like there’d be a fair amount of variety between the suite of tables here, right? However, there is a bit too much overlap in designs between the lot of them. For one, slot machines seem to be a major theme, with them appearing in multiple spots. There is also a lack of serious action on some of the tables. There are some winners in the bunch – we were a sucker for Neon Nights 2, but there’s also some like Bass Hunter where it was tough to keep track of the ball with the way the fish are beneath the ball. And don’t even get us started on Super Vixel Land (below).
Thankfully the physics in the Slot Shots Pinball Collection are up to the task. While we are far from pinball wizards, we did know how to play the silver ball and rack up a high score. A bad run was absolutely our fault, and while some of the table layouts are not as well planned as the classics, we do think the gameplay here is sound. There are also four different camera views that one can take advantage of, so the playing field is always in clear view.
Outside of the classic mode, the Slot Shots Pinball Collection also has Score Attack options for the Neon Nights 2, Slot Shots Casino, and Bass Hunter tables. In this mode, players are given a one minute multiball with increased payouts. After the minute, the table tilts and the score is recorded.
While we did enjoy this mode in that it forced us to play the game in a different way, we were somewhat disappointed that only three tables got the treatment. In addition, additional settings would have been welcome.
While not all the tables designed for Slot Shots Pinball Collection are winners, the physics for pinball wizardry are on point. Pinball FX3 is still the 800-pound gorilla of the space, but this collection is still worth a go for diehard fans – albeit with a healthy amount of caution.
[infobox style=’success’ static=’1′]This review of Slot Shots Pinball Collection was done on the PC. The game was purchased digitally.[/infobox][blogger ids=” cat=’honest-game-reviews’ orderby=’date’ order=’desc’ count=’4′ descr=’200′ readmore=’1′ rating=’1′ style=’image_large’ border=’0′ dir=’vertical’]