Game Articles

R.I.P. Ryan Davis

First let me start by saying that I will not be able to do this man justice. For all of the people out there that have not heard, Ryan Davis died on July 3rd at the age 34 while on his honeymoon. He was the co-founder of Giant Bomb and has been an influential voice in the video game industry since I can remember. Matt Rorie writes in the article announcing his death to the Giant Bomb community

        “Many of you know that Ryan was recently married. In the face of this awfulness, many of us will at least always remember him as we last saw him: outrageously, uproariously happy, looking forward to his next adventure with the biggest grin his face could hold.”

Honestly, I only met the man once in passing, but the way that he created videos, reviews and other content made everyone that watched him feel like he was their best friend. He had one of the greatest attitudes towards the industry and changed how video game coverage would be formatted forever. His laugh alone is a hole that will not be filled by any. I would not be doing what I do every day if not for this man. My only regret is that I never got to spend some time with him to tell him.

Our deepest condolences go out to the Giant Bomb crew that has been friends ever since most of them met at GameSpot, his friends, his new wife and his family. It is a sad day for anyone that calls themselves a video game enthusiast and he will be missed for many years to come. If you haven’t seen his work before, I encourage you to check out the Giant Bomb website as they will be running coverage from Ryan’s career on the front page. R.I.P. duder, hopefully you find your next big adventure wherever you are.

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