Cyberpunk 2077 GuidesGame Guides

Cyberpunk 2077 Where To Find Cyberpsycho Location Guide

Cyberpunk 2077 Where To Find Cyberpsycho Location Guide
You need to locate and takedown 17 Cyberpsycho’s for the Pyscho Killer side job. This Cyberpunk 2077 Where To Find Cyberpsycho Location Guide will tell you the location of each of the Cyberpsycho’s so you can hunt them down and take them out. It’s important to note, for these missions, you usually have to neutralize the target, this means using blunt weapons or other non lethal options, killing the target is rarely the objective.

All of these Side Jobs work in a similar way. You have to locate specific icons on the map and then, when you are in close enough proximity to the event, you will get a call from the police officer informing you of a nearby Cyberpsycho. This then brings up the objective as a ! on the map, allowing you to complete it then or come back and deal with the problem later.

I didn’t realize at first, I assumed these would all be labeled. By the time I realized they had to be located manually, I had already found three, so there may be a few missing from this list until I can track down the others. If you know of any I missed, please post a comment below.

Once you have finished the story all of the ! icons are displayed on the map. The Cyberpsycho’s are most often located at the locations that read Side Job – Biz that won’t make any major headlines.

Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberpsycho Location Guide

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] [accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #1 (Discount Doc)’] Cyberpsycho Location #1 (Discount Doc)
You can find this Cyberpsycho on Santo Domingo, at Ranch Coronado.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #2 (The Wasteland)’] Cyberpsycho Location #2 (The Wasteland)
You can find this Cyberpsycho to the East of the city, at this location.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #3 (House On A Hill)’] Cyberpsycho Location #3 (House On A Hill)
Another one found far to the East of the city, at a small house sitting atop a hill. Funnily enough.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #4 (Second Chances)’] Cyberpsycho Location #4 (Second Chances)
The final Cyberpsycho hidden out to the East of the city, it’s near a ruined car at this location.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #5 (Lex Talionis)’] Cyberpsycho Location #5 (Lex Talionis)
You can find Lex in Pacifica, at Coastview, at this location.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #6 (Smoke On The Water)’] Cyberpsycho Location #6 (Smoke On The Water)
The second Cyberpsycho at Coastview in Pacifica.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #7 (Sighting Under The Bridge)’] Cyberpsycho Location #7 (Sighting Under The Bridge)
This one is found in Santo Domingo, Arroyo.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #8 (Seaside Cafe)’] Cyberpsycho Location #8 (Seaside Cafe)
found on the West side of the city, in Heywood, Wellsprings.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #9 (Letter Of The Law)’] Cyberpsycho Location #9 (Letter Of The Law)
Just North up the coast from #8, again in the Heywood, Wellsprings region.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #10 (Phantom Of Night City)’] Cyberpsycho Location #10 (Phantom Of Night City)
The 10th Cyberpsycho can be found near Corpo Plaza in the City Center.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #11 (Ticket To The Major Leagues)’] Cyberpsycho Location #11 (Ticket To The Major Leagues)
Towards the Northern part of the city on the West coast.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #12 (Bloody Ritual)’] Cyberpsycho Location #12 (Bloody Ritual)
This one is found even further North, in Watson, Northside.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #13 (Six Feed Under)’] Cyberpsycho Location #13 (Six Feed Under)
Another one in Watson, Northside. Just North East of #12.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #14 (On Deaf Ears)’] Cyberpsycho Location #14 (On Deaf Ears)
Another in City Center, Downtown.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #15 (Where The Bodies Hit The Floor’] One of the three I missed. Will update with more info once our other editor gets there.

[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #16 (Demons Of War)’]

One of the three I missed. Will update with more info once our other editor gets there.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cyberpsycho Location #17 (Lt. Mower)’]

This is one of the ones I missed.
[/accordion_item] [/accordion]

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter

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