Factory of Monsters Review

Official Score
Overall - 10%
It’s not like the designers of this game put much effort into things - this title can be completed in its entirety in around 30 minutes. There is a side mode with some short levels that last around a minute, but this is hardly the main attraction.
The “officer of Star Troops Su Anya” fights beasts from all walks of life in TSN_Game’s platformer Factory of Monsters. However, what this development team concocted is one mess of a game, slapped together to make a quick buck.
Factory of Monsters Review
[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’]Amidst all of the broken English and Chinese text taking over the screen, there is a “Story Mode” to be found in Factory of Monsters. Players will be able to experience the tale with poorly designed sprites, images ripped from other games, and random chevron insignias. Though it does not make much sense, the objective is simple – get to the end of each stage and destroy everything that gets in your way.
To accomplish this lofty goal, players are given an electromagnetic weapon and the ability to punch and kick. However, these two methods of attack are so poorly designed, it’s a wonder they even got past QA. The sprite of the main character is large, and though she can duck, shots do not always line up to each enemy. If an enemy is off screen, the bullets will not connect either – this is especially problematic, because baddies move fast and the camera is zoomed in.
Failing that, players can get up close and personal with some melee moves. However, getting the one you want is tricky, as the attack button can do one of three different things. Hitting it one time delivers a punch, a second time uses the other fist, and the third has the character do a kick. Some enemies are knee height, but the hit detection is so wonky that even that does not work as it should. Even if you land a solid blow on a baddie, it’s not like that will slow them down in any way.
Each of the bad guys just wanders around from one point of the screen to the other, without a care in the world. Occasionally there will be an evil red snowflake or a “fire dragnon,” but most are just stock sprites without any animation to them that are twisted and contorted to show movement. One boss battle has a sprite that is completely different from the main game (see image above) – it is a stark contrast to the rest of the game, and comes across as incredibly lazy.
It’s not like the designers of this game put much effort into things – this title can be completed in its entirety in around 30 minutes. There is a side mode with some short levels that last around a minute, but this is hardly the main attraction.
Factory of Monsters is a broken game that will waste the time of all those who stumble across it. Don’t bother playing this one, even for a laugh – this is one dud of a release.
[infobox style=’success’ static=’1′]This review of Factory of Monsters was done on the PC. The game was purchased digitally.[/infobox][blogger ids=” cat=’honest-game-reviews’ orderby=’date’ order=’desc’ count=’4′ descr=’200′ readmore=’1′ rating=’1′ style=’image_large’ border=’0′ dir=’vertical’]