Game Reviews Archives - GamersHeroes Short and accurate game guides designed to save you time and effort. Honest Game Reviews, Breaking News, & More Tue, 21 May 2024 17:22:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Game Reviews Archives - GamersHeroes 32 32 Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II Review Tue, 21 May 2024 12:14:54 +0000 Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a classic example of the old mantra: get past the start, and you'll love it. If you have Xbox Game Pass, you have no reason not to try this game.

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Remember the reveal of the Xbox Series X back in late 2019? Remember the game they showed with it? It’s been almost five years since Ninja Theory’s Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II was revealed, and now we finally have it in our hands. Was the wait worth it?

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II Review

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II follows the story of Senua from the original Hellblade. She begins her journey in a slave ship, going to who knows where. She aims to find and kill all the slavers, so step one is complete.

As with most things in Senua’s life, this doesn’t go to plan. The ship encounters a dreadful storm that slams it into the rocks and spreads its inhabitants into the sea. Exhausted and defeated, you are flung onto the shore, looking for rest.

Sadly, there is no rest; the waves crash into you and threaten to drag you back to the sea if you don’t get up and move. You drag yourself out, then make it off the shore and start looking for survivors. 

The beginning section of Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is agony for Senua, and the player feels every part of that. There are no markers, tutorials, or prompts; just fog, rain, and the voices in your head.

It is very frustrating, and I can see a lot of players getting turned around and even outright lost despite the size of the map being pretty small. On top of that, you are thrown into combat with no tutorial or button prompts, just the voices in your head telling you that you need to hit harder or dodge quicker.

The whole section felt like moving through mud, and Senua’s frustrations matched my own as I slowly made my way off the beach. 

It turns out this was all by design.

During the production of The Godfather, director Francis Ford Coppola was adamant that Michael needed to go to Sicily. We needed to see Micheal return to a normal life before having it ripped out from under him. We needed to see, just like Micheal, that there was no going back.

The studio kept saying there was no room in the budget. Luckily for us, Crazy Joe Gallo was gunned down, and the money was suddenly found. Sicily would be the catalyst for Michael to accept his role in the family, from being an outsider to the Don. I don’t know if this island has a name, but the island is Senua’s Sicily. 

Before we go any further, though, let me explain the combat because even after beating the game, I still don’t fully understand it. The combat is intense and hectic, with the voices telling you what will happen if you lose.

“They will eat you,” one of the voices told me. Such close and visceral combat would likely feel like that, the constant threat of what happens if you lose—the manic swinging of a person trying desperately to survive against a creature of darkness.

One word comes to mind: RAGE. Unfilited and pure, you feel the struggle and the anger bubbling inside you as you desperately try to find an opening against your opponent. 

The aura, attitude, and essence of true combat are there, but it doesn’t always make for fun gameplay. Thankfully, there’s an easy mode if you are struggling.

That may be the point. Maybe the developers want you to understand that the battle isn’t easy. Whether it’s combat in the arena or combat in your mind, the fight never truly ends. All you can hope for is a moment of respite from the constant storm bashing you against the rocks. 

Outside of combat, you have exploration and puzzles. There are a couple of side objectives to find, like the totem poles that talk about the land you are in. There are also these special trees that light up and bloom if you find them, but I found three the whole time.

The puzzles start out very frustrating because there are no prompts or indicators. There is one early one where you need to light a torch with your torch. Sounds simple, right? But when you walk up to it, there is no prompt, so you hit the button at the wrong spot, and it doesn’t work.

Well, what do I do now? Obviously, after figuring it out, you know, for the rest of the game, but the first time might leave you confused.

Something unexpected happened to me about halfway through the game. I was going through a cave and had to give up my light at certain sections. A strange sort of calm came over me as I walked through the pitch-black cave towards my goal. I realized that this whole struggle and journey had been about one thing: acceptance.

Not only accepting your fate but embracing it and becoming the person you are meant to be. Everything clicked after that cave, and I fell in love with the journey, even if the combat was still a train wreck. I’ve beaten the game now and am still unsure if I am bad at parrying or if it is only meant to work at certain spots.

The Stoics speak of the lower and higher self, about raising above the lower self to be who you truly are. Watching Senua ascend from her lower self to the higher self, to accept her place in the world—not just accept it but embrace it—was truly a sight to behold.

During one of the earlier sections, I was walking through a broken-down village, and one of the voices said, “Life is just endurance here.” Life is just endurance everywhere, which is what the game is trying to tell you. Yes, things suck for you, but they suck for everyone else also. It’s through the struggle that you become who you are meant to be. 

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is a classic example of the old mantra: get past the start, and you’ll love it. If you have Xbox Game Pass, you have no reason not to try this game.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II Review

Reviewed On: Xbox Series X|S (A digital code was provided)
Release Date: May 21, 2024
MSRP: $49;99
Platforms: Xbox Series X|S, PC
Developer: Ninja Theory
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Alternative Reviews: Hey Poor Player, Gamespew
Aggregate Scores: Metacritic, OpenCritic

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Sand Land Review

Sand Land’s vehicular combat is entertaining from start to finish, but bizarre progression pacing and the repetitive nature of the side content makes this a hard sell for those approaching the series for the first time.

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Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER Review Wed, 15 May 2024 14:11:39 +0000 Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER provides a fantastic futuristic experience that we were all too eager to dive into. While we would have appreciated more runway with its brief tale, ES88’s hunt for the Golden Butterfly is well worth a trip down memory lane.

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The past comes roaring back with Midboss and Chorus Worldwide’s Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER, a cyberpunk thriller that has players entering one’s memories. Should players “dive” into this visual novel (sorry, too easy)?

Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER Review

Plucky young Esper ES88 possesses quite the skill – with her handy squid-like Neurodiver, she has the ability to enter one’s memories. This is more than just a simple party trick; she can use it to clear out brain fog, uncover repressed thoughts, and even alter the way one thinks.

There’s just one problem – a rogue Esper known as the Golden Butterfly is using these abilities for mischief throughout the greater Neo-SF Bay Area. With GATE, TRACE, FORTUNA, and the greater power of the MINERVA organization at her side, it’s up to players to find the truth.

What follows is a title that prides itself on its immersion. Featuring a world that pulls from both Latin and Japanese influences, NEURODIVER’s fusion of different cultures is a breath of fresh air in the gaming space.

This immersion also applies to its worldbuilding. From bars to cafés to even zoos, each area is given plenty of flair for players to encounter. As locals to the real-life Bay Area, we loved seeing its unique spin on each area.

NEURODIVER gives players the chance to interact with different objects in true point-and-click fashion as they piece different memories together. While there isn’t a terrible amount of depth, finding out what goes where leads to some light puzzle solving that is welcome.

It’s just a shame that NEURODIVER is a short one, spread across five brief chapters and an intro. With each one presented in an anime-style episode format (complete with commercial bumpers), it just doesn’t have enough runtime to flesh things out.

Each chapter does possess its own puzzle and storyline, but it oftentimes feels like they are a bit more standalone chapters. There are a lot of interesting concepts when it comes to protests and previous MINERVA history, but they’re not given too much time to sit before the next major storyline takes shape.

NEURODIVER does provide a fantastic audiovisual presentation for each of its chapters. The sprite work is at the top of its class, the synth channels the best early 90s titles, and the professional voiceover talent really drives things home. We especially loved ES88’s bubbly performance, which is so full of life

Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER provides a fantastic futuristic experience that we were all too eager to dive into. While we would have appreciated more runway with its brief tale, ES88’s hunt for the Golden Butterfly is well worth a trip down memory lane.

Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER Review

Reviewed On: PC (A digital code was provided)
Release Date: May 16, 2024
MSRP: $14.99 / €14.79 / £12.79
Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, Steam
Developer: MidBoss
Publisher: Chorus Worldwide
Alternative Reviews: Noisy Pixel, Hey Poor Player
Aggregate Scores: Metacritic, OpenCritic

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Sand Land Review

Sand Land’s vehicular combat is entertaining from start to finish, but bizarre progression pacing and the repetitive nature of the side content makes this a hard sell for those approaching the series for the first time.

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Sand Land Review Mon, 29 Apr 2024 14:32:42 +0000 Sand Land's vehicular combat is entertaining from start to finish, but bizarre progression pacing and the repetitive nature of the side content makes this a hard sell for those approaching the series for the first time.

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With no previous exposure to the source material – but a longtime love for Bandai Namco’s anime- and manga-inspired games, I went into Sand Land with minimal expectations. And the result?

Well, it’s a mixed bag to say the least.

It’s like struggling through a barren desert, hoping to find an oasis.

Within the first couple of hours, I shared a Tweet on X calling it one of the most boring games I ever played. If it wasn’t for the fact I was writing a review, I probably would have dropped the game there and then. I’m happy I didn’t, for the most part.

The game begins as protagonist Beelzebub, the Prince of the Underworld, and his merry band of loveable misfits fight to procure water for the Demon Village. Series favorites, such as Thief and Sheriff Rao, join Beelzebub on an adventure to seek out the Legendary Spring.

An image showing the Swimmer Gang, a colorful cast of enemy characters in the game Sand Land
Sand Land features a true cast of loveable anime characters like only anime can

With an understanding and passion for the source material, there’s a meaningful and worthwhile narrative adventure here, one full of charm and heart. However, for those like myself, it’s like struggling through a barren desert, hoping to find an oasis.

And it took me about 15 hours before the exhausting, awkward translations and dialogue made way for a cast of truly memorable characters.

Without that initial struggle to find the connection with Beelzebub and friends, I’m sure fans will enjoy every moment. For those perhaps exposed to the series for the first time, it’s going to be a very hit-and-miss experience.

An image showing the devastating aftermath of an Aquanium explosion in the game Sand Land
A crater left behind by a devastating Aquanium explosion

Much can be said about many of the gameplay elements of Sand Land. There’s a lot of fun to be had, but there’s a lot of work to get there.

Combat is separated into two main components: Beelzebub’s on-foot melee combat, a system you only really use when it’s forced by the story or environment, and a far more thrilling and rewarding vehicular combat system.

an image showing one of the bigger dungeons in the game Sand Lands
The game boasts a number of expansive dungeons but they all suffer from near identical visuals

Beelzebub’s combat is well done. Basic combination attacks, special moves, and careful dodging combine to deliver a responsive and fast-paced battle system, but one that just pales in comparison to the alternative.

Would you rather stand toe-to-toe with enemy soldiers throwing well animated kicks and spins, or do you bring a tank to a gun fight?

An image showing the main character about to execute a stealth takedown in the game Sand Lands
Stealth sections, although simplistic, offer a welcome break from the games combat

The vehicular combat, as explosive and entertaining as it is, takes all too long to get started. A near seamless ability to switch vehicles during combat creates for endless combination attacks and variations of combat style, but it can take over half the game to unlock all the bots.

I share similar issues with the party and progression systems. While Beelzebub and his allies core upgrades are fast enough to obtain, the ability to truly unlock the maximum potential of the bots is locked behind a party member that joins in the final hours of the experience.

Sand Land’s vehicular combat is entertaining from start to finish

This makes the final hours of the game the very best Sand Land has to offer. An impressive customization suite boasts a huge selection of options for each of the vehicles, both mechanically and visually. However, Sand Land’s difficulty and additional content fail to motivate any real necessity to take the time to grind.

This is largely due to the unsurprisingly barren and uneventful nature of the game world. It’s a desert. It’s full of sand and, sadly, not much else.

An image showing the impressive selection of vehicular upgrades and customization options in Sand Land
Upgrading vehicles is easily the games most exciting and engaging aspect

You occasionally bump into side quests, treasure chests and characters, some of whom will be happy to return to the game’s central hub. Adding new buildings and facilities along the way, but for the most part, it’s as barren as you would expect a desert to be.

Even in later areas when, after what seems like a lifetime, you find some grass and trees, the world feels very much empty and lacking purpose.

An image showing one of Sand Lands main antagonist characters
Truly chaotic boss battles standout from otherwise unimaginative game design

Sand Land is at its very best during the humorously over-the-top boss battles. Mowing down tanks and enemy soldiers using an impressive array of vehicles and abilities. It’s just a shame that, outside the colorful cast of characters, the rest of the game can’t match the pace.

Sand Land’s vehicular combat is entertaining from start to finish, but bizarre progression pacing and the repetitive nature of the side content makes this a hard sell for those approaching the series for the first time.

Sand Land Review

Reviewed On: Xbox Series X (A digital code was provided)
Release Date: April 25th, 2024
MSRP: $59.99 / £59.99
Platforms: Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, PC, PlayStation 4
Developer: ILCA
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Alternative Reviews: Player2, HeyPoorPlayer, TheGamer
Aggregate Scores: Metacritic, OpenCritic

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Lunar Lander Beyond Review Mon, 22 Apr 2024 13:24:05 +0000 While Lunar Lander Beyond requires a delicate touch, the feeling that comes from mastering a perfect run and ship-shape crew cannot be beat.

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A mysterious universe awaits with the release of Dreams Uncorporated’s Lunar Lander Beyond. This serious glow-up of the classic Atari property certainly looks the part – should players set out to build a new Earth?

Lunar Lander Beyond Review

Joining the ranks of the Pegasus Administration, Lunar Lander Beyond has players setting out into the great beyond as the latest pilot on payroll. 

However, even through players are guided by the AI assistant HARA every step of the way, this gig is far from easy. Not only do players have to contend with one’s ship health and fuel as they rescue crew members and perform adept landings, they’ll also have to contend with stress that can ultimately lead to one going insane – never a fun moment. There’s also something called the “Cosmic Event” that is the talk of the town – never a dull moment to be on the job!

While this may seem like a lot to manage, that’s also the draw. Lunar Lander Beyond is a game of resource management, reflexes, and careful planning. One can easily dial down the difficulty, lean on the Stabilizer, or choose a different pilot or ship – the options are most certainly there for those looking for them. This is also paired with a number of different features that can be equipped, from tractor beams to turboboosts.

However, the real fun of Lunar Lander Beyond comes from true mastery of its system. Momentum is the focal point of this title; truly understanding the way one’s ship moves as you hit the thrusters and use fuel provides a moment of zen; think of it like hitting the race line of a video game.

The same management comes from its crew management. Each character has their own traits, including Elite traits, but there’s also the chance that a bad run out could lead to a demotion – or the aforementioned insanity. It requires careful planning when it comes to who to send out, what ship to bring, and which abilities to equip, adding to a bit of strategy that we absolutely love. Those that fail to do so will be seeing eyeballs and pink elephants, just begging to take a pill.

However, those that do take the time to learn its system will be handsomely rewarded with better medal ranks, additional credits, and even extra pilots. There’s also the occasional curveball thrown in for good measure, like defending a strong point, avoiding a security system, or trying to maneuver around mines. This, in turn, requires players to make a choice between safety and sanity – never an easy ask.

Despite its great gameplay, the presentation of Lunar Lander Beyond could use some work. There are some shining moments to be had with its fully voiced over dialog and animated cutscenes. However, there are also certain design elements that are static, and survivors are depicted as stick men. It can be a bit jarring to see this discrepancy in its world, and did take us out of the experience on more than one occasion.

While Lunar Lander Beyond requires a delicate touch, the feeling that comes from mastering a perfect run and ship-shape crew cannot be beat. For the management fiends and skill-driven fans among us, get ready to kick the tires and light the fires during this Cosmic Event.

Luna Lander Review

Reviewed On: PC (A digital code was provided)
Release Date: April 23, 2024
MSRP: $29.99
Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, PC
Developer: Dreams Uncorporated
Publisher: Atari
Alternative Reviews: Player2, God is a Geek, Hey Poor Player
Aggregate Scores: Metacritic, OpenCritic

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Review Sun, 21 Apr 2024 16:38:35 +0000 Eiyuden Chonricle: Hundred Heroes is another Kickstarter project from an old-school development team. Is the game worth checking out, or should you sit with more modern games? Check out our review and find out.

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Eiyuden Chonricle: Hundred Heroes is another Kickstarter project from an old-school development team. Is the game worth checking out, or should you sit with more modern games? Check out our review and find out.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Review

Eiyuden Chonricle: Hundred Heroes kicks off with a young man named Nowa, who eagerly joins the local town watch. The Watch, always open to new recruits, welcomes him with open arms and assigns his first mission.

Nowa, along with a few other Watch members, embarks on an expedition to investigate some ruins, accompanied by Imperial officers from a neighboring region. Seign, the commanding officer of the imperial presence, and Nowa quickly form a strong bond.

They fight side by side, clearing the ruins and retrieving the Magic Lens Seign was seeking. As the mission concludes, they part ways, but their camaraderie remains strong. We then fast-forward six months.

100 heroes honest review

Things have gotten tense with the empire and the region Nowa lives in. War is on the horizon, but for now, the Watch focuses on recruiting and defeating bandits. Eventually, you discover that these “bandits” are imperial agents, causing chaos and giving the empire a reason to invade.

At this point, Nowa is in charge of the Watch as an intern leader. When war strikes, you do your best to protect your city but are ultimately pushed back. You retreat to an old castle and start to rebuild and form an army to fight back.

Calling this castle a base is a huge stretch, but you have some walls and a few buildings to start with. It doesn’t take long for your allies to give you missions to get more allies, build up certain buildings, or get more materials.

Honestly, it’s a rough start since you don’t have any of the shops, the blacksmith, or even a way to switch skills at first. On top of that, you don’t just need materials for upgrades; you need the correct characters as well.

I love the system, but since certain characters are missable, you might miss out on some key upgrades for your base. Again, it’s not an issue for me, but it might turn some people off to the game.

Since Hundred Heroes is an old-school JPRG, the combat is turn-based. However, unlike most games in the genre, you have six characters in your party at once. The front line is three deep, and the back line is also three deep.

Certain characters can only hit at short distances, like right in front of them, while others can sit in the back and drop magic or arrows from afar. There are basic attacks, skills, and magic attacks, and each hero has a defense move.

Most of the defense moves are dodge or block, but some get power-ups or even a counterattack. You also have to factor in damage types and resistances of the enemies you face for the most damage.

100 heroes recruit

Being a JRPG, grinding is a thing, and oh boy, can you get overpowered. In a game where you search every nook and cranny for allies, you inevitably get into a ton of trash fights.

Thankfully, 100 Heroes does have an auto-battle feature, and it works very well, almost too well. I’ve got about 50 hours in the game and can auto-battle nearly every encounter, even the bosses sometimes. I like it, it means easy money and extra gear for me.

Those who don’t want to take out the trash can let the enemies flee, but you still have to load into the fight, so I don’t see the point in doing it. I enjoy the grind, though, so these features were nice to me.

Bosses are a little different from the main enemies. You get some basic mini-bosses that are just tank and spank. Some of the bosses have a bonus feature during the fight.

For instance, when recruiting Mellore, you face a giant beast in the desert. Mellore uses her magic to spawn two huge hammers that can club the beast.

During combat, you can use the hammer, but the beast is hidden until you pick your hammer. So you have a 50/50 shot to do enormous damage or nothing at all.

Others include hiding to avoid lasers, crane games, stopping enemy regeneration, and many others. Ultimately, though, since I was so highly leveled, I only had any real challenge with the first few bosses.

100 heroes duel

There is one other combat mode you enter from time to time: tactical combat. Here, you don’t have direct control over the troops; you just have to decide which direction they go in.

Think of it more like Fire Emblem or even the recent Unicorn Overlord. You usually have to defend a certain spot to defeat the enemy’s command to clear it.

The more units you have recruited, the better your army will be, but it is only for skills and abilities. Tactical combat is more about positioning and using your skills correctly to win.

I come from the Total War series, so flanking and hammer and anvil tactics come naturally to me. You will be fine if you can avoid running face-first into the enemy.

Outside of all the exploring and recruiting, there are also side quests and mini-games to do. Side quests are generally related to recruiting characters or building up more of your base.

As for mini-games, there are quite a few. Fishing is the first on you get, which lets you cook up some fish and bring back supplies to town. Eventually, you can go on a cooking battle and help your chef become one of the best in the world.

The big mini-game is called Beigoma, and I didn’t spend much time with it. You and an opponent toss a spinning top into a ring and have to bash each other until one falls out or falls over. I’m sure it’s more complex than that, but I only did a handful of matches.

100 heroes glitch

I ran into a few bugs and texture glitches. One was really bad, though. A certain area of land is near an ocean, and the land and water do not play well together.

If you move your camera angle a certain way, the screen becomes unusable, meaning you can see nothing but torn textures. Move the camera again, and you will see fine.

It sticks out like a sore thumb. I also read about an issue with a bug regarding a character you can recruit. If you miss the char, that’s it; you have to restart it to get them.

Not to be that guy, but when the crux of your game is recruiting characters, you best get that part right.

Eiyuden Chonricle: Hundred Heroes is exactly what Suikoden fans have been asking for. Fans of old-school JRPGs or games about recruiting characters shouldn’t hesitate to check it out.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Review

Reviewed On: PlayStation 5 (A digital code was provided)
Release Date: April 24th, 2024
MSRP: $49.99 / £49.99
Platforms: Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, Switch, PC
Developer: Rabbit & Bear Studios
Publisher: 505 Games
Alternative Reviews: WccfTech, Push Square, RPGFan Review
Aggregate Scores: MetaCritic, OpenCritic

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Spirit City: Lofi Sessions Review Mon, 08 Apr 2024 13:03:40 +0000 Spirit City: Lofi Sessions is a fantastic (and pun-tastic) tool that dishes out good vibes as players knock out their tasks. While the title could use more customization options, we enjoyed getting down to business in its cozy world.

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Combining gamification with comfort, Mooncube Games sets the mood with their new stylish focus tool Spirit City: Lofi Sessions. Should players get down to business as a Spiritographer, or this title have a bad juju?

Spirit City: Lofi Sessions Review

Lenny the cat (quite literally) serves as your spirit animal in Spirit City, giving you a chance to truly relax and help you with all of your tasks. After customizing one’s character, a comfy room with plenty of creature comforts is at your disposal. The world is your oyster in this paradise; while there, players can choose to knit, read, write, and even nap in this virtual environment. There’s also the chance to change the time of day, play curated lo-fi tunes from the talented folks at Homework Radio, and even add a background noise (including our favorite, the crackling fireplace).

This is all done to help players knock out those nasty real-life tasks that always loom over one’s head. Thankfully, Spirit City: Lofi Sessions has the tools needed to make sure that those looming tasks are conquered.

Enter the title’s productivity corner, which includes a to-do list, a timer, a habit tracker, and a journal. As somebody who uses old-fashioned pen and paper to jot down tasks, our time with Spirit City: Lofi Sessions transformed the way we handle our never-ending workload.

We ended up keeping the title on as a background tool for a few days, writing down things to do, penning notes (including the ones for this review!), and getting lost in its general vibes. While the amount of tools is a bit on the light side, each one came in handy during the review period.

Gamification elements also appear in Spirit City: Lofi Sessions in a number of different forms. Along the way, players will earn EXP, level up as a Spiritographer, and earn Spirit Credits that can be spent on different room customization options. These factors scratch that dopamine itch quite well, encouraging players to come back and go for just a little bit more – there’s even daily tasks to keep that momentum going and come back; a smart move.

Perhaps the biggest gamification element in Spirit City: Lofi Sessions are its different spirits. Players will be able to utilize different activities and factors to encourage pun-tastic spirits to make an appearance. We love these little critters; they absolutely warmed our heart and encouraged us to try out the title’s different options. Don’t treat it as a speedrunning jaunt just waiting to be conquered. Rather, Spirit City: Lofi Sessions is a title that’s about the journey than the destination.

Spirit City: Lofi Sessions is a fantastic (and pun-tastic) tool that dishes out good vibes as players knock out their tasks. While the title could use more customization options, we enjoyed getting down to business in its cozy world.

Spirit City: Lofi Sessions Review

Reviewed On: PC (A digital code was provided)
Release Date: April 8, 2024
MSRP: $11.99
Platforms: PC
Developer: Mooncube Games
Publisher: Mooncube Games
Alternative Reviews: GAMINGBible, Finger Guns, Games.CH
Aggregate Scores: Metacritic, OpenCritic

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Kira Buckland Interview: The Voice of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s Jolyne Cujoh Shares Her Thoughts on Voice Acting

Featuring a resume that spans the worlds of anime, gaming, and Twitch streaming, Kira Buckland is a standout voice actor in the space today. During FanimeCon 2024, Gamers Heroes sat down with her to talk about her wide range of work, cats, and how she engages with her “cowmunity.”

Continue Reading Kira Buckland Interview: The Voice of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s Jolyne Cujoh Shares Her Thoughts on Voice Acting

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Contra: Operation Galuga Review Sat, 06 Apr 2024 19:32:32 +0000 The soldiers of Contra: Operation Galuga have the right moves for this mission, but the steep cost, short length, and awkward perspectives lead to a less-than-perfect execution.

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The stone-cold classic Contra is back with some new moves – but the same great debonair flair – with the release of WayForward and KONAMI’s Contra: Operation Galuga. Should players attack aggressively in this run-and-gun, or is this retro revival more spray and pray?

Contra: Operation Galuga Review

Things are heating up from the offset of this title, with the terrorist group Red Falcon setting up shop on the Galuga Archipelago. They’ve been keeping busy, contending with a group of super soldiers sent to deal with them that are now MIA. If that’s not enough, gravity waves centered around the area hint at these baddies possessing an artifact of mass destruction.

What’s a soldier to do?

Enter Bill Rizer and Lance Bean of the EMC Contra Unit, no strangers to the perils of war. These two pec-tacular warriors – along with Lucia, Ariana, and others – set out to right this wrong through sheer firepower and spectacle.

No need to worry, though; these fearsome fighters have the skills needed for the job. Contra: Operation Galuga gives players a double jump, a horizontal midair dash, and even the chance to precisely aim at the hold of a button. Paired with two weapons (one primary and one secondary), equippable perks, even an Overload function that works in a pinch, and players will give Rambo a run for his money through their moves and grooves on the battlefield.

Of course, Contra: Operation Galuga has the challenge to put all of these factors to the set. The first jungle stage might seem like a retread of the arcade and Nintendo Entertainment System classic, but things go over the top (just like the Stallone movie!) with ice train chases, high-tech labs, and other exotic locales. There’s even tweaks to classic sections like the vertical climbing levels, always setting out to keep us on our toes. The average stage clocking in at approximately 10 minutes too – just enough time to make a bombastic entrance and exit.

This system proves to be fair for the most part, with reflexes and pure skill proudly shining through after all these years. Players will have to contend with a lot of bullets at any given time, and while the default system is a bit more lenient compared to the 80s originals, players will still have to bring their AAAA game to survive.

However, there were some cheap hits with the general way Contra: Operation Galuga is designed. By using a 2.5D perspective – 3D graphics on a 2D plane – we found that it can be hard to determine hitboxes in certain scenarios. There were also select sections where the perspective and even the direction changed, making our initial go-around a bit of a slaughter. Again, triumph comes from practice, but there are times we just can’t claim “skill issue” in good faith.

Just be warned that Contra: Operation Galuga is a short mission, clocking in at around two hours and change during our initial playthrough. The title is $39.99 as of this writing on Steam; while it encourages replayability, it does prove to be a bit light on content – even if it does support up to four players.

The soldiers of Contra: Operation Galuga have the right moves for this mission, but the steep cost, short length, and awkward perspectives lead to a less-than-perfect execution.

Contra: Operation Galuga Review

Reviewed On: PC
Release Date: March 12, 2024
MSRP: $39.99
Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PC
Developer: WayForward Technologies
Publisher: KONAMI
Alternative Reviews: GamingBolt, Player 2, Video Chums
Aggregate Scores: Metacritic, OpenCritic

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Kira Buckland Interview: The Voice of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s Jolyne Cujoh Shares Her Thoughts on Voice Acting

Featuring a resume that spans the worlds of anime, gaming, and Twitch streaming, Kira Buckland is a standout voice actor in the space today. During FanimeCon 2024, Gamers Heroes sat down with her to talk about her wide range of work, cats, and how she engages with her “cowmunity.”

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Minishoot’ Adventures Review Sat, 06 Apr 2024 14:02:46 +0000 The Legend of Zelda series of top-down titles is pretty rad. So is the shoot-em-up genre and its endless stream of bullets.

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The Legend of Zelda series of top-down titles is pretty rad. So is the shoot-em-up genre and its endless stream of bullets.

SoulGame Studio’s Minishoot’ Adventure dares to imagine a world where these two genres come together in perfect harmony. Does this hybrid go together like peanut butter and chocolate, or should these two genres keep separated?

Minishoot’ Adventures Review

At first glance, Minishoot’ Adventures seems like your typical top-down shooter. You’re piloting a ship, can maneuver in 360 degrees of motion, can fire at will, and can even take down other ships through a stream of multicolored bullets.

However, things aren’t what they seem; this title features a fair amount of exploration. Players will collect heart pieces, trigger switches, collect keys, upgrade one’s abilities via a skill tree, and can even pinpoint where they want to go. There’s even breakable pots and boss rooms as players take on the Unchosen and his minions – sounds like the adventures of a little green elf, right?

These two concepts might seem at odds with each other, but Minishoot’ Adventures is wildly original. The idea of traveling across an overworld and discovering secrets might seem unorthodox, but exploring a world while putting our skills to the test was a thrilling feeling. Note that there are “Explorer,” “Original,” and “Advanced” modes with different firing modes to match, making Minishoot’ Adventures suitable for all styles of play.

Players can make a beeline for the main objective on the map, but players can also come across distress signals and ships that have lost power along the way. There’s also collectibles like Golden Scarabs, a leveling system with a skill tree, and other perks that can make your shipling is the best shipling to ever ship.

Just note that the puzzles in Minishoot’ Adventures do not require a ton of heavy lifting. Some segments require exploration while others require clearing out a set room, but don’t expect anything too complex. This is far from a dealbreaker considering its focus on the action, but those looking for the depth that comes from the Hero of Time’s adventures with multiple items and floors will need to adjust to this brass tacks approach.

That’s not to say Minishoot’ Adventures is an easy title; far from it. Between the sections where players need to carefully navigate a chasm while big ol’ bullets come from the top, racing a spirit to the finish, or even freeing an old friend, this is one title that will require players to get acquainted or crash and burn. Without a suite of items these battles can feel a bit limiting, but muscle reflexes serve as a suitable substitution.

Taking inspiration from a little green elf, Minishoot’ Adventures combines bullet hells and exploration to create something truly unique. This title might not be the toughest or most compex title on the market, but the feedback loop between combat and exploration kept us captivated.

Minishoot’ Adventures Review

Reviewed On: PC (A digital code was provided)
Release Date: April 2, 2024
MSRP: $14.99
Platforms: PC
Developer: SoulGame Studio
Publisher: SoulGame Studio, IndieArk
Alternative Reviews: Buried Treasure, Movies Games and Tech, GameGrin
Aggregate Scores: Metacritic, OpenCritic

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Kira Buckland Interview: The Voice of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s Jolyne Cujoh Shares Her Thoughts on Voice Acting

Featuring a resume that spans the worlds of anime, gaming, and Twitch streaming, Kira Buckland is a standout voice actor in the space today. During FanimeCon 2024, Gamers Heroes sat down with her to talk about her wide range of work, cats, and how she engages with her “cowmunity.”

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Million Monster Militia Review Fri, 05 Apr 2024 12:37:32 +0000 Variety is the spice of life in Million Monster Militia, providing sheer chaos with its synergies. While it takes some getting used when it comes to what goes where, those hankering for a good roguelike deckbuilder will enjoy positively obliterating these titans.

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The team at Space Capsule Games, together with Dejobaan Games, is featuring a crew wilder than your local DMV with Million Monster Militia. Promising 140 trillion custom game modes in its recent update (yes, really!), should players enlist for this battle for ‘Murica?

Million Monster Militia Review

Set in the not-too-distant year of 2073, players will encounter a world where the US is under attack by colossal titans like the cleverly named “Burny Sanders” (and his dog) and “Chonk Demon.”

Enter the player, who has the ability to enlist players every turn, throwing up to 25 recruits headlong into battle. However, while players start with five run-of-the-mill civilians, they quickly amass a veritable army of animals, vegetables, and minerals (signified as human, beast, monster, item, construct, demon, and so forth).

Each one has their own perks too. Whether it be damage multipliers, buffs, or golden goo, players will encounter common, uncommon, and rare findings every turn. No matter what they choose, players will have six different ones to choose from each roll.

Therein lies the fun of Million Monster Militia; its sheer variety. Early runs will feel a bit awkward, with players not quite knowing the benefits of stacking giant rats or a Power Pellet. This randomness is made doubly so when it comes to how militias are deployed; it can be hard to tell where each one appears on the 5×5 grid, and there are some that might be detrimental to others when placed next to one other. Nothing worse than a run coming to a screeching halt, all due to some good ol’ fashion destruction.

However, getting the right items each run, figuring out how to stack them, and making sure the right things are adjacent to each other is a thrilling feeling. In a way, it scratches that strategic itch, all while finding out that there are some downright wild possibilities. As the team puts it in the tutorial text, “synergy” is key!

Just note that while variety is the spice of life, it also takes a bit to get the hang of. Roguelike deckbuilder fans will absolutely love the round-based, turn-based deployments, and a vertiable wealth of options, but those less weaned on the genre might not quite appreciate the benefits of learning which buildout works best.

There are some standbys that can help get players out of a pinch in one’s run. A Mayday Button dishes out 10x the damage from the last turn once per run, while Internal Affairs, Electromagnetic Pulses, and Rerolling can also work in a pinch.

Variety is the spice of life in Million Monster Militia, providing sheer chaos with its synergies. While it takes some getting used when it comes to what goes where, those hankering for a good roguelike deckbuilder will enjoy positively obliterating these titans.

Million Monster Militia Review

Reviewed On: PC (A digital code was provided)
Release Date: August 17, 2023
MSRP: $4.99
Platforms: PC
Developer: Space Capsule Games, Dejobaan Games
Publisher: Space Capsule Games, Dejobaan Games
Aggregate Scores: Metacritic

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Kira Buckland Interview: The Voice of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s Jolyne Cujoh Shares Her Thoughts on Voice Acting

Featuring a resume that spans the worlds of anime, gaming, and Twitch streaming, Kira Buckland is a standout voice actor in the space today. During FanimeCon 2024, Gamers Heroes sat down with her to talk about her wide range of work, cats, and how she engages with her “cowmunity.”

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Pepper Grinder Review Thu, 04 Apr 2024 14:48:15 +0000 Pepper Grinder is anything but a grind, letting players drill through land, sea, and air with relative ease. While we would have loved to see more content - and more bosses in particular - this title proves that it’s the pirate’s life for us.

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With some pep to her step, Pepper and Grinder hit the scene in Ahr Ech and Devolver Digital’s new platformer Pepper Grinder. Should players cut through its world like a knife through butter, or is her drill a little rusty?

Yes, there will be puns.

Pepper Grinder Review

When the pirate pepper has her treasure stolen, she doesn’t go without a fight. With her trusty drill Grinder, she sets out to turn anything and everything that stands into her way into a nice purple haze.

Said Grinder drill manages to outclass Milwaukee and Makita at their own game. With it in hand, Pepper is able to drill through select substances with ease, gliding in and out like it was water. While the turning radius is a bit broad, this ends up leading to a general flow to levels where players pop in and out of sections with relative ease. Pepper Grinder’s controls are responsive, leading to a truly unique style of play.

On that note, this drilling mechanic comes into play with some creative setups. One section has players navigating a sky world where balloons can’t be popped, while another makes use of cooled off magma to turn into new drilling platforms. While Pepper Grinder’s worlds aren’t too out of the ordinary – you’ve seen most of these level tropes before – the way the drilling elements come into play changes the way one approaches its drill bits. 

Pepper’s drill is truly versatile (with the environments to match), but there are plenty of other tools of the trade for some good ol’ fun and games. Weaponry with unlimited ammo pops up at select points, requiring players to shift their way of thinking. In addition, there’s also vehicles like snowmobiles that pop up for some high-speed action – just the thing to break things up. If anything, levels are brisk with plenty of action and no chance to catch one’s breath; just the way we like it.

However, Pepper Grinder’s greatest strength is in its boss fights. While there are only a handful to speak of, the way they require players to utilize both the gameplay and the environment itself is a real treat. 

It’s just a shame that this title’s over before it even begins. While it took us a bit to get through the trickier sections, we rolled credits after a few hours. Players can also collect Skull Coins in each level (some of which are expertly hidden!), along with Time Trials, but we were hoping for something akin to a grading system.

Pepper Grinder is anything but a grind, letting players drill through land, sea, and air with relative ease. While we would have loved to see more content – and more bosses in particular – this title proves that it’s the pirate’s life for us.

Pepper Grinder Review

Reviewed On: PC
Release Date: March 28, 2024
MSRP: $14.99
Platforms: PC. Nintendo Switch
Developer: Ahr Ech
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Alternative Reviews: Cultured Vultures, ZTGD, Checkpoint Gaming
Aggregate Scores: Metacritic, OpenCritic

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Kira Buckland Interview: The Voice of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s Jolyne Cujoh Shares Her Thoughts on Voice Acting

Featuring a resume that spans the worlds of anime, gaming, and Twitch streaming, Kira Buckland is a standout voice actor in the space today. During FanimeCon 2024, Gamers Heroes sat down with her to talk about her wide range of work, cats, and how she engages with her “cowmunity.”

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