Assassin's Creed: Unity GuidesGame Guides

Assassin’s Creed Unity Cafe Theatre & Social Clubs Guide

Assassin's Creed Unity Cafe Theatre Guide
Shortly after arriving in Paris you’re given ownership of the Cafe Theatre. This Assassin’s Creed Unity Cafe Theatre & Social Clubs Guide includes information on the missions that you can unlock, the rewards they can give and the potential upgrades to your Cafe Theatre. I missed a couple of the earlier upgrades so if you recall the details, please post a comment and I’ll update the guide along with credit for your support.

Generally it is also worth renovating any new buildings & properties that you encounter as the missions unlocked in return nearly always offer more valuable rewards than the initial cost of the renovation. If you know of any that we’ve missed, please add a comment and we’ll update the guide and give you credit.

[blogger ids=’40255′ cat=” orderby=’date’ order=’desc’ count=’3′ descr=’350′ readmore=’1′ rating=’1′ style=’date’ border=’1′ dir=’horizontal’]

It is wise to proceed through this element of the game at the earliest opportunity as the income increases and is rewarded over time. So the earlier you have access to all the renovated buildings and the profit they produce, the better. If you’re struggling to find the cash to renovate new buildings, you can complete missions within the Cafe Theatre as these also increase income and are free initially.

Huge thanks to Chris Giddings for his contribution!

Assassin’s Creed Unity Cafe Theatre Guide

Assassin's Creed Unity - Where Is The Cafe Theatre
Map of Paris showing the location of the Cafe Theatre
Upgrade: Ground Floor
Price: 100

Upgrade: Hall
Price: 400
Requirements: Complete previously unlocked missions

Upgrade: Exteriors
Price: 1000
Requirements: Complete previously unlocked missions

Upgrade: Upper Floors
Price: TBD
Requirements: Complete previously unlocked missions

Upgrade: Finishing Touches
Price: TBD
Requirements: Complete previously unlocked missions

Assassin’s Creed Unity Social Club Renovations

[columns count=’2′] [column_item] Building Name: Cafe De L’lle De La Cite
Location: Palais De Justice
Renovation Cost: 500 Livres
Unlocks: Social Club missions Bridge Brigands and Marart’s Missive
Total Rewards: 900
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]

Building Name: Cafe Du Marais
Location: Temple, Le Marais
Renovation Cost: 5000
Unlocks: Social Club missions Artful Dodger, Breaking the Habit and A Dramatic Exit
Total Rewards: 3900
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Building Name: Cafe Du Louvres
Location: Vendome Le Louvre
Renovation Cost: 1500
Unlocks: Social Club missions Retribution for a Rabble Rouser, The Black Office, Betrayer of the Queen
Total Rewards: 15,700
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Building Name: Cafe Du Ventre de Paris
Location: Halles Ventre de Paris
Renovation Cost: 1000
Unlocks: Social Club missions Hoarding Hostages, Cat Food On A Hot Tin Roof, Let Them Eat Hay
Total Rewards: 2300
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Building Name: Cafe Du Quartier Latin
Location: Faubourg Saint-Germain, Le Quartier Latin
Renovation Cost: 1500
Unlocks: Social Club missions Cafe Procope, Roux’s Remains, An Engaging Egyptologist,
Total Rewards: 3900
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Building Name: Cafe La Biévre
Location: Sorbonne, Saint-Jaques
Renovation Cost: 10,000
Unlocks: Social Club missions Extortion Contortion, Chouan Riddles, Bara’s Funeral
Total Rewards: 10,000
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’] Building Name: Cafe Les Invalides
Location: Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin
Renovation Cost: 10,000
Unlocks: Social Club missions Spiked Bourbon, Special Delivery, Smoky Yet Robust
Total Rewards: 62,000

Assassin’s Creed Unity Social Club Missions

[accordion initial=’1′] [accordion_item title=’Cafe Theatre’] Mission: Marat’s Missive
Rewards: 400
Players: 1
Requirements: Cafe Theatre Ground Renovations

Mission: Bridge Brigands
Rewards: 500
Players: 1
Requirements: Cafe Theatre Ground Renovations

Mission: Colette
Rewards: 400
Players: 1
Requirements: Cafe Theatre Ground Renovations
Renovations: Adds Rooftop Terrace

Mission: Auto Da Fe
Rewards: 500
Players: 1
Requirements: Cafe Theatre Ground Renovations
Renovations: Bookshelves & Books added to Cafe Theatre

Mission: Damsel In Seamstress
Rewards: 1400
Players: 1
Requirements: Cafe Theatre Ground Renovations
Renovations: Actors in Cafe Theatre get new costumes

Mission: The Queen’s Necklace
Rewards: 2500
Players: 1
Requirements: Cafe Theatre Ground Renovations
Renovations: New curtains in the Cafe Theatre (Oh yay!)

[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe De Llle De La Cite’]

Mission: Bridge Brigands
Rewards: 500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe De L’lle De La Cite
Renovations: None

Mission: Marart’s Missive
Rewards: 400
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe De L’lle De La Cite
Renovations: None

[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe Du Marais’]

Mission: Artful Dodger
Rewards: 700
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Marais
Renovations: None

Mission: Breaking the Habit
Rewards: 2500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Marais
Renovations: None

Mission: A Dramatic Exit
Rewards: 700
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Marais
Renovations: None

[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe Du Louvres’]

Mission: The Black Office
Rewards: 2500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Louvres
Renovations: None

Mission: Retribution For A Rabble Rouser
Rewards: 700
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Louvres
Renovations: None

Mission: Betrayer Of The Queen
Rewards: 12,500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Louvres
Renovations: None

[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe Du Ventre de Paris’]

Mission: Cat Food On A Hot Tin Roof
Rewards: 800
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Ventre de Paris
Renovations: None

Mission: Hoarding Hostages
Rewards: 700
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Ventre de Paris
Renovations: None

Mission: Let Them Eat Hay
Rewards: 800
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Ventre de Paris
Renovations: None

[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe Du Quartier Latin’]

Mission: Cafe Procope
Rewards: 700
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Quartier Latin
Renovations: None

Mission: Roux’s Remains
Rewards: 700
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Quartier Latin
Renovations: None

Mission: An Engaging Egyptologist
Rewards: 2500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Du Quartier Latin
Renovations: None

[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe La Biévre’]

Mission: Extortion Contortion
Rewards: 2500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe La Biévre
Renovations: None

Mission: Chouan Riddles
Rewards: 2500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe La Biévre
Renovations: None

Mission: Bara’s Funeral
Rewards: 5000
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe La Biévre
Renovations: None
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=’Cafe Les Invalides’]

Mission: Spiked Bourbon
Rewards: 12500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Les Invalides
Renovations: None

Mission: Special Delivery
Rewards: 12500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Les Invalides
Renovations: None

Mission: Smoky Yet Robust
Rewards: 37500
Players: 1
Requirements: Renovate Cafe Les Invalides
Renovations: None

[/accordion_item] [/accordion]

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter


  1. There are two social clubs which cost 10,000 Livres to renovate.

    Cafe La Biévre located in Saint-Jaques and Cafe Les Invalides located in Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin.

    I have renovated all but these two so far.

    However I’m earning nothing from them yet. I tend to explore before I do much story work and I just sort of happened across the ability to renovate these places. It’s good to know having done so will benefit me quickly once I unlock the Cafe Theater.

  2. Also, when you unlock the Social Club Missions you can view them and their rewards in the progress tracker. That might help flesh out the Social Club Missions section of this guide.

  3. I can’t seem to find the Café Theatre. I am in sequence 4 and renovated 1 social club already, still no sign of it. Any help on where the Theatre is?

    1. I’m not 100% as I blitzed through the start pretty quickly but I’m 90% sure I unlocked it during Sequence 4. Keep going and if you haven’t found it by Sequence 5 I’ll try and figure it out 🙂

  4. When do I unlock the social clubs? I’m 4/5 complete with renovations to the cafe theatre, and have only seen one social club I was able to purchase. I’m at the beginning of sequence 5

    1. The Captain is right. The Cafés will appear as RED building markers on your map when you’ve Synced. The marker turns white once you’ve purchased/renovated one.

  5. I need help! The first cafe theater mission isn’t showing up. I am approaching Colette but there is no interact icon where she is. I’ve renovated everything and bought many other social clubs. I’m only making about $32 every twenty minutes.

  6. I’m not sure if anyone else has encountered a bug with the Café Procope mission you get in the Cafe Du Quartier Latin once renovated.

    I’m able to complete two of three tasks in the mission, the third is beyond elusive.

  7. hi anyone can point out where I can find the maid in one of the mission? I am in the area but I can’t find that person. Big Thanks.

  8. when you do the mission that gets you kicked out of the creed what happens to your cafe do you still have it

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